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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I believe this should remain legal. Being a complete asshole isn't against the law, and also isn't winning them any support. No matter how disrespectful it might be to do such a thing, it should be within their rights, which, by the way, the soldiers are theoretically dying to uphold. It's not hate speech, because they are objecting to the war and western occupation, not preaching hate at a specific group (unless you mean soldiers in which case meh). Honestly, it's silly, disrespectful, and likely terribly hypocritical, but since when has that ever been a crime?
  2. Motherfucker my brain runs on Quantam! PS. They made me do it.
  3. I always try not to say "Don't judge", because everybody does it, and it's pretty much impossible to completely prevent. Often judging people is just the only practical way to make things work, because you cannot get to know every single person you ever meet intimately. What I tend to recommend though is to not be a moron. Go ahead and judge people, but don't let your judgements get in the way of your logic. I think the point of the initial statement, however was that you should let others do what they please with their own bodies, and the "judging" thing was kind of thrown in there without the intention to make it like that. (though some of us may remember "don't judge don't judge") I don't oppose calling someone a slut, but that's because for me it bears no real negative connotation. I don't care if you're a "slut", honestly, it's just not something that really matters to me, and I think it's somewhat pointless to actually base the way you treat someone on something as silly as that. Of course, I understand that some people aren't as laisser-faire when it comes to sex as I am, so it might actually mean a lot more to them. Oh well.
  4. See, I think we could easily solve both of these problems by including certain other products along with Love Plus. We can get rid of women forever that way! "Who needs real girls when you have Love Plus?"
  5. What the fuck do you guys call a Warden? Clearly you don't understand that a Warden is a Primal Defender, and really badass at that.
  6. Should have added some "u jelly?"s in there! Especially because it's you.
  7. Well, at least make fucking sure the he hits that like a truck, okay? If it has to happen like this, and he's got the chance, it's your responsibility to help make sure he scores. And becomes terrified of vaginas for the rest of his life.
  8. *sniff* Thanks man, this is really hard. So hard...
  9. So when you lurk, are you like crouching? If so, where the fuck is the hidden dragon?
  10. Nobody in the world believes this, as far as I know. The whole fucking point of Science is that it adapts and evolves to become more and more up to date. That is what Science is pretty much by definition.
  11. Importantly, if another species had developed intelligence and was having this conversation, some of them would probably be saying "look how intelligent we are isn't that special", just like if a completely different kind of sentient life developed on a completely different planet, they would probably be saying "GEE WHAT ARE THE CHANCES THAT LIFE WOULD DEVELOP LIKE THIS".
  12. I did, but I technically never finished it (it still needed some touch up work, and I was somewhat afraid the later chapters would be too easy). It's still on my old computer's hard drive though, so I might dig it up and try to upgrade it a bit.
  13. I prefer to just use "stupid". Much faster.
  14. If a centre touches the water you can build a Fleet or an Army on it (you must specify), and yes, fleets can capture.
  15. You have it all wrong! You're The Communard, who is also Heroe; Der Komissar is Der Komissar. Two seperate entities.
  16. I've always thought it was a complete joke that I could watch a movie where people killed each other when I was 13, but I wasn't allowed to watch a video about two consenting adults having sex. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, I don't mind sex or violence in fiction at all. I mean, if you're depending on it, it might say something about the game, but it's certainly not inherently wrong.
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