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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. Reyson and Leanne are two of my favorite characters, and Rafiel comes in on the other end. For usefulness in their non-endgame chapters, Leanne > Rafiel. The terrain is terrible for Rafiel in his DB chapters, and it's also harder to protect him due to all your units struggling to even protect themselves. Meanwhile, Leanne pretty much doubles your player phase force in 2-P due to you only having 2 decent attacking units, and her canto and ability to fly is nice in 2-E and even moreso in 3-11.
  2. Transformed Reyson actually has durability, unlike the other two. He has good spd for not getting doubled and for avoid, and he has decent hp/def. And he has +2 move over Leanne, 3 over Rafiel. For Leanne vs Rafiel.... Having neither flying nor canto and also having losing move by 1 when transformed is bad, but getting all 4 allies is nice. Hm. I dunno which is better overall, but Rafiel is better for more flat open maps, and Leanne better for maps with various obstacles since those obstacles both impede Rafiel's movement and make it harder to get all four tiles. I haven't gotten to endgame 4 or 5 yet, but 1-3 are pretty open, so Rafiel wins there.
  3. I got Jill and Nolan promoted just barely. (hard mode)
  4. Steel axes are worthless. Forge an iron axe with the same might (and more hit and less weight), and it's cheaper per use.
  5. If it weren't, you would only use one unit (the one that surpasses everyone else), so only logical answer anyone can make to that is "Yes."
  6. So yeah...with best tomes, they're both about one-rounding whatever they double, as enemies have terrible Resistance. Where Soren is better, it's not by much. :/ Two examples typical lv 1 warrior: 10 AS, 41 hp, 6 res typical lv 1 paladin: 14 AS, 33 hp, 8 res Ilyana has trouble getting enough power to kill warriors and enough spd to kill paladins, while Soren can one-round them with room to spare for a little RNG-screwage.
  7. Reikken


    Yes And it usually is.
  8. Reikken


    The formula is on this site, so... yes, I do know the formula. I even made a calculator for it: http://reikken.awardspace.com/FE67ExpCalculator.php
  9. Reikken


    Only if the character is underleveled. At least on hard mode. Enemy levels don't go up much, so you're fighting enemies at level 7 when your party is level 15 or so, and that gives you 7 exp for a kill.
  10. Ok, I understand it now. What happens is that for a low growth, the stat is more likely to deviate down (slightly... like 42% vs 40%), but when it does deviate up, it's more likely to deviate by a greater amount. And the inverse for a higher growth. That stuff about the average being lower than the average is quite wrong, though. The average is the average and therefore cannot be lower than the average. I don't know what you were trying to say, but what you said isn't right.
  11. takes about eight times as much effort as just typing some close guesses
  12. If by "screwed", you mean get less than the average, then no, that's not true at all. You're more likely to gain a point that not, yes, but that's why the average is lower. If you were more likely to gain less than the average, then that wouldn't be the average. If you mean something else
  13. Resolve > Paragon > beast/bird/dragonfoe, celerity, pass, adept, pavise > stuff Also, Flare > lots of others > Astra, Deadeye, Lethality > Bane
  14. Considering that you get like 400 every chapter... no, not really.
  15. Kieran's spd is actually slightly higher than Oscar's. (starting out, anyway. Kieran's base is higher by about 1, but Oscar has a slightly higher growth, so he wins by about 0.5 at the end. Not that spd later on matters at all, what with the Knight Ward and all.)
  16. Reikken


    btw... Impossible. The first guiding ring doesn't appear until after Lucius joins.
  17. Yes. It's just that he's INCREDIBLY AMAZING early on and stays decent enough later. His spd will be utter garbage later on, but fortunately for him, this game's average enemy AS is extremely low. Not that he can double everything or anything like that. But he can DA a fair amount. And he has decent str and has good durability thanks to his class and supports. I wouldn't use him after the early chapters, but doing so is not a bad idea.
  18. Reikken


    Kent equips a javelin, rescues d00d you don't care about, and moves into attack range of a brigand. Just for an extreme example. You can always give yourself damage; that's no problem.
  19. all-mounted is the easiest run ever
  20. Everyone else uses 10k. 50k is only 40k over that, so it's 40k. Of course, since you can't evaluate a character that doesn't exist, but they don't need to both be fielded at once. That makes no sense.
  21. Oh ok... Nino helps exp rank. (not that a support that late really matters...) -40k is not a fatal blow. And there's nothing stopping you from using two snipers (Rebecca and Louise), especially when Louise comes with that A with Pent making him that much better. and is also essentially +10k due to being already promoted. fix'd
  22. When you get him, equip the Knight Ward on him and give him ~500 bonus exp (or more if you want) (and then give the KW back to whoever you want to have it), and he should be alright.
  23. say what? Kieran doesn't support Ike. He supports Oscar and Marcia (and Rhys). Oscar supports Ike, Kieran, and Tanith.
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