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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Oh look at you and your big-ass uber-literate responses. Just look at that fucking arrogant "I'm better than you because I can make myself hard to understand." Well guess what, EVERYONE can understand me. FUCK YOU. Yeah, that's right. With a spiked dildo. Good and hard. I hope you fucking bleed.
  2. Fuck you faggot. You know nobody likes you and your goddamn pseudo intellectual bullshit. Why do you think you have to keep drifting from site to site. You're fucking pathetic. Go die. And I fucking mean it.
  3. OH MY GOD I AM SO MORALLY INFERIOR TO YOU! I'm just going to fucking curl up and DIE dude. I mean, I just am scum for doing what I did. SO SORRY YOUR EXCELLENCEY!
  4. Your mom once made me a surprise omelet. The surprise? Guess.
  5. OHAI THERE. Glad you could make it. Eat shit and die. Other greetings, and whatnot. Ya know, I'm happy you're here. :D
  6. No idea. However, this should serve as a valuable lesson. :P I don't think I lost respect for you at all, because it takes a fair bit to lose my respect, but you should kind of work on that. Erotic fiction is not something to get angry over, its something to laugh about. :D
  7. Dude, are you fucking delusional or someshit? Seriously? What the hell? You believe that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically accept him as your master so that he can remove from your soul an evil force that is present in humanity because a rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. And you're wondering how people can think you're silly for believing that? You think its PREJUDICED? Its a choice, and a pretty odd one at that.
  8. Because I'm some guy who has nothing better to do than sit around arguing about other peoples beliefs on an internet forum? :P That's pretty much it. I mean, there's always that hope that someone on the fence is going to be convinced of my side, but yeah... Really, I just do it so that no matter what they will never feel that their beliefs are accepted! :D
  9. Most of SF: Yeah, I'm going to listen to ZX the first time for once, and not drag out topics and arguments unnecessarily and over the course of several weeks, resulting in his original good intentions being transformed into feelings of terrible frustration and balls-wrenching fatherly pain. :) And eat some shit. Me: DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS
  10. As if. If I had to I would leap into your urethra and crawl into your testacles, devouring them from inside in order to prevent you from reproducing and filling the world with your disgusting brood. That is how much I detest you filthy inferior shitcunts!
  11. Fuck you fuckers. Us undiscovered mammals are clearly superior to your kind. You should all have fucking died at the end of the Cretacious period. I'm not kidding, we will cleanse you and your kin from this land if it is the last thing we do!
  12. Now, to all you guys who want big explanations to this, instead of explaining, I'll just tell you to Wiki them, then find more from there. Wikipedia isn't perfect of course, but it would be MUCH better if you had a basic understanding of these concepts before trying to argue about them. So yeah, get reading plox.
  13. You're right, but at least it has something backing it, as opposed to nothing.
  14. Duuuuude. Ever heard of the Big Bang? Yeah, that's pretty well supported to. Go Wiki it as well.
  15. But the thing is, Science DOES have an explanation to how life originated. A pretty damn well supported one too... Maybe not fully explored, but definitely enough to dismiss most other explanations. Now, I'm willing to believe that you are a perfectly reasonable person who is just ill informed, so before we go on, I would like you to gain a basic understanding of this idea, which should be accomplish able (if in a fairly basic manner) by reading this.
  16. Nononononono. Nooooooooooooo. It is proven. Maybe you guys don't understand what that means. That means it has sufficient evidence supporting it, and more evidence then any alternate theory. It is a proven fact. Yes, it isn't always perfect, but the idea itself is undeniably true. I don't know how else to say this.
  17. You're doing it RIGHT NOW. Especially the bold. Because you see, Evolution is not something you can argue against. Its a fact. It has been proven and observed in nature. Denying evolution is paramount to denying Gravity. Its not a negotiable subject, the church just like to muck up the issue because it proves how shitty their explanations tend to be, in addition to the degree they get in the way of progress. There are entirely valid and well supported theories for the origin of life. So I don't see how you can say that no valid idea to where everything came from has been put forward. In fact, they've created basic proteins (which basically translates to life) in labs before from entirely non-living components. So really, you're fighting an uphill battle here. You cannot deny Evolution while retaining credibility as a properly thinking individual. And of course this all comes down to the idea of "I don't know/don't care/don't want to know/am to apathetic to know how the world really works so I'll fill in the gaps with a magic pixie".
  18. My problem with Christians? Most of the time I have a problem when they try to broadcast their beliefs as a reasonable alternative to Scientific advances, and then when I point out the fact that it isn't they tend to bitch at me. So really, I wouldn't have any problems if they just didn't talk, or when they did they realized that they have no ground to stand on, so they really should stay out of the way of anybody who knows what they're talking about. I don't hate Christians or anything ( I wish people wouldn't be Christian, and a host of other things, but meh), I just don't take kindly to people trying to pretend that their beliefs are reasonable when they really aren't. :(
  19. And people got offended over my amazing story! How DARE they!
  20. Not at all. I believe he was killed by an invasion of aquatic chupacabra!
  21. Also, I demand recognition. I will only be satisfied when the rest of the forum sings this song to us few who contributed to this amazing piece of work. It was truly the work of a band of brothers, and while I completed it, I feel they must all be recognized for their contributions. Especially Death, for his genius lines about Lyle defecating!
  22. You forgot to include "fresh, and whole from the sweet hickory smoked asshole of a dead mountain lion, covered with freshly drizzle elephant semen". Just pointing it out.
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