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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Apparently I misread. I apologize.

  2. Oh I can make a comparison to that. Take in consideration that when the Crucible was written, it was DURING the Red Scare, the author wrote it for the purpose of relating it to the Red Scare. There is a lot of symbolism towards it as well. Witches represented communists, as during the Red Scare, they wanted everyone to snitch on communists, just like they wanted people to snitch on witches back in the Salem Witch Trials. They both account towards the fact, that these trails were unfair, such as in the trials, someone accused you of being witch because you acted differently from the rest, where in the Red Scare, if you were accused of being communist, you were put on trail. If you knew someone who was communist, or even suspected of being a communist, you were accused as well. This was much like the trials. Another interesting thing is that Americans believed communism would end their way of life, as did the puritans to the witches. Both incidents involved punishment towards innocent people as well. There's a T.V. show called M*A*S*H that takes place during the red scare, and I believe there is an episode where one of the officers is accused of being a communist. Maybe that will assist you in the writing of your essay?
  3. Rome was very influential on all things, that much is true. Also there are legal methods I have to go through, not to mention a person I would like to convince to come with me after she graduates. And of course no hard feelings. Like I said, I hold no grudges, it just wastes both of our time.
  4. I've read "The Crucible," would you like some insight on what I thought of it?
  5. I think you really should look this up, because it wasn't because they became Christian, that's just discriminatory. It was because they forced everyone to follow one religion, which is completely different. They took away people's right to freedom of religion. America is certainly NOT based on that. America was based on the Roman justice system. It was not based on Rome itself, with possibly the exception of architecture, but even then we have our own style. Also, those other countries had just as big an influence as Rome did. The idea of a limited government came from England, as they were the first to have a limited government. Also, YES France, because they had VERY similar laws to England, not to mention they had their own revolution after ours to get a limited government. America looked to see what worked. Also, I can't just LEAVE a country as a minor first of all, as I'm not going to throw away my education, and sneak into another country. I plan on doing it the legal and smart way. Saving money, having a good education under my belt, and going through customs, as my parents don't simply move to another country to please me, nor do I ask that of them. By the way, that just says it didn't include Rome in it's borders, it's referring to the CITY of Rome. The empire was the remains of what used to be the Roman empire, the part with Rome became the Byzantine Empire.
  6. Yes, we based off it's ideals in the sense of it's law system, but really the Holy Roman Empire is a sign of how their empire fell, and became tainted. If we were based off of that, we'd be doing the same thing in due time.
  7. Incorrect, AMERICA uses more oil. Look it up. I also said I was planning to leave, so there was no need to say that. I'm not afraid to say it, "I hate this country, and I want to leave." Lastly, if Rome was so great, then why did they fall apart? That's right, because they couldn't control their own empire, and lost half of it. Then the Roman empire became the "Holy Roman Empire," and converted to Catholicism and led their country into the "holy wars," killing thousands for their beliefs. Yeah, Rome is amazing isn't it? Also America was also based on Greece, and France, and England, as when creating the constitution, they asked to get books of all the laws of other countries, as they wanted to base their country on the laws of other limited governments.
  8. You can't say it's a better health care plan though, because you don't use the current one. I'm saying you do not endure these "hardships," that Americans do. You can't help change something that you don't even experience, because you only know what needs changing from what you're told. This is why only AMERICAN citizens can vote. Americans don't tell you how to run Canada, or who to elect. Also I think it's COMPLETELY relevant. AMERICAN politics, I think is a subject, where being AMERICAN should be considered.
  9. I'm fine actually.

  10. I mostly won't hate anyone, if anything the worst I do is ignore them. I don't hate them though, I just disagree with their actions so much that I don't bother letting them get to me. However even then I forgive. So don't think just because it looks like I disagree with a lot of things you say or do, that means I hate you, or have it out to get you. If there is at least one person here who will love you, it'll be me.
  11. I wouldn't have it any other way Metal Arc.

  12. Some of you, I have yet to have the pleasure of talking to, but I hope for that to change sometime in the near future.
  13. I just felt like sharing, that I love all of my friends, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I love you all, unconditionally. If you commit wrong, I more than likely will forgive you, I believe in my heart you are all good people, and that all deserve a chance. I don't hold grudges, and I'm not afraid to speak my love. So yes, I love all of you. Just felt like sharing, as I was in a good mood.
  14. I am really disappointed when people come into these kind of threads, or make them with a "internetz seriouz bidness," attitude, and think they are cool for doing it, because other people with this same careless view encourages it. I understand it's the internet, but that doesn't mean you have to go about acting like nothing matters. People here are real people, not machines, you must be considerate of them.
  15. Either way, you're making light of the situation. And Metal Arc, I don't think it's appropriate to call someone out on such a thing, especially unprovoked.
  16. So, what do you plan on doing when you get better?

  17. Just because worse was done in the past doesn't make it right. If someone steals two things from a store, does that make it okay to steal one, because it's less than the last person? No. There's people who were IN the army here. It's just not funny, it's disrespectful, and even borderline offensive.
  18. Well that's good, I hope you get well soon.

  19. This is a step too far, men and women in the army DIE for us, and you're going to joke about the army? Rather disrespectful.
  20. Quite alright, and yourself?

  21. Cynthia


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