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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I've played/read translated VNs, and they're usually pretty good. They take waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than manga or anime take though, but that's partially because most of them have fairly strict quality control.

  2. Well, I know there's a project going for Little Busters, it just isn't very close to being complete. 8[

  3. wtf is this shit Guys, I think we need to bring in the corsettry again.
  4. Hold on, who said you could talk?
  5. hurr hurr, good one buddy. Remind me to buy you a beer and a steak sometime soon!
  6. Hey now, it's far more practical to have a computer in the laundry room!
  7. I rapidly switch between a happy go lucky manic, an elitist asshole and a backpedaling kissass! It's worked fine for me so far!
  8. Hahaha, I am also a Key fanboy, but sadly one who cannot understand moonspeak, so I have to wait for games. 8[ I really want to play Little Busters, but alas