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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I would be disgusted, but then I remembered that you're insane. :P
  2. Haha, I guess that's the thing. Stuck between a Rock and a Hard place... Ah well, dickishness here I come! :D
  3. So you prefer the ones that are raised to be child bearing vessels? :P
  4. I'll throw my lot in with Julius, if only because a lot of people do far worse (of course, in my opinion :P) things and get off without anything here. There was no rule against it. People make tons of awful jokes, or jokes "in bad taste" in FFtF and they never seem to get warned. It just seems a little weird is all. Whenever anybody else complains about the awful, awful Spam in FFtF, where people say moronic things, or nothing at all in their posts, we are told to "not take it that seriously". So why was this taken "that seriously"?
  5. Well I'm not leaving, because my attention span is a bit bigger than Death's. :P
  6. Well. :P But seriously, I like to mix up what I do. Plus, change based on the situation. I tend to like to finish in a timely matter though, because I need SOME challenge. :D
  7. What I mean is that I'd feel a right dick to bring up a bunch of shit in the last post. :D
  8. FUCK. I just realized that my next post is the last one in our debate Tino, and I forgot to backup some of my points in my last post. Now I'll have to be a total dick and put all my explanations in the last post, but even that probably isn't going to work enough. Eh, I can at least try to not get hammered too badly.
  9. Write it, I'd probably read it, if only to see Shuuda's hilarious commentary on it afterwards. The man has quite the smashing wit, did you know? He is simply fabulous!
  10. I agree. In my opinion: Class Swap > Branched Promotion > One Class By the logic that if you don't want any of the other classes/stuff then you just don't have to use it, but if you do, then you can.
  11. Alright, I'm really wierd... I combine everything, really. First or so time through: I often use characters that are good upon joining, especially if they are Percival or Seth epic upon joining. I also randomly nab units that fit my play style, or just random units I think will be fun to use. In addition, if a certain character gets my attention for personality or appearance (lol Sigrun [<3], Lucius, Soren, Ilyana, Lowen, blah blah blah) I'll use them. So I guess I need to mention my playstyle type things: I tend to favor using lots of units that kill things fast. I like doing things fast. Maybe I just favor good units or something, but I like success. :D On subsequent playthroughs I tend to try to use most of the units, and then playthrough with lots of good units, lots of bad ones, themes, whatever.
  12. You mean girls that are hot and don't know it, so you can take advantage of them because they don't know they could get way better guys? :P
  13. I think you guys are looking back through rose tinted vision. I joined not too long ago (but before FESS came here, and before I dragged Death and the such into this), and I must say, SF is way better now. Idiocy is not cool guys. It's not even funny half the time. It needs to be either funny or smart, or both. A lot of the stuff posted (and still posted now, but you're more likely to get attacked for it) was neither, and that is BAD.
  14. True, true, however I think that it would in fact be a heavy hit to my happiness if I got hypothermia or lost my toes to frostbite.
  15. It was also the middle of the night, and I was surrounded by about 2 feet of snow... :P
  16. Fuck your Aerith dies shit. Here's one of mine (Spoilers for SW: KotOR, seriously, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME, IF YOU DO I WILL FIND YOU AND HUNT YOU DOWN AND MURDER YOU :P): Love the rest of the game to. And for KotOR2, well, I love that whole game to. How 'bout (STARCRAF SPOILERS):
  17. Yeah, I'm sitting here full of energy, with a Bedouin Soundclash album and a New Pornographers album set on loop, so I can go all night, but suddenly activity just cut like everywhere I visit. :(
  18. Tibarn for being totally excellent, plus availability, plus he fucking jumps off a god damn cliff and doesn't die. :D If Ranulf was here I'd vote for him because he is just so totally, irreversibly GAY. His lines are so amazing, I almost dropped my latte. Apparently latte doesn't need a "é".
  19. What's your guilty pleasure? The thing that might seem really out of character for you, but you love to do anyway? Although this being here is... Risky? Mine is romances. Can't get enough of them. That's why Twilight being bad devastated me. Actually, I should have guessed. Maybe it would be better to say it pissed me the hell off. :P *goes to read Pride and Prejudice* :D
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