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Everything posted by Faye

  1. I just want waifu/husbands to return, period. :v It was cool to play matchmaker with the entire army.
  2. Cordelia doesn't mention Chrom at all in her S-Support with Kellam, at least... It would be sad, though, if there was a person who liked Kamui who couldn't support with Kamui.
  3. Here's what I'm guessing: Marx and Ryouma: 27-30 Camilla: 25-27 Aqua: 20-24 Hinoka: 18-21 Kamui: 17-20 Leon and Takumi: 15-17 Elise and Sakura: 13-15 Aqua looks like she's a bit older than Kamui.
  4. I'm really liking a lot the designs so far. Especially M!Kamui, I might actually go with the default look if I don't find a better combination than that. Other than Kamui, I'm really digging Leon. Looking like a blonde Marth really helps, Leon is just so handsome and cute at the same time.
  5. Maids and Butler sound so hilarious, I can't wait to try them out.
  6. It doesn't bother me, I prefer playing as a guy 99% of the time anyway. This is a silly thing to complain about.
  7. I actually love the idea of Phoenix Mode. I'd be willing to START on Lunatic, instead of easing my way through Hard Mode like I did in Awakening. :v God, but so many people complaining like morons over Phoenix mode...you DO realize it's optional, right? If you don't want to use it, don't. Just don't get on a fucking high horse and act like you're superior because you don't like a feature you won't use. Jeez, just live and let live!
  8. Maybe purple hair is even more recessive than blonde hair in this world. It can happen, I have three younger siblings and I'm the only one that has red hair and hazel-green eyes compared to my sibling's brown + brown. So Camilla might still be a blood relative of Marx, Leon, and Imouto, even with purple hair.
  9. There was that scene in the trailer with some unfortunate dude getting BOMBARDED by fucking arrows. 8U; Shocked me pretty good at least, showing such a violent death on screen, even if we do not see it directly, only from behind the victim. If there are more violent cutscenes like that, wouldn't surprise me that it would merit a higher rating.
  10. Aqua? I hope she has a secret evil twin named Magma. Stupid joke aside, I was not expecting her name to be something so...simple. 8U It will take some getting used to, but it's not AS bad as it could be. I guess.
  11. If the dancer has it, and Kamui needs it, maybe it's why he's strangling her? :v
  12. In no particular order: Ricken, Henry, Chrom, Lon'qu, Sumia, Mirel, Inigo, Severa, Cynthia, Owain, Laurent, Noir, Tiki, Olivia, Lucina, and Yarne. The rest I'm neutral on, and the only characters I dislike are Kjelle and Excellus.
  13. I did enjoy FE:A's characters, they were interesting in their own way, even with the gimmicks per character. I'm hoping this game will be even more memorable.
  14. I hope they return, they were one of my favorite things about Awakening.
  15. I'm real excited for this game. :D If things go well, it will be the first Japanese Fire Emblem game I own that wasn't obtained through dubiously legal means.
  16. I'll definitely import, I'd never be able to stand waiting until 2016. 8D; Might be smarter to get a game with furigana like New Leaf, since a text-heavy game like Fire Emblem would be hard to understand with only 3 years of continuous study.
  17. 8U Default male Kamui is very cute, but I hope we can change what age we appear as. Shota/Loli My Unit forever.
  18. I personally really love Kazuki's style, even the designs I don't like. It's a hell a lot better than FE11 and FE12 at least. 8U Katarina looks like cheese until Kazuki drew her as a Tactician.
  19. So...Fire Emblem going the Pokemon route with two games for the price of one? On the bright side, it does seem like it really will be 2 different games. I'm on Team Nohr for now, but like with Pokemon I'll be getting both so we'll see which I end up liking better.
  20. Hoping to hear about FEif and possibly Star Fox. It's been a while.
  21. I can't wait for this game to be released, it's just so cuuuuuute gosh. xD I smile when I see those little inklings.
  22. I'm a dirty old woman, so I had decided on marrying Ricken early on. 8U My second FeMU file I married Henry, cuz he's funny. My first MaMU file, I married Lucina.
  23. "Dumb-looking phone games"? Speak for yourself, Plants vs Zombies 2 has excellent and very cute sprites and genuinely challenging gameplay. It's not a story-telling epic, but there is still a good degree of strategy involved. Not every mobile game is shovel-ware garbage. Going into mobile gaming would be the smartest thing for Nintendo to do right now. Most people nowadays don't have time to sit before a console for hours on end, especially with college/school or work (or both). On long bus and train trips, and those rare moments of rest during breaks and between classes, those who don't have a 3DS will most likely play a mobile game to pass the time. Candy Crush, anyone? Mobile games easy pick-up-and-play nature with little emotional attachment are far more inviting. Plus, just about EVERYONE has a phone. If NIntendo indeed goes into mobile gaming here, it'll be the best decision they made next to remaking Majora's Mask.
  24. Seems legit, though I wouldn't have ranked ALL the children before Olivia, Sumia, or Chrom.
  25. I am very excited for Splatoon, so I'm happy it's looking very likely Splatoon Amiibos will be a reality one day. I've seen some amazing custom Amiibos. 8U I need to learn how to do that lol, I want my Smash Amiibos to wear the same costume I use in Smash 4.
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