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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. There have been so many stories that just about everyone can be considered cliched.
  2. What matters is what bunny was talking about.
  3. Yes, he can. For damage output vs Ashnard, Giffca > Naesala (he doubles) >= Tibarn
  4. and I would recommend this: Ike: B Oscar, A Soren Soren: A Ike Mist: A Titania, B Boyd Boyd: B Titania, B Mist Titania: A Mist, B Boyd Rhys: A Mia Ilyana: B Mia Mia: A Rhys, B Ilyana Tormod: B Sothe, A Reyson Reyson: A Tormod Oscar: B Ike, A Kieran Kieran: A Oscar Astrid: A Sothe Sothe: B Tormod, A Astrid bolded changes and removed the parenthetical stuff, which was fail. Ilyana-Mia B --> A is +5 hit and nothing else, so that's a fail support. Leave it at B. For the rest, why leave people with B supports when they can have As? In the case of Reyson-Tormod, Reyson doesn't benefit from this support setup, but it's better for Tormod. Sothe-Tormod B --> A is +2 avoid and 5 hit. vs Tormod-Reyson B --> A, which is +1 atk and 5 hit. 1 atk vs 2 avo? I'll take the 1 atk, kthx. It's also faster.
  5. ...no. Lances don't even make up 50% of enemy weapons, let alone the near-100% that this implies. quite untrue. Boyd's skill cap is 28, and he has a 50% skill growth. Kieran also has a 50% skill growth, though a 26 cap. Compare that with Ike, the guy with (I think..) the highest total growths of non-prepromo/laguz units, who also has a 50% skill growth and a 27 cap. Really, only swordmasters and snipers have higher skill than axe d00ds. Actually... this game's snipers and swordmasters don't have higher skill growths...
  6. Bors can be solid on normal mode. He's an absolute failure on hard.
  7. No one has been doing that that I can tell. At least since your last post. With "best" meaning character most likely to be the best or character on average the best, then there most definitely is a best. With "best" meaning character who is the best every single time without exception, then no, there is no best.
  8. Yeah, you can. It's called probability. Math. 100% accurate. I'm not trying to assert my opinion on who's best as fact. I'm simply saying that a best character does indeed exist.
  9. I also don't care about what "count in debates". Whoever is best is best after everything has been taken into account, random variation included.
  10. ...Wow. How many times am I going to have to tell you the same thing?
  11. See, the thing is... Shinon is on a high level, while Leo is not. Leo catches up once he reaches the same level? Sure. But that doesn't happen until endgame.
  12. More like who doesn't like Mak a lov. This guy is awesome.
  13. Reikken


    Oh, I see. Then you should have clarified or shouldn't have said "never".
  14. Reikken


    She won't be able to use it right away, of course, but she's obviously going to gain enough levels to promote if you're using her.
  15. Reikken


    wtf If you're using Astrid, of course she'll use Sol. Also, Sol makes me a sad panda. skl/2? NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo................
  16. Reikken


    No, they're plenty good enough for endgame. They may not be as good as a stat-up-abused/level-up-abused/superlucky-on-levelups Astrid or Fiona, but they are certainly "good enough".
  17. What does using Titania have to do with using a more varied team? btw, as far as combat units go, loads of paladins is all the variation you need. They get all the physical weapon types, and they have other benefits as well, like high move, re-move, use of the Knight Ward, and an actually decent occult skill. Some flying units and a d00d-with-massive-attack (i.e. Boyd) can also help. of course not. No one is. This game isn't hard enough for that.
  18. Reikken


    looks like you posted before I finished editing my post... And no, Astrid's max level average spd is about 3-4 points below her cap.
  19. Reikken


    not with blossom, she won't and caps don't matter when you don't reach them Also, "slightly" is a huge understatement. FE9 Astrid needed like 1 chapter's worth of bexp to start double-attacking things on hard mode. In FE10...yeah... And, as already mentioned, innate skills don't ensure anything since they can now be transferred.
  20. Reikken


    Being able to double attack endgame (if you can level her up that fast...) vs getting double-attacked earlier in the game while also doing fail damage and always having fail def. I would peg her as by far one of the worst paladins in RD. Bottom tier, even. She doesn't even reach her speed cap on average.
  21. eh wot? Silvers are too expensive? What else are you going to do with that ridiculously large sum of money you have? and this... ...is untrue. She stays quite pwn throughout.
  22. If you're going to sell it for money or something, then yeah, those other things are better. Otherwise, no, not really.
  23. Forrest is technically definitely not a hero.
  24. "though there are things 100% provable" only mathematics Once you venture outside of pure numbers, I don't think anything is. "There's more going against Titania being the best than there is going against a piece of paper being made of wood." ...and?
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