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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I've always believed you should be able to fuck yourself up on any drug you want, for many of the reasons you mentioned, reduction of organized crime due to reduced funding, freedom, etc. An additional argument that is provided is that if drugs become legalized, the government can tax them (since the price of drugs is going to fall SIGNIFICANTLY due to the fact that they're no longer illegal, which means they can tax them a fair bit). For some areas the amount of money that can be gained through the legalization of these drugs is astronomical.
  2. SO. FUCKING. HARD. I assume you mean favorite VIDEO game. In which case, just barely, I might have to go with: Except the second one. A beautiful game, marred only by the fact that it was released unfinished.
  3. :3 Now I need to dig up some of my pictures. Like that time I raped KotOR with mods and save editing.
  4. Close. YuYu Hakusho. In any event, I am a large fan of anime. I participate in watching it as an almost daily affair, and I find it as another fun hobby to enjoy. Many of my friends have continued to watch various anime from our childhood up until presence, and it's a fine topic to discuss when we hang out. For me, it's up there with videogames and reading. This too. It's something of a hobby. Internet and DnD of course take up a massive amount of my time, so it's not one of my major hobbies...
  5. You'll never fail like common people, You'll never watch your life slip out of view, And dance, and drink, and screw, Because there's nothing else to do
  6. So your dad dies, you think you can settle for a less than ordinary life?
  7. They took 3 years to get out a second season while tons of fans bitched and moaned about how much they wanted one and when the second season finally happens most of it is just the same episode over and over again. The fans bitched for a second season and they got what they wanted. And they're still bitching. This is the greatest second season. The greatest to ever exist. 8] This man speaks the truth.
  8. No, but since you posted this topic, yes.
  9. Alright, now the rest of you guys have pretty weird tastes, anyhow... Lessee, the chick from Van Canto is pretty hot.
  10. And then the story ended again and the next person to continue it is a faggot.
  11. 1) Don't be retarded. 2) This type of thing rarely helps. Back when I was an internet moron and people hated me, you know what I did? I shut the fuck up and slowly changed by observing other people. It wasn't even a conscious change.
  12. No sane reason for them not to be allowed to marry.
  13. You know, I was about to say "What if the woman is black?", but then I realized this was Srs Discussion. Aw, screw it.
  14. Uh, you should kinda specify those are novel spoilers, because people who have just watched up to the latest anime episode may well read that and get massive spoilers.
  15. I pretty much think children should have to wear seatbelts, for the obvious reason, which is that they aren't really experienced enough to make proper decisions about these things themselves, so it's somewhat silly to say they can do whatever they want. Other than that, I'm kind of in the middle here.
  16. Sorry man, but given the history it was too hard to resist. As for your actual post, I agree with you, pretty much. I agree that some people gain a sense of purpose, and whatnot from religion. My answer for the last one is that the religion that benefits society is the one that does not condemn or try to dictate a supreme moral truth that everyone in the world should accept and be bound by. Having as few claims of fact that are in fact completely baseless would also be a massive help.
  17. You seem to not understand the meaning of the world "troll". If you troll, you attempt to provoke a reaction out of people. You clearly tried to provoke me into arguing with you. That is basically what you said, flat out. And I am an idiot for falling for it, but so help me I need to have a bit of fun here, even if I look like a fool doing it. HMMM, well, maybe because this is, I dunno, a topic about the Christian God? Also, please tell me where you think you could possibly see me saying you adhere to anything other than a very vague set of beliefs that covers a whole range. You yourself said that you believe in the "second death", several times. But you just talked about people being brought back from the dead, so really, I'm going to leave it to that. Fucking hell, how did you even begin to think I was talking about all this shit? HOW? I was talking about the fact that people who do "evil" according to God will be obliterated/suffer for eternity (or whatever wacky thing you believe now). Fuck. Really? Really? People shouldn't fight Tyranny? People should just live in pain and misery? You truly believe that we should do absolutely nothing to improve anything on the off chance that the EXACT interpretation of the Giant Man in the sky who has no evidence in support of his existence, and contradicts much of what we know about the universe, exists? Really? Really? I disagree.
  18. Fuck you're a good troll. Alright, I'll play the "rip Phoenix's point apart like any 8 year old child could". Ah yes, because telling your child several times not to put their hand on the fire, and having them do it is completely equivalent to telling people not to do something, then not only not showing that you even exist or can be trusted, but also letting them do it as many times as they want without any repercussions, and then suddenly tell them they're suffering for all eternity (or as you believe, being obliterated entirely) instead of going to heaven. EXACTLY the same thing. Also, fuck, THERE ARE NO SECOND CHANCES ON LIFE. You can't just die and be like "Oh shit I screwed that up, let's try again". Let's have a better example here. Say you are a Father and you tell your child that they are not allowed to eat any of those cookies on the counter You then leave them alone in the room all day with no other food. When you return to find the child has eaten a cookie, you take a kitchen knife and brutally mutilate them, and then whisper in their disfigured ear "I told you you shouldn't eat the cookie!" Evil is a painful lesson? REALLY? Firstly, how about the fact that you know, evil isn't actually an objective principle? What I think is evil is different from what you think is evil, or what other people think is evil. Some people think sodomy is evil. I guess if practiced wrong that could be pretty painful. But as for the rest of your point, fuck you. Seriously. What is so horribly awful about this? When do you think we will learn from this? What are the things we should be learning are wrong? "HAHAHA THE WORLD IS SHIT AND SO ARE PEOPLE, WE ALL SUCK AND REALLY DESERVE PUNISHMENT AND SHOULD SOMEHOW CHANGE ALL THE THINGS WE ARE DOING THAT ARE EVIL BY SOME ARBITRARY DESIGNATION AND DO OTHER THINGS EQUALLY AS ARBITRARY FOR NO PURPOSE WHATSOEVER, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT MIGHT HARM OUR SOCIETY!"
  19. If by "forgot how to win an argument", you mean, realized that arguing with you about any topic is equivalent to fucking a blender in a bathtub, then yes, I guess we did.
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