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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I don't think it's ridiculous, and I'm not offended, I'm just disappointed as you are usually more mature than that.
  2. I know. Well I have to get going, I love you, and I'll see you later. *Kiss*

  3. Well, be sure not to give him too hard of a time.

  4. Well I love you both.

  5. Hello Faiya.

  6. Good morning.

  7. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    All opinion, not fact.
  8. Hello, it's nice to see you.

  9. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    That really wasn't necessary. I'm a little disappointed such a thing would come from you.
  10. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Except you need a passport, and to get one you have to be 18. And you need money, and that takes time to save up. Not to mention my parents can just force me to come back if I'm not 18. It's not as simple as you make it sound, because it's NOT simple.
  11. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Except my parents, the government, and lack of money...
  12. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I apologize for steering this so far off topic, that certainly wasn't my intention. Getting back on topic now. I don't support either candidate really, however if either is elected, I'm not going to cry and complain. Edit: Like it or not, I have to live here for the time being. I'm not debating who is a better candidate, I'm saying we should all work on being better people, what's so wrong about that?
  13. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Now I am curious as to where the candidates stand on such an issue.
  14. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I think we can make this relevant to the topic again by asking ourselves how can we fix this problem without drastically limiting people's freedom? That I think pertains to the first amendment, so I guess this is in a way on topic. (Although lightly...) I think though that if we all work on having some decency, we can avoid having rights limited.
  15. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    The internet is MORE public than a restaurant...
  16. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Even when comedians use them, it's in hate. Sure they get some laughs out of it, but you're going to take advice from someone who tells jokes for a living? Pitch me a sentence where you are talking to me, where you use the C word and it isn't offensive to me. Let me SEE this one.
  17. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I think we should move this to Far From the Forest, as the original discussion is long lost...
  18. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I disagree. There is NO acceptable reason for the forum to allow the N word. As I can't think of a way to use it without it discriminating someone, which is against the rules.
  19. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I think I can get my message across without foul language. I'm sorry, but we should all do our part to be considerate of other people who don't want to see foul language all over the place. I can totally agree on ignoring it, however people make TITLES with the F word in them, and there's no kind of warning when a post is going to contain a lot of foul language. As much as it doesn't bother YOU, it offends some people, and we need to be considerate of that, and keep it to a moderate level. I see MANY users at least TRY to keep it down, and that's all we can ask of them. Some people don't though, and that's a problem as there is no optional censors on the site. This is a problem because there ARE new members it could be offensive to, and it could push them away from the site. Plus if what you're saying is what you think, that means it's okay to go around saying the N word, and the C word, as they aren't censored, so you apparently have the right to say them. Just because you have the RIGHT, doesn't mean you should. Getting back on topic, I think that McCain and Obama are great politicians and all, but really, I think it's a little too early to be praising one of the other.
  20. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Freedom of speech has been limited a lot you know? For example if it disturbs the peace, or causes an obvious harm, it is limited. Just because people HAVE rights, doesn't mean they should be abused, as that is exactly why they limit them, and people complain after. I think being a little considerate isn't too much to ask, it's called respect, a long time ago it came before yourself.
  21. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Or people can at least TRY to be considerate. I don't expect to take my kids to some public place and expect them to get used to people swearing just because they have the right to do so. People should TRY to be considerate at the very least. Also I think this topic shouldn't have been made until AT LEAST the debate was over...
  22. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    Accidental double post*
  23. Cynthia

    Debate Mark III

    I for one don't like seeing the F word every other post, and in signatures, and everywhere I look. Does that mean we don't care about people coming, or the people who already here?
  24. I really think we should cut down on the swearing here. I understand it's not a rule, and freedom of speech and all, but let's try and set a good example at the very least. I'm not saying never swear, but I am saying to be considerate, some people don't like to see the F word in every post.
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