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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. You're remembering wrong man. :P What happened was that as soon as "averages", "better supports", or "logic" was mentioned in any topic you would get a legion of people yelling at you about how their opinion was infallible. :P But yeah, on the topic, tier lists are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome. I mean, first of all, they generate loads of discussion. Second of all, they can only ever be useful. I don't think anyone just uses all the best characters every time they play, and no one is suggesting you do. I mean, in the end all it really is about is an intellectual exercise.
  2. Harhar. Its so that when I do my traditional "Check for online mods" sweep when I'm about to break the rules, and/or exploit a loophole in the rules, I won't see them. :( THE WORLD IS OUT TO GET ME!
  3. Updated the patch. The link is the same though.
  4. I suspect there may have been some slight confusion. For some people, men yelling while hitting things with robots and making drill puns is the epitome of entertainment man. Well, that and the copious amounts of tits.
  5. That's not all, it also has an increase in bases, etc. But yeah, any suggestions, give them to me. I know. I made a lot of enemy units stronger. I simply made Seth weaker because there is no way in hell I can make units that any other units stand a chance in hell against while still challenging the existing Seth. Now Seth is still pretty damn strong, but nowhere near the obscene level of strength he was before.
  6. I'll check the link again to make sure it's functioning. EDIT: No, download link seems to work for me. Are you sure you're doing it right? The link here is to another topic, and in that topic it has the download link.
  7. Heh. We shall see. Tell me all about how it was after you've tried it.
  8. Basically, I'm trying to create an FE8 that is more in line with RD Hard Mode difficulty. The topic with the download is here, but if you play please give any and all constructive criticism in either thread. I'd love to hear ANY input you have at all. Even if you think this is awful, I'd like to know so I can make it more legitimately difficult. Main differences are significantly stronger enemies, and Seth is now a level 15 Cavalier with a Knight Crest and reduced stats, so that he doesn't kill everything he fights. Please give me any suggestions you have. Any. But if you're looking for things to talk about, then there's these: 1) Should I take away Seth's Knight Crest? 2) Are there any characters you think are even beyond useless now that I should somehow buff to make them better? 3) Are the enemy units overall too strong or too weak?
  9. This hack is pretty much here for increasing the difficulty of FE8 without dramatically altering things. That is, the only character who has actually been altered in any way is Seth, who is a level 15 Cavalier with a Knight Crest and sufficiently reduced stats. Essentially, it's just a much harder version of Sacred Stones. Download link is here. Please give me any suggestions you have. Things I'd like to know especially: 1) Should I take away Seth's Knight Crest? 2) Are there any characters you think are even beyond useless now that I should somehow buff to make them better? 3) Are the enemy units overall too strong or too weak? EDIT: Oh yeah, it's a UPS patch.
  10. Just a quick question, but isn't SF, I dunno, a bit beneath you?

  11. Give this man a donut! We should totally do this shit by tier man.
  12. To be blunt, yes, it probably does make you a hilarious tool. At least several of them. But go ahead and give me the reasoning for each and I will decide on a case by case basis whether each thing was you being blunt or you being a hilarious tool.
  13. I concur. I hope they do this all season long.
  14. Oh yeah. We also had like a billion pseudo revolutions while you were gone.
  15. It's less the being blunt, and more the doing something completely and utterly unnecessary that makes you look like an amazingly hilarious tool bro. I can be blunt to sometimes. Being blunt is not the problem.
  16. This place is going aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome bro. Really awesome.
  17. Bro, its just Black Luster Soldier. Calm yourself down man.
  18. I've been a miner for a heart of gold. DISCUSS
  19. Wist gave me my first Warn. The data loss deleted my Sexism warns though, which reminds me that I should do that again someday.
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