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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. The topic post says nothing about ranks.
  2. Because everyone is always playing for ranks, right? Also, -40k is not a fatal blow. And it doesn't even matter at all if you're not playing for ranks. And there's nothing stopping you from using two snipers (Rebecca and Louise), especially when Louise comes with that A with Pent making him that much better. ...what? You'll have to explain what you're talking about, because none of that has any relevance as is.
  3. Nope. She has a pretty good support list. Lowen: Rebecca is his best support, easily. That's #1 on his list. Fire-Fire is full offense, and offense is what this guy needs most. Sain: Rebecca or Serra. Either one. Serra's affinity is more defensive while Rebecca's is offensive. Raven: Fire is basically a superior version of wind (avo >>> crit avo), so Rebecca > Priscilla. Additionally, all these characters you claim are always played and always supporting these units actually may not be played (!) or may be supporting other units (!!!). A good example of this is Priscilla. Many people don't like using both healers, so if you're using Serra, as you're assuming... Also, Priscilla has lots of good supports, best of which are Guy and Erk. She also has Lucius and Oswin, aside from Raven. So Raven very often, or even 'usually', gets no support from her. Conversely, all these "Not played." characters actually may be played (oh snap!). Mostly Dart, since the other two join late anyway. ...and Will is one of Lyn's worst supports. Florina, Kent, Hector, and Eliwood are all better due to actually giving her that avo/def she sorely lacks while Wil doesn't, and still giving her the atk (except Hector). Saying Wil gets a Lyn support while saying that Rebecca can't get any of her supports sounds pretty biased to me.
  4. Oscar has better defense. Kieran has better offense. Since they're both superinvincible once they promote (high hp, high def, high avo, and even Sol), Oscar's defense lead doesn't matter much anymore, while Kieran's offense win still does since they still can't kill everything in one round of combat. Therefore, Kieran is better.
  5. http://serenesforest.net/fe10/average/calill.html Calill's Arch Sage class has a 30 lck cap.
  6. It barely comes into play. When it does, it matters, but not as much.
  7. It's actually stuff happening with the GM team that's suggesting 1. Like Oscar missing twice in a row with 90 displayed hit, for example.
  8. Indeed.


    ...What's your personal photo pic of, btw?

  9. Reyson I don't like the way Rafiel looks. looks like someone's homophobic
  10. Reikken


    Without tactics, you can make use of the arena as much as you want, making funds and experience almost a non-factor.
  11. Indeed. This summarizes what I think of her quite well. If she has any other personality traits at all, they're buried so deeply under that one quirk that I can't find them.
  12. Reikken


    The cool part is that that's a pretty normal Rebecca (again, skill aside).
  13. Reikken


    Meh. Tactics rank is the only one that makes it hard. Without having to go quickly, everything and all other ranks become much easier.
  14. Reikken


    That Rebecca has beastly skill and pretty good luck. The other stats aren't too far from her averages. Rebecca's combat paramaters are amazing later in the game. She's just limited by her class and has weak stats early on.
  15. The truth doesn't care about people's opinions. One of the two parties is wrong.
  16. Reikken


    Your tactics rank is crying.
  17. Depending on what you mean by "best", it could indeed make you wrong. I'm not saying that you are, just that it's a possibility.
  18. Reikken


    lolh4x spd and I don't think he bothers with the names.
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