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Everything posted by Faye

  1. I've read that Sticker Star is actually the most well-received (or the most selling) Paper Mario game in Japan. Not sure how true it is, but if that is the case, it's a common thought that the Japanese fanbase is the only one that matters. It's not, but it sure does feel like it sometimes. :V
  2. It's definitely a joke term for 99% of people who use it. Like, I married Ricken and Tsukuyomi, solely because they are cute and young. For me it's just funny that you as a full-grown woman can marry someone who's 14 at the OLDEST. That doesn't mean I'd take advantage of a child in real life. I want to date someone younger than me, but not THAT young. 5 years is a healthy cut-off. It's all in good fun, pretending to have these fictional relationships.
  3. Your performance of "Lost In Thoughts All Alone" was simply spectacular, I was hesitant about the English version of the song til I heard it. Thank you for being here with us!
  4. Somewhere in here: http://www2.pegasusknight.com/wiki/fe14/index.php?%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%81%E7%B4%B9%E4%BB%8B I heard it's the best place to catch Japanese script of Fire Emblem games. :V
  5. Ooh, that Elise Nenodroid is so cute. I may hold off on purchasing unless a Sakura one appears as well. Dat Kylo Ren though...if a maskless version comes out I'm definitely getting that.
  6. I could have been fine without Skinship, but no dual audio? Augh, even if it's not NoA's fault, it's definitely a deal-breaker for me. Glad I can stick with the Japanese one...
  7. Obviously my favorite localized name is Crimson -> Scarlet, hurhur. the joke is because my full online moniker is "faye scarlet" But on a serious note, a lot of the names were very hit or miss, but I'll get used to most of them. Except for Tsubaki, Nishiki, Suzukaze, Kazahana, and Mozume. It's incredibly insulting that NoA thought Westerners would look at those names and go "dear lord how do i pronounce that!", severely underestimating the intelligence of their audeince. Ugh. I refuse to even use the localized names.
  8. I can't help but wonder if Benny's name was changed due to a certain infamous wrestler that shares his Japanese name.
  9. I've been wanting to try this game so I do hope we see a stateside release. It's a shame most people just see the all the anime and go "nope". I think it looks a bit more interesting than that.
  10. Camilla always looked to be in her mid-20s to me, 24-27 is my guess. Same with Hinoka. I also think the Eldest brothers are in late 20s, or 30 at the oldest. Leon/Takumi could be 16-17, Kamui is 18, and Sakura/Elise are 14-15. Those are my guesses. :v
  11. I still really hate the Hoshido name changes. What moron decided "Subaki" was a good idea? It sounds HORRIBLE. And yes, there is a major difference between that dumb name, and "Tsubaki". Tsubaki is what god intended, it's a real friggin' name. Kazahana is such a pretty name, shortening it just makes it seem like they think most of the Fates audiences are morons, and it strikes a nerve with me.
  12. mfw my Hoshido wife and husband placed 27th and 25th place respectively. :< At least my Nohr husband Leo ranked #1, and Flora ranked #8.
  13. I voted for, and will continue to vote for, Tsukuyomi and Flora everyday until it's time. But I don't have high hopes, it's friggin' obvious that the royals will dominate the poll. OTL Oh well...
  14. I hope he doesn't get dubbed. :v The CodeName STEAM voice is horrible. After 15 years of Marth exclusively speaking Japanese voice clips, I'd prefer it stay that way.
  15. MFW my Hoshido husband has the most hated votes. 8U How much is because of Shara? I am sad lol. Looking through supports and characters, I can say I really don't like Pieri. Seems very childish and annoying, how could she be allowed to get away with killing servants while under Marx's employ? Just ugh....
  16. Thanks, you too. I hope I don't keep you guys waiting TOO long now. 8D; Updated the OP with new links, and uploaded a ton of sheets. All the kids non-Kamui parents (save for Velour and Kinu) should be all done, and I've started on My Unit hair colors. Velour and Kinu are pretty low on my priority list due to their hair color being a single tuft. I can get to those once the rest are done. Right now the plan is this: My Unit Hair colors for every child sans Kanna M/F, Kinu, and Velour. THEN Kanna M/F. THEN Kinu and Velour. I may even get more done tonight since I am not tired. It's 4AM, sleep is for the weak. Enjoy the hair colors!
  17. Well shit. :v Wish I knew about this earlier, theirs looks FAR neater than mine. And if they were using sprites ripped from the game rather than using Photoshop, they might be just like mine. Ehh, I hate leaving projects half-done, but I'd still want to finish if it turns out they did the sprite coloring themselves rather than the game's actual sprites. I went through their blog, they talk about using color codes, making me think they didn't use actual game sprites. But that's just me being insanely precise, since I'd rather use the game's sprites than edit in Photoshop.
