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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I am going to be doing a more spiritual thing for Halloween.
  2. Good morning.

  3. We should talk more, you and I. I'd love to get to know you better.

  4. You asked how I was earlier, it was just a late reply.

  5. Well I'm just stating this because I am not sure at what date this will occur, so in the event I am not online for a while, you'll know why.
  6. I'm pretty good.

  7. Well retaining to the subject, some of you may know that I detest living here with my family, so it's better for me. Although I'm not one to run away.
  8. Well it was about life in general as well. So I threw it here.
  9. Just thought I should give the heads up, there's a chance I might go inactive sometime in the near future, as I've been planning to transfer to another school, and move out of my parents house. The move has been a long time coming, as I don't like my parents rules, and more than likely will result in me having to leave my current state, to decrease their chances of coming after me. I'll be living with a close friend hopefully. Anyways, just thought I'd give the heads up, as this could happen any time within the next 1-8 months, so I have no idea when it could happen.
  10. That to, as Americans did a lot of what the countries before them did. Our laws are even based on others' laws.
  11. Good morning.

  12. I would say we did a lot, but a lot of it isn't exactly to be proud of.
  13. I'll send it to you tomorrow, good night.

  14. Oh no, you were fine.

  15. Oh, I told you before I wasn't offended I just had to go, that's all.

  16. I have no idea what I'd do if I woke up as Leanne, but all I can say is I would never own a mirror, seeing how beautiful I would be would be too much to handle constantly.
  17. Welcome back, love.

  18. You say it as though my presence makes all things better...
  19. I'm not exactly the icon of wonder and awe myself.
  20. Well Metal Arc, I would assume girls would love to be with a gentleman like yourself.
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