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Everything posted by Faye

  1. I've asked a few friends of mine who only played all the current Smash games, and only 2 of them (out of, like, 7 friends) mentioned Ike. 8U Just saying people see things differently.
  2. I'm used to Lucina, she's fine. But I am still miffed over My Unit's inclusion. 8U I hope they are like Villager where they have variety. I always disliked My Unit's default appearance, especially F!My unit's hair.
  3. Well, I was forced to eat my own words. 8U My friend and I debated for HOURS over Steam, and I was thoroughly convinced Lucina wouldn't be chosen over Chrom. And friggin MY UNIT is in. I just hope you can customize them like Villager. 8U
  4. This thread is bullshit, everyone knows Chrom's one true love is Village Maiden. People do what they want, shouldn't that be answer enough? \o/
  5. F!Morgan is a bratty jerk. Torturing Yarne when he was clearly NOT wanting it, ruining Laurent's manuscripts because she was bored, I just can't stand her selfish and stupid behavior. M!Morgan is a sweet, derpy sweetheart in comparison. I'll take M!Morgan any day.
  6. A little late, but my mains are/were/will be: 64: Mario, Kirby, Ness, and Fox Melee: Mario, Marth, Young Link, Pichu, Zelda, and Dr. Mario Brawl: Mario, Marth, Toon Link, Zelda, Lucas, Pit, Fox, Falco, and Kirby. Smash 4: Mario, Marth and Toon Link for sure. Considering Pit, Rosetta, Palutena, and Sonic. I'll be sad if Lucas doesn't make the cut. I'm hoping Purin gets cut, though, I hate Purin, he doesn't deserve a place in Smash anymore.
  7. I know I'd rather have Chrom than Lucina. 8U
  8. I didn't know there was a Wii Rhythm Heaven. D: It's not a bad game, certainly, but it never really worked out for me for some unknown reason. But if there is a Wii one I will hunt it down, maybe my opinion will change.
  9. I'll be severely disappointed if Chorus Men actually do make it in. 8U; I never liked Rhythm Heaven that much, it just didn't click with me. I suppose it won't be THAT bad though.
  10. I'm quite relieved to hear confirmation that the young man in the trailer is our hero. The day they let Zelda be the main hero is the day I stop playing TLOZ. 8U It sounds weird, but I really can't get behind the idea where you play as someone other than Link in a main Zelda game.
  11. Wow, $20 for the Amiibos? Each? 8U My college offers free snacks at certain times of day. I don't neeeeeed to eat at home right...?
  12. I'm hoping Falco comes back. D: He was a sub-main since Melee, I'll be sad if he doesn't return.
  13. I think the fact that there is a skin-tight-outfitted Samus in addition to Power Suit Samus is sexual fanservice. But that's just me being prudish, I suppose.
  14. I was excited at first until I saw it was beefcake Ike. :/ Gah, I hated Ike's beefcakeness from Radiant Dawn, why couldn't they reuse his more handsome Path of Radiance look? Oh, well... I'll keep my fingers crossed for Chrom.
  15. Faye

    E3 2014

    I'm rather excited for this year's E3. Looking forward to that Zelda title the most; PLEASE it the hero be like Majora's Mask Link.
  16. I'm more miffed that they're just edited My Units. :/ If you're gonna pay money for them at least give them their own unique models.
  17. I go Grandmaster solely for aesthetic reasons. Even if there is a better class option, nothing beats that badass long coat. I always go with swords, since My Unit usually hides behind her support partner (her husband, her son, or Chrom), and since she's STR+, swords are better. If I'm gold farming, though, I go with tomes since it's faster.
  18. I really like Sumia's 「クロム様」 She sounds so cute.
  19. Since Walmart is one possible, horrible, rotten father for Morgan, it's safe to say he's not a Risen.
  20. I rather like Binding Blade, I hope we go with that. D:
  21. Every time someone says this about the Chrom/Sumia pairing, I want to throw my textbooks across the room. Did anyone here even READ their supports?! Pies may have had a prominent appearance, but it was not the whole of their supports. It was about Sumia taking care of and looking out for Chrom, who's too busy to look after himself since he has to lead an army. In the A support, pies only get things started; the rest of the support is Chrom worrying about Sumia this time, feeling about for bringing her into war. The two talk and bond and worry over reach other; it had NOTHING to do with pie. The S support of the English one is just plain awful, and I can see this is why everyone thinks Chrom/Sumia is "lol pies". Everyone, just ignore the S English support and watch soc's video translation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8yitS05BHw. When I think of Chrom/Sumia, I think of the Japanese S-support; I hope everyone else can, too. The pairing is very cute and deserved more than what the localization did to it.
  22. My opinion has changed vastly, it's hard to describe it accurately without going off into rambling tangents. But overall I still love Awakening and everything about it; it's not perfect, but it's still the best Fire Emblem game as of now.
  23. So conflicted. 8U Want that Licht keychain, and that Sumia one, and that Severa one...I want all of them. But Licht has priority. SO GLAD he gets the keychain treatment!
  24. This is real darn impressive. 8U I wish I could help out somehow, but for some reason Miiverse hates me.
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