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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. ilu Yeah, Glorfindel is fucking awesomely awesome, but pretty much everything in the Silmarillion is crazy epic anyway. And Furetchen, yes, you must read it.
  2. I would post a farewell, but I'm too afraid might warn me for it.
  3. Casting without verbal components would simply slightly increase the Skill Point cost of said spellcasting. Summon Bigger Fish would have three levels. The first level would be a 25 point ability simply allowing you to Summon a Bigger Fish with absolutely no control over it in any way. It may well attack you. The second level would be a 75 point ability allowing you to Summon a Bigger Fish that will target all other creatures with greater priority than you or your allies. The third level would be a 100 point ability, allowing you to Summon a Bigger Fish that will under no circumstances attack you. However you need to take special skills if you want to protect yourself against foes with any skills in Critic, be it Film Critic, Literature Critic, Comic Book Critic or otherwise. As for your repair questions, if you have someone willing to use their repair skill for you, by all means utilize it to its full capacity. We are not hindered by Main Character Only bullshit here.
  4. Operation, of course. This would likely be a 50 point advantage, considering it requires some mental might to utilize correctly. Certain factors however become limitless with this capability. A 50 Horror Rating? That's mighty disturbing. You could kill with that alone. What's the INT threshold? See, the whole thing is based upon your use of it. Some guy might just use it to give himself, say, a larger fist with increased mass. This would generate very little horror rating. However, if you, say, made your body out of a square that had 5 right angles, and 13 even sides, connected on 3 planes with a 1 sided hexagonal prism, well, that would be a mighty high horror rating there. Truth be told, few could withstand the sheer mindcrushing power of seeing all that you know and love in your reality being raped before your eyes. It would require incredible training, mindlessness, or a mind so warped and twisted it is capable of understanding such things.
  5. Operation, of course. This would likely be a 50 point advantage, considering it requires some mental might to utilize correctly. Certain factors however become limitless with this capability.
  6. How big could I get with 'Otherworldly Geometry'? Depends, do you simply utilize Otherworldly Geometry, or do you operate under it?
  7. So there's no associated Horror Rating? You need some Horror Rating if you're going to pull off a good villain. No, no horror rating. As I said though, being French has its own effects. You could always take Horrible Fashion Sense, or, alternately, Impeccable Fashion Sense if you want the Horror Rating.
  8. Short and Robotic are both neutral traits, with both advantages and disadvantages. French nets you 50 bonus points, with the downside (or upside) that you automatically gain Aura 5: Cheese Stench. What if I take a madness? How many points could I get for 'Acrophobia' or 'Psychotic'? And what sort of check would Stench 5 entail? Would I get a Horror Rating? Psychotic would net you points on a sliding scale. It's the difference between wanting to punch out people who look at you wrong and stabbing a fire poker through their skull for wearing orange. Ranges from 10 to 50 points bonus. Acrophobia would be about 10 points bonus. Stench 5 deals constant choking damage to anyone around you, with a decreasing effect as it radiates outwards. You cannot turn the ability off. Ever. By the way, Stench is in addition to the obvious disadvantage of being French.
  9. Short and Robotic are both neutral traits, with both advantages and disadvantages. French nets you 50 bonus points, with the downside (or upside) that you automatically gain Aura 5: Cheese Stench.
  10. I dunno if I'd call it a dungeon, but I guess there is that cave cyclops joke going around, huh? 8] I cast Evard's Black Tentacles!
  11. I've been a Dungeon Master for years. I was partially self taught, but I was also instructed by various other people involved in the trade. I believe I have learned some of the most valuable skills in Dungeon Mastering, such as how to be just hard enough, while also just soft enough. How to give enough freedom to enjoy, but use enough control to enhance the pleasure of the experience. I also know how to mold my approach exactly to the person I am working with, creating a situation that ensures maximum enjoyment from both parties. Are you sure you're talking about being a dungeon master here? In my 20 years as a (somewhat) mentally stable woman, there is only one thing I can think of that that description would apply to! Nonono, it applies to being a Dungeon Master of any kind. They're actually not too bad.
