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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. But I want to see flying fluorescent green hippopotamuses at some point in my life! :D
  2. No. Let me explain. For a while I've known chicks who where very good at sports. Several play at a very high level. I on the other hand am I guy who doesn't do too much physical activity. I could beat them up. I am stronger than them. It's just the way things are. Again, that's why men and women are separated in sports. If they weren't, it would be a slaughter. I'm not saying women are worse, I'm saying there IS a difference, no matter how much people want to deny it.
  3. Same here, except LSD while browsing the internet looking at Optical Illusions.
  4. That goddamn spy stabbed me while I was eating my sammich!
  5. You do not know what it is like, always being hunted, living in the shadows, pretending to be somebody else.
  6. I MISS THE INTERNET! They don't eat. They don't sleep. What keeps them going? DEAD AIR. Their flight's just been delayed. Permanently.
  7. You guys do know that No Zombie is Safe from Chicago Ted, right?
  9. Don't worry guys, if one bites you you can make it let go by tickling its soft parts with a light material! IT'S TRUE!
  11. Dude. Casinos aren't "stupid". The whole point of a Casino is that people lose more money to you than they make. That won't really happen if they're actually winning will it? That's the whole point. You ban people who might win.
  12. STILL MISSING THE POINT. Seriously. Read it again. The "social butterflies" part was intended to show the ridiculousness of the position.
  13. That's a perfect example there really. Or, say, what Loki does. Or that time when people where giving Princess criticism and then she was like "NOOOOOOOOO!" and locked the topic. Amount of time in a community and number of posts say absolutely nothing about somebodies ability to correctly use Moderator abilities. That's what MODERATORS are for. Letting Herons or whatnot lock their own topics and shit like that is basically like saying "Spam the fuck out of things and we'll give you powers to be a twat with!"
  14. Great job missing the point. :P Go back and reread that. He was saying that women aren't suddenly going to have to have better hearing than men because there would be no point.
  15. Did you read what I said? I said that giving people powers because of their post count is a REALLY bad way of giving them powers. I have not been proven wrong. Most people I have seen who actually use their Post Count granted powers misuse them.
  16. Great plan bro, I'm totally joining you. We can be the Sodomy duo. If I'm going to hell, I'm taking a lot of people with me.
  17. While we're at it, I'm sure stopping Mental Disorders and whatnot would be child's play for him, and assuring that all people would be born with basic problem solving skills and the ability to make accurate decisions based on the information they gathered should be a cinch. Its too bad really. :(
  18. But what I said was that Anthropomorphism was applying HUMAN characteristics to non human things. I barely mentioned animals at all. What I'm saying is that you can't have an "anthropomorphic" human, humans are already human. Making them anthropomorphic doesn't suddenly give them animal parts. :P
  19. Actually, Anthropomorphism is really the other way 'round. They're Anthropomorphic Animals. Anthropomorphism is applying human characteristics to essentially inhuman things. For example, the idea of the Grim Reaper (Death) is essentially Anthropomorphism of a natural occurrence. Its just that Anthropomorphic animals are more commonly talked about
  20. Hmmm... This would be hard... Who could my amazingly sexy mind help the most? :D For my own fun/benefit though, I'd probably want to be Death, just to see what being legally insane is like, and then after that maybe try to be Loki to figure out what the fuck he is or whatever. I'M CURIOUS ABOUT HIM!
  21. And there are a few other oddities there. Maybe they're just dialect stuff or whatever, since I never really get the chance to speak French with native speakers, so I wouldn't know...
  22. I figured, but what the fuck is the "en" doing there? It serves no purpose.
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