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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Please your Torch from my , because of the fact that it's genuinely doing strange things to my . , if this was an adventure, right?, things would be easy. I say yes to that type of thing. Sincerely, again! PS. If you thought that was annoying, well...
  2. Na, I think trolls are dangerous if you're granting them combat advantage because they're brutal scoundrels so they add their strength modifier to sneak attack damage. Well it depends, is the internet using 3.5 or 4e? I mean, I definitely wouldn't want to grant Combat Advantage in 4e, since it's so important, but with the other option my HP is so low a single troll attack would auto kill me.
  3. Speaking of which,why are you only the second best Lucius fanboy ever?It's difficult for me to fathom how anyone could do it better then you. There is another. His name is spoken only in legend and through the mouths of those who have known him. They call him Naglfarslayer.
  4. They aren't bro. They really aren't. Sure they're fun, even good, but they're not these shining beacons of hope in a world filled with shittiness that you keep trying to pass them off as. Seriously man, they're not as good as you keep saying they are. ...This post makes me question your taste in video games... Go ahead bro, go aheeaaaaaaaaaaad.
  5. There was a time when I was the only person who would choose Lucius... bawwwww At least I still love him more than the rest of you!
  6. 1) I'm pretty sure nobody here really cares enough to truly hate you man. 2) lol 3) lol 4) lol
  7. They aren't bro. They really aren't. Sure they're fun, even good, but they're not these shining beacons of hope in a world filled with shittiness that you keep trying to pass them off as. Seriously man, they're not as good as you keep saying they are.
  8. Okay that was rude...don't be such a dumbass... and besides I´m not Mexican...I´m a Honduran and why did you wrote that. If you don't want to read what´s written in here just ignore it!!! He's a troll. Just ignore him, then all will be well. I wouldn't do that if I where you. I doubt you're wearing any armor, so if he catches you Flat Footed he pretty much auto hits, and I doubt you could survive his Full Attack.
  9. I'm in the same business as you, and I'll let you in on a little secret. Now, this might seem strange or harsh, but I find that it is quite effective to get these workers to experiment with various illicit substances that you supply them with. Often they will become dependent on these substances, and thus dependent on you, making them even more loyal and easier to deal with. I know this is somewhat unorthodox, but I am sure it will work.
  10. They really are. Sony and Microsoft spend all sorts of time fucking each other in the ass and trying to kill one another. Meanwhile Nintendo is standing in the background selling crack laced candy to small children and laughing maniacally. Nintendo's also selling candy laced crack to adults now in the form of MadWorld and No More Heroes. Among other M and AO games. Except that those games aren't actually THAT good, and they're hitting a smaller portion of the Nintendo audience than the Nintendo "casual" games, which is like the best marketing strategy ever to rape me in my sleep.
  11. "Remember, burn it into your minds, the memorable name of the man who made you taste defeat today! Jeremiah! Gottwald!" /obligatory
  12. No, they just have magic Banned Membergroup stuff that let's them look banned that I am totally fucking jealous of goddanmit they don't even deserve it, I want some to!
  13. They really are. Sony and Microsoft spend all sorts of time fucking each other in the ass and trying to kill one another. Meanwhile Nintendo is standing in the background selling crack laced candy to small children and laughing maniacally.
  14. None of the conservative talk show hosts are that extreme, ya damn pinhead. ...Okay, Mark Levin might go that far, but still... And don't give me any bullshit like Obama isn't socialist either. If you really believe that, then you don't know what socialism is, because that's EXACTLY what the "public option" he keeps pushing for in the Medicare bill really is. Also, Glenn Beck isn't even a Republican. He's a libertarian. You guys would agree on social matters for the most part. Except most of them are saying completely retarded shit. Ah yes, Nishi rage again. Look bro, Obama is not a socialist by any stretch of the word. The public option isn't really socialism at all. Seriously "a bit to the left of the average American Politician" does not make you socialist by any means. He's still probably right wing. In addition, he even was so much of a pussy that he wimped out and said that the Public Option wasn't even necessary. I could understand if he wanted to nationalize healthcare how someone might go "ZOMG HE'S A SOCIALIST", which, while it would be silly to get so upset about that, would at least be somewhat correct. Libertarians are hilarious.
  15. Dear Little Al, We heard you the first three thousand times you said it. Love, ZXValaRevan
  16. Make sure someone gets Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and all the rest of the batshit insane "Oh my god Socialists LIKE OBAMA are going to kill my grandmother and rape her carcass" crowd.
  17. I might force myself to play it just because it would be a chip on my shoulder.
  18. My favorite unit of all time is the Crazy Ivan. Probably. Well, maybe not. :( But still, it's AWESOME.
  19. Oh yeah Meow the reason I keep telling you 'maybe later' when you ask for sex is because Revan and Kamina are the only ones fore me. ♥ Expected/10. Nishi/2 Lame attempt at a joke is lame. 8]
  20. So Gore Screaming Show is pretty good guys. There is only one rule: KEEP OUT * DELICIOUS
  21. You forgot the part where monsters eat all the Republicans.
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