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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I'll see you soon.

  2. Little fun fact, this group was nicknamed the anti-emo force four by my friends, thus they claim Chikaru, (The black haired one) is like me. A little about Chikaru: She enjoys various activities, and loves clubs. She's an eccentric person, and has many strange hobbies, but always has a smile on her face. Very little can affect the care free Chikaru, even in times of great depression, she can keep her head up. That remains so true, as the entire series she never once complains, cries, or even panics.
  3. Good, and yourself?

  4. Farthest to the right, my friend is going to go as the one with the teddy bear.
  5. It seems I get more from pretty much just being in an area of controversy....

  6. I can't sew, however I have a picture of what it looks like: Farthest right is what the sweater looks like, and the others show what the corset looks like without it.
  7. Pretty good.

  8. And I'm quite proud of how it'll turn out. It's a cosplay outfit that will be based off of Strawberry Panic, and I plan on wearing it to an anime convention in June next year, and I'll be using it as a night outfit, so I have something to walk around the house in when I don't feel like getting dressed in the morning.
  9. On the way you're going, you'll end up getting yourself banned before you even decide to leave...
  10. Well if that's the case, I wouldn't give myself all the credit on that one, as others contributed towards speaking to such people. Others like Metal Arc, Revan, even you Athena.
  11. Forgive and forget, simple as that. Why carry a grudge for something so pointless? You want to look back ten years from now and say you were willing to give up friends over foolish pride that didn't get you anywhere?
  12. I'm not voting, but I sense there's something bothering you tonight, perhaps you want to talk about it? I'd be happy to listen.
  13. Agreed. Anyways for what it's worth I'd say Masu was kind enough to really look out for me and give me a warm welcome. I am forever thankful.
  14. You said you do not read what I say, therefore obviously you wouldn't care what it says. Also that means you wouldn't be able to reply to me, or this topic as that requires reading what I say. So either you're lying or contradicting yourself. Honestly why are you so worked up over this?
  15. Well no offense to anyone, but I detest the whole, "internet serious business," attitude, and don't see why people encourage others to use it to flame, insult and torment.
  16. Thank you Luxord, it's nice to speak to you.

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