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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Well, I need to get a DVD burner, so I can try this game.
  2. I will say I think my hands are pretty though, that's about it...
  3. I just think she's adorable.

  4. I didn't claim to have any of those things, besides a female avatar for the record... I have no gender set... It's really just a matter of what you envision me as. You can address me as he or she, and that is fine.
  5. I love Leanne, Elincia, Mist, Mia, and Micaiah

  6. Well anyway, I'm undecided on relationships really...
  7. I absolutely love Leanne.

  8. It's nice to see you again.

  9. I wasn't aware I was so desirable to people here...
  10. Oh, that's sweet フアイヤ. And to add to that, I just want to say that really dating me is a bad idea, I am too dynamic. I'm not the same person day to day, and people seem to be irritated by that, not to mention I'm rather uni-gendered, then again maybe that's what you want.
  11. I assume Masu plays the Japanese version, however is there some kind of English patches or hack translations that make it just a little easier to understand?
  12. I have no reason to "flame." or give people hard time just for the sake of doing it. Treat others as you would like to be treated, I suppose.

  13. Happy birthday darling!

  14. What reason do I have? It won't get me anywhere.

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