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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Ah. I see. That is expanded a lot more in the game. Honestly, I never trust the movies for these things, as they tend to remove or butcher things way more than is necessary... :(
  2. Show him a totally cute purse. He's weak to those. Or poison his latte.
  3. Oh come on you guys, how often does IS cock up their new concepts? Honestly, as far as I can see, Shoving, Rescueing, Skills (each time they put them in), Class Swap, hell, even Double Classes was a pretty big success. I really think you guys give them less credit than is due.
  4. You sir, are obviously speaking out of the pits of HADES. Captain Jean Luc is an AMAZING Captain. But seriously, first couple seasons of TNG kind of sucked, but after that it became quite amazing. I think it's because they have less Wesley Crusher in them. :P
  5. Hey, dude, you know that Tuxedo Mask is totally gay, right?
  6. I've never seen the movie, so I don't know where they end it or anything, or how they do it, but it's not exactly like that.
  7. No idea, as my dreams have, since I was a wee tyke generally involved murderous lions, devious owls, or Aerodactyl's that jump out of the bushes and bite my head off. :P
  8. I'm pretty sure it's gonna follow the Games plot, so yeah. I know what you mean, but in the end, Clannad IS a happy story. :D
  9. Me, and I'm watching Ep13 very soon. :D It was... Very good.
  10. I agree. I actually watched the show in Broadcast order first, and I believe it enhances the experience overall, but regardless... It's a quite nice aside from the normal progression of the show, and I think it was done fairly well.
  11. Uh-oh. Drifting a bit too close to Kanon 2.0. :P Still pretty good, just try not too fall into that pitfall, OK? :D
  13. Hyde, since Namie Amuro is like the Japanese Brittney Spears. :P
  14. Well the Tomoyo Episode was based on the game's Tomoyo Arc, and the sequel game Tomoyo After, so I dunno about it being a fanfic... :P But yeah, watch After Story, hopefully it will expand more, although we'll see. Clannad the game had a LOT of content in it, so I think it was a massive challenge to get it all in. But yeah, I prefer Clannad over Kanon and Air (and Shuffle!, but that's in a totally different running. Shuffle! is funny and charming and all, but it's basically pornOK, not really :P) for a couple reasons. One of the main ones is probably that Clannad has its happier overall theme, and is more on the light side, as well as it's focus on the importance of family and people around you, the "silver lining" aspect (although this is done a lot more later), perseverance, and happiness in general. Plus, Tomoya has a lot more, well, character, than Yuuchi, or at least, Yuuichi is a lot less memorable. Both where the "player character" in Visual Novels, so character might be hardish to get, but I believe Tomoya got the better end of the stick. Plus I love Mag Mell. I love Kanon too though.
  15. Yeah, I bet you like the taste of peaches.
  16. I know, I know. I kind of fucked up here and forgot to put my, heh, "proof" in the post. ... And? I mean, as long as I can argue it in a way that stops him from properly disputing it, it doesn't matter if I pulled it out of my ass. I'm also going to say that Worst won't ALWAYS mean being a hindrance to the team, although in this case it does. I know that Neimi really does hurt the team early game, but I'm not going to ADMIT that in a Debate, am I? :D I had the last post. And I was getting pretty soundly thrashed. Of course I'm going to pull some shit out. I know that not needing walls > needing them. Of course, needing walls doesn't automatically make you useless, just WORSE than someone who doesn't. Yes, yes. Last post. He can't respond. It's worth less, so I try to pack in as much bullshit as I can, since he can't reply to it. Well, partly see above, and as I said, all I was trying to prove was that her being there > her being an empty slot. Or, sorry, I was trying to make that seem like it was legitimate and then prove that. :D
  17. His objectives while personal, were also general. Essentially, he wants to have a free world, his methods simply are different than other peoples. As to that whole scene with Lelouch and Rolo there...
  18. ?? That's part of the point, really. Kyou/Ryou's Arc (they're supposed to be together) progressed over the entire length of the show, and Tomoyo has an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ALTERNATE ENDING EPISODE for her. :P Plus, you need to watch After Story. They are likely to expand a bit in it, because Clannad actually went far more slowly than they though it would. They're still yet to cover the whole game, so just wait and watch After Story. :D
  19. Hey guys, keep on rockin' in the free world!
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