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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  2. Firstly, that's depriving the STORE, and secondly, as long as they lose nothing, of course I would! Right... Now, first, a couple things; First of all, is the "I wasn't going to buy it anyway". There are seriously things I pirate that I would NEVER think of buying. They lose nothing from that. Now, how about the things I pirate and buy? I've given them money for that! Or how about the things I'm unsure on? What if there's an album that could be total crap? If I pirate it, I can see if its good or not. Not to mention the fact that artists themselves make next to no money from the sale of CDs, so Piracy is in most of their best interests. I can make more arguments for other things too.
  3. Really? The macro and micro seemed to have improved (or at least, it didn't devolve), and there was much more variety between civilizations. Plus, deck building and shipments made me totally love it. I also liked the unit set and the various shit like that...
  4. I don't think he meant that at all. :P
  5. Death has a fear of people with deviant sexual preferences, especially those involving drawings or things of an inhuman nature. :P I mean, what?
  6. For me, while 3 wasn't perfect timeline wise, the gameplay was something that really clicked with me. Even more than the others.
  7. Wow. Come on guys, that's the point isn't it? Your mom jokes are horribly silly. Of course they are! That's why you use them. Especially in something as perfect as this situation. :D
  8. Tsk. This is actually kind of getting annoying... Can you guys ever stop posting about how Shuuda is evil and how he's a horrible person, you can't win against him, he's just trolling, blah blah blah? Seriously, next time this shit happens I am going to fucking well write a story, post it here, and accept every bit of criticism he gives me, and use it to improve what I wrote, and show you guys that it fucking well works. This is really getting to be bullshit here.
  9. Seems the trauma made you forgot the part where I put my penis inside you. No, I'd really rather not join any of these trends. If I did it would probably have everybody in one tier, or someshit like that.
  10. Announcements ARE there for a reason, ya know? :D
  11. Actually, I preferred the Disappearance over the Melancholy, for a bunch of reasons, including personal preference, more previous developement (duh, its later in the series), less Haruhi (I don't really like Haruhi... I mean, she's not amazingly likeable anyway.), blah blah blah.
  12. Fuck. Seriously you guys miss EVERYTHING. How could you not have said this, one of the most obvious responses to the topic: "Your mum!" Seriously. Fuck.
  13. ... Lolz. So... Let me see the progression of what seems like every mediocre to bad story here. Persons posts. Shuuda responds with valid criticisms. Person responds, not accepting criticism. Shuuda posts again reinforcing criticism. Person posts and goes "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW MY STORY IS GOOD I KNOW IT BECAUSE ME AND MY FRIENDS THINK SO ITS SUBJECTIVE YOU KNOW LOLOLOLOLOLOL!" May I be the first to point out that whether or not you LIKE it is entirely pointless? It's whether or not its GOOD that's in question, and Shuuda has clearly shown that its not. I'd rather not get into the opinion argument again, but let me just say that people tend to misuse a lot of words around here... Anyway, Lyle, you really should stop it. You make yourself look awful like this, because Shuuda has never even stopped being civil. Throughout the argument he stayed calm and under control. You however filled your posts with bullshit and tripe. Any person who had a clue about arguing in general could see how laughable it really is. So kind of what Fox said, but for your sake Lyle, I hope you take his advice.
  14. Sir, I hope that was not aimed at any individual in this topic, because if it was that would be incredibly disrespectful and could hurt the feelings of one or more people. Please be considerate when you act.
  15. Needs moar Double Team. It always needs moar Double Team. :P But seriously, Weavile needs some Pursuit love, and maybe swap Ice Punch for Ice Shard?
  16. Get a better reality. :P Reality is plenty of fun!
  17. I don't think I can express how much I love you in a really weird way.
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