  18. Oh, this I didn't know...I thought every pairing was possible in 3rd Route. Whoops. Hm, I'm thinking I should now add a note or something to each image detailing which aren't actually possible in-game. I don't see these colors in the Amie sprites folder, well, no, some of Kamui's colors might work for these. I'll see that I can do. :D
  19. 7/28/2015: Added new sheets, and updated a few ugly old ones. Namely, added a huge red dot next to certain names. The red dot means the hair color is not possible save for hacking. Sometimes skills and classes aren't the only things that decide who to pair up; hair colors can sometimes be just as important. Want to know how each child looks with which pairing? This thread is for you! Understand that I used sprites ripped directly from the game, and put these together via Live2D, screencapping, and Photoshop. And oddly enough, the siblings have hair color options for their siblings in the game's files. Like, Foleo has sprites for Camilla's hair color for instance. I'm sure it's just there in the event of someone hacking S-ranks between blood siblings, cuz as far as I know, actual blood siblings can't marry each other. :v For the sake of being thorough, I've included them. Just FYI. I'll get to ALL the children, even My Unit hair colors, eventually, so I ask for your patience as I get these out fast as I can. I will update the OP as I go. If you spot any errors, let me know, and I will fix them. I am sorry the images are not transparent, I do not know how to save transparent Live2D models. Colors So Far Deere (Kamui) Deere (Not-Kamui) Eponine (Kamui) Eponine (Not Kamui) Foleo (Kamui) Foleo (Not Kamui) Gray (Kamui) Gray (Not Kamui) Hisame (Kamui) Hisame (Not Kamui) Ignis (Kamui) Ignis (Not Kamui) Kanna F (Kamui) Kanna F (Not Kamui) Kanna M (Kamui) Kanna M (Not Kamui) Kinu (Kamui) Kinu (Not Kamui) Kisaragi (Kamui) Kisaragi (Not Kamui) Lutz (Kamui) Lutz (Not Kamui) Matama (Kamui) Matama (Not Kamui) Matoi (Kamui) Matoi (Not Kamui) Midoriko (Kamui) Midoriko (Not Kamui) Ophelia (Kamui) Ophelia (Not Kamui) Shara (Kamui) Shara (Not Kamui) Shinonome (Kamui) Shinonome (Not Kamui) Siegbert (Kamui) Siegbert (Not Kamui) Soleil (Kamui) Soleil (Not Kamui) Sophie (Kamui) Sophie (Not Kamui) Velour (Kamui) Velour (Not Kamui)
  20. Seems to be the fastest way. This works. But I have noticed something while putting these sprites together. I think Rinka and Elise have the EXACT same hair color. Unless whoever ripped the Amie sprites made a mistake or something somewhere, there is literally no difference between Rinka and Elise's hair color. When I used the color-picker on their hair color's sprites, I got the exact same results. I am sincerely hoping it's not an error I've made somewhere, but after checking the children I have already finished, I can say with certainty their hair colors are exactly the same. Which is slightly disappointing, but eh. What can one do? The chances of me being done by Saturday tonight was actually rather optimistic of me. :v So actually, expect them by Monday. I hope no-one has beaten me to the punch somewhere, because I will cry.
  21. Random out of the blue question, but does anyone know if there is an easy way to "right click save as" for Live2D Assets? "OTL I've been compiling sprites all night of every hair color possibility using Fire Emblem Amie sprites ripped by others, so that people may see at a glance how a child will look with a certain hair color. But it is such a tedious task, since I have to screencap and do a lot of copy/paste/crop/etc, and I want to take a break at this rate. 8U; If there is an easier way to save the Live 2D image without screencap, that would be a miracle. I'm off to melt my eyeballs and take a break for a bit.
  22. I haven't played nearly enough to make an opinion, but honestly:
  23. I'd love both to become staples of the series. :v Even if it doesn't fit, it's fun. I just hope there will be unique children, instead of copypastas again.
  24. I've been slowly putting together an accurate image chart of the children's hair colors taken straight from the game via Live2D assets, hopefully so people won't be confused. Yes, even Kamui. If people don't mind waiting til Friday (or Saturday), I'll have it up by then.
  25. This came out of nowhere...I am truly sad. I've played NIntendo games very since I was like 4 or 5. They've been a part of my entire life thus far. Iwata has done so much for the fans. May he rest in peace.
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