  12. In real life? Do it online, or just go around your local game shop/high school/mormon temple/socialist convention/conspiracy theorist convention. Or a games convention. But seriously, mormons are a really good bet, I have yet to meet a mormon online who didn't play.
  13. I've been a Dungeon Master for years. I was partially self taught, but I was also instructed by various other people involved in the trade. I believe I have learned some of the most valuable skills in Dungeon Mastering, such as how to be just hard enough, while also just soft enough. How to give enough freedom to enjoy, but use enough control to enhance the pleasure of the experience. I also know how to mold my approach exactly to the person I am working with, creating a situation that ensures maximum enjoyment from both parties.
  14. 231758901237569801236589012469081435609812475890123475890123750891235409832174089123740891237409182374120389741238906123908612389061238903289507123890567213490561473950981265982317598231047982317^4327058974328905723408957234057203498572309842343248767289436527896279834652749287365071637295613982591782 Depends on how you want to do it? Do you want to utilize bluffing, or magic, or is it some sort of divine ability? Do you have an advanced device to let you do it? I'm thinking a lower level, more unreliable version would be around 20 points, seeing as a fully functioning version could be rather ridiculous. I'll take the 20-point one, and use bluffing. What about the ability to be the spiritual successor to George Carlin? Alrighty. And that second ability will cost 50 points, which I am afraid you do not have. I shall keep it in hold for you though, as it is a unique ability. The barfight ability would likely cost about 30 points. I would consider it to simply be a large investment in unarmed fighting and fighting with improvised weapons. Obviously you would not be completely invulnerable, but no mere man could match your might.
  15. No it doesn't. You have to have the points for awesomeness specifically awarded by me.
  16. Depends on how you want to do it? Do you want to utilize bluffing, or magic, or is it some sort of divine ability? Do you have an advanced device to let you do it? I'm thinking a lower level, more unreliable version would be around 20 points, seeing as a fully functioning version could be rather ridiculous.
  17. Hey all you godmodders out there, I notice you need some organization. That is why I am here. I shall be the Dungeon Master of ALL SERENES FOREST. You may continue to have your petty disputes, however I shall watch over you all from on high. I hereby present to you the Official Far From the Forest Roleplay Rules: Everyone begins as a normal forum goer with no special powers, and 50 Skill Points. If you wish to have an ability, ask me the cost in Skill Points and I shall tell you! In this way, we have ultimate flexibility. Additional points will be awarded for awesomeness. Hopefully everyone will follow these rules and we will end up with a forum full of well organized and structured people who pretend to be awesome on the internet, instead of a random, chaotic, "no u" system like we have today! I shall also compile a list of all people involved, their current Skill Points, and their abilities! Also, I will solve all disputes! Hikarusa: Dragonborn Fighter with Firebreath: 25 SP Furetchen: Bluff (Pass on Blame Level 1), Bar Fighting Master: 0 SP
  18. Flash as Terran, Movie as Protoss. Unless someone decides to do something completely and utterly crazy and probably self defeating and play off race. I remember when Savior tried that. He got obliterated. 8] Saviour almost lost on BNet playing off race. Stork DID lose on BNet playing ON race. But yeah, those games were crazy. I was totally expecting Movie to get completely smashed. Did not expect him to dominate the beginnings of some of those games, and even win one of them. It was just a few mistakes on his part, and Flash's insane macro skill that stood in the way of him getting first place. Movie is much much better than I had anticipated, and than he has really shown before.
  19. We're onto game 4, this has been fucking intense man. Fucking intense!
  20. Flash as Terran, Movie as Protoss. Unless someone decides to do something completely and utterly crazy and probably self defeating and play off race.
  21. I predict Movie will cheese every game, but Flash will still win.
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