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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  2. Dude, I here that if you ARE a douche you go to this totally fucking sweet place called Hell, with this chill guy called Satan. He's all about drugs, sex, rock and roll, and equality! All that fun stuff.
  3. Really? SWEET! Serenes Forest members all eat their own shit and drink horse urine!
  4. Prolly has a special "bonus" episode like first season of Clannad...
  5. Romance isn't dead, it just isn't sex. Romance is a primarily mental or emotional thing. Sex is a very physical thing. Different. Neither of them is "dead".
  6. Also, touching Christians is fine as long as you're doing HORRIBLE things to them.
  7. Should I edit in a "DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS" sarcastic statement? Y/N?
  8. Oh cry me a fucking river. "Hey guys, I'm going to decide to believe in an all powerful d00d in the sky who created the world, despite no proof to support, and in fact, proof to the contrary. I will ignore the evidence based thinking of those who disagree with me. Don't make fun of me because of it." If anyone's going to cry it should be the scientists who spend their whole lives conducting experiments and searching for these answers only to have someone run in and go "SORRY, MEIN BOOK SAY THIS WRONG" Christian bashing is the same thing as, say, bashing people who thought the Large Hadron Collider was going to destroy the world, or people who think that AIDs was a virus developed by the US government to kill black people.
  9. I disagree. Although maybe I misinterpreted you. :) Call me superficial, but it doesn't really matter how nice a girl is to me, if she's not hot I probably won't be interested in an intimate relationship with her. Sometimes two unlike people who just want to fuck each other at first can end up finding common interest and actually work well with each other.
  10. So far here I've had ZXValaRevan and Taylor Swift. I use ZXValaRevan for a lot of things, because one day I was being a fucktard and I was like "I want a really nerdy name that involves Star Wars AND Lord of the Rings", so I Combined Valar and Revan together, and then put ZX in front of it. It stuck. Taylor Swift I used as a joke because she's so hilariously bad, and for various other reasons that should be quite evident. Oh, I also sometimes use other names, like Pink, but that's rare.
  11. Lawl The "beating up" part was in response to somebodies post about how they knew women who could "beat up" many men. I simply maintained what they where saying.
  12. Awwww, I thought you where going to becoming a functioning human being! :( Guess I was wrong.
  13. I'd like to see you try with a horse fucking you! *zing*
  14. Err, sorry, I said that wrong. Yes, women are worse at most sports. I meant like, that doesn't mean Women are inferior to men. :P
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