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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. You seem to make a habit of pointing out how we're different Metal Arc, we really are the same in a lot of manners too don't forget. :) Also it's not meant to be mean, just giving a second possible explanation. I know I haven't done anything note worthy myself.
  2. I didn't as I don't see the need... I think my friends know what I think about them without announcing it.
  3. Cynthia

    Photo Thread

    This is really for any photos. It can be of your cat for all I care.
  4. Cynthia

    Photo Thread

    Got some real life photos you wish to share? Maybe a story behind them? Well to get things going here's one I took of my friend James: I remember him saying he looked like a hippie after this was taken.
  5. Why thank you, I didn't know you thought about me like that.
  6. Well they make sense, but as always it's always nice if anyone has any videos, as I'm a visual learner. I learn by watching and doing.
  7. You are most helpful Wist, perhaps we should have like a topic dedicated to level of hacking with this kind of references?
  8. My bad, damn typos, and he has the Misa avatar.
  9. Where can one who's never hacked before learn to start? I mean the ones available are great and all, but they really can be a tad confusing to someone who has no hacking knowledge. Some people don't know anything about Hex Codes and such, is there or can some people make some VERY simple step by step guides, or references to just educate people who want to learn?
  10. I'll try to be on, if not I'll leave you a message at the very least.

  11. Hopefully I'll see you tonight, love.

  12. Thank you, love.

  13. I really don't care anymore, I have a deal where my mind deletes useless information or quarrels. I'll be okay really.

  14. Alright, that's good. And thank you, I made that on a slow day, and I'm a huge Strawberry Panic fan.

  15. Alright, I'll have to get a sprite sheet for that, do you happen to have a base sheet I could use?

  16. Well you can have him do one, and me do one, and if I like his more you can go with his alright? Is it Fire Emblem 8?

  17. I argue with myself internally, and sometimes externally, even carrying on conversations of myself. A typical conversation would go something like this, and keep in mind I use my nick name to refer to myself, and Cynthia to who I'm arguing with: Toka: What now...? Cynthia: Just go around the backside it's easier. Toka: The last idea I went with from you wasted three hours of my life... Cynthia: Just trust me you moron...
  18. I can do that, and save them some work.

  19. I suppose I could do that, shall I make a character portrait and sprite myself?

  20. Good morning.

  21. Cynthia

    A Step Too Far

    At least I'll graduate soon, that's what's most important to me right now, is graduating on time.
  22. I'm not sure, could go either way. I really don't want to argue though, it's a waste of my time.
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