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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I blame the players, hahaha, the rulebooks actually explicitly state that any method of overcoming an obstacle should net you similar experience, and all reasonable options should be made possible. Can't fault you on the power growth thing (to be fair, it's not really unlimited, especially in 4e, but that's kind of a moot point); if you want to keep your heroes from being near god power level it can be kind of hard in DnD... Power gamers as in "hey look I optimize my character", or power gamers as in "duuuuuuuuuuuuuuur dur dur deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp"? I have heard it used in both forms and more, so yeah.
  2. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  3. Hahaha, piracy my friend. Or something. I mean, 3.5 is still plenty of fun and all, I just prefer 4e for most things. Well, you're better than most grognards already. I'm not sure if I have the time to run a campaign right now, and most of the other games on these boards died pretty quickly due to the participants not participating, but I would totally be willing to give it a go. I'll think about it and see if I can think of something that will work.
  4. There's plenty of good musicians around today, but they're like most good musicians; no one has heard of them.
  5. I can't say I don't disagree with this proposal, however I must admit I am experiencing a bit of reprehension about the exact connotation of your statement, as it lacks a certain clarity and intellectual depth that I would expect for an entity of such stature. FUCK IT I CAN'T MAKE MORI STYLE GRAMMAR MISTAKES.
  6. Death is some bizarre fuck of indeterminate gender with like multi colored eyes and flashes and swirls all around him, tripping majorly and licking some shit. It's basically an amalgamation of all his avatars and whatnot.
  7. They're all fascists here, you can't even question them publicly! :P Also I preach non-violence or something.
  8. Honestly, I suggest you just really learn 4e, play it for a little while, then decide. If ease of use, balance, tactics, and adventure is what you want, 4e is for you, if you want a "realistic", simulationist and "hardcore" experience, 3.5 may be what you prefer.
  9. -9 -9.33 http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-9.00&soc=-9.33 I should note that the left wing economic part is terribly skewed; it asks a bunch of fairly minor "socialist" questions, and then says I'm more economically left than any leader ever. I don't believe in a state owned economy. I don't believe in collectivism. I don't believe you should just take rich peoples money and distribute it to poor people, etc. On the other hand, I'm generally way MORE Libertarian than what those questions ask. For example, I think pornography (as long as it doesn't actually necessitate someone being harmed to produce it, ie real child porn) of any type should be legally available to ANYONE, not just adults. So yeah, not too accurate I guess, but not bad. Also I'm pretty crazy I guess...
  10. Thing is, that's not really true. It's not over balanced (I mean 3.5 was so unbalanced it was painful, so if that's your base, okay), and the characters aren't clones. It's one of those things people always claim about 4e, but in practise never seems to be true. Like, they play COMPLETELY differently. I mean, maybe you guys were new and so stuck to old edition playstyles or something, but even then the differences are pretty big. They don't so much mirror each other, as share a common base to prevent one base mechanic from completely eclipsing another (like what happened in 3.5, and to date no one has been able to actually fix that balance). (Certain types of) Rangers and (certain types of) Sorcerors both use ranged attacks that hurt people badly, but they kind of did that in earlier editions too. Not to mention how they do it and the other effects or often different. The Controllers are kind of all over the place actually, but again, each controller tends to have its own distinct form of controlling. Like, it actually plays differently. Now, sure, members of the same Role have similarites, but they goddamn better, they're fulfilling the same niche, theoretically. And ALL the classes are different. This is one key fault in the logic; just because they all use Powers now doesn't mean they're all the same, because the way they use them, their class features, the powers themselves, etc, all contribute to make every class unique. In 3.5, Clerics, Wizards and Druids were so much more powerful than everybody else it was ridiculous, partially because of all these crazy abilities they got, but in 4e Bards are still unique, Clerics can still heal (and Clerics were not even close to being the only class that could heal), and Sorcerors can still rain fire from the sky (though even in 3.5 they were not the best at 20th level). Druids can still Wildshape. None of this has changed. Just because Wildshape doesn't let you transform into these crazy things with fucking huge stats that made your party fighter even more obsolete doesn't mean there is no Wildshape. Not quite. Sure he was a glass cannon, but he was still possibly stronger than the Fighter at this level, and of course this rapidly became worse as he levelled. Who outshines the majority of the other classes in the game. Because having half the people in your game suck for the first half while the others rock, then switching positions is not so fun (not that it was like that, more like they started equal and some just got exponentially better) all the time? Wrong, everyone has powers. They're powers, actually, and Arcane characters still use magic. It's just Rituals are rituals. Why? Why does it have to be like this? That's not inherently logical. I think a magic user being able to use weaker spells at will makes perfect sense/ Should a Sorceror have to use a spear? Except all this exists in 4e because you have more than just one spell. You still have to choose carefully when to use your dailies and encounters, it's just that once you're out you're not COMPLETELY USELESS. Seriously, 4e combat can get pretty crazy tactical, and you die pretty fast if you just unthinkingly spam one move over and over again. I found combats in 3.5 a breeze as a spell caster (honestly past level 5 you basically never really run out of spells, what with wands and scrolls and whatnot), you could nuke the whole fight before it happened, turn into a badass soldier and kill everything, use non combat spells to trivialize everything (hello Silent Image), snipe enemies from way beyond their range while flying and invisible, or a whole host of other terribly terribly easy ways to insta win. This is one of the more bizarre arguments that really makes me wonder whether these people actually played 4e. Characters still grow individually, it's just there is a very loose common base for them (which is being deviated from a bit now actually), that is in no way hugely restricting. The books don't tell you what you have to do, they have advice for new players. They're trying to make it user friendly (but hey, 3.5 had this shit too!). Squares also is a lot less annoying than feet and inches because the squares before were 5' feet anyway. Now instead of saying 5' and meaning 1 square, they just say 5 feet. It's not at all like a video game though. The things that actually make it unique (the RP, the freedom on how to act, the customizability, the DM, the dialogue, etc are all still there. The actual mechanics aren't any more video gamey than before really (besides, they made a video game with all the 3.5 mechanics, and did similar things with earlier editions, are those versions video gamey too?). Except all they did was make it easier to learn to play, they didn't somehow remove its uniqueness or cripple it. They just balanced it and streamlined it. I'm being a bit hyperbolic here, and I love 3.5 and played it for years, and it still has some things over 4th edition, but 4e is generally an improvement, and is most certainly not a "video game" or mindless mess. I have found that most people who really hate on 4e haven't really played it. Most of them read the books, got a bad impression (often based on misinterpretations or misunderstandings), sub consciously decided it sucked, played a session and then decided it was bad, and it shows because they know almost nothing about how it actually plays. They say things that are demonstrably false, or make little sense in the context of the game.
  11. Well how about THE COOLEST BAND ON EARTH (they said it on Q it must be true)?
  12. 8[ WELL, WHAT ABOUT... Lava Monster! :P
  14. lol snow in Vancouver. Along the coast here we're all totally fine, none of this shit. Yet.
  15. Well considering the rules now are basically "we can ban you at any percentage as long as you did SOMETHING and we can make it seem like you did it before or something", and considering I actually got warned for this befor... FUCK IT. Nishi looks like a sex offender. That is also how I imagine him.
  16. Fluent in English, semi-fluent in French.
  17. Massive DnDfag reporting in! Played some of various editions, but I started hardcore in Mage: The Ubering 3.5, now I mainly play 4e. Also why do you think 4e sucks? Tell me so I can crush your feeble opinion under my iron shod boots.
  18. I could say how I imagine Nishi (it's also what he really looks like), but I would get warned. 8[
  19. This post combined with your signature, avatar and Napoleon is incredibly ironic.
  20. How dare you even question the awesome might of Dead Leaves?
  21. ZXValaRevan - I used to be like so hardcore into Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings it was ridiculous so I made this name and just kind of kept using it. Taylor Swift - Namie Amuro was using the Namie Amuro name and I kind of changed my name/profile/avatar/sig to mock him. It's how I first really met Hika too, because he actually got it! ZXValaRevan - back to the usual Fia - Found out I could make my username look just like Fia's, started another FE4 Thread. Shit was so cash. I was dumb and didn't change any of my other info so yeah whatevs. ZXValaRevan - the uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusual Dark Elves Suck - joke based on white people suck, etc ZXValaRevan - yeah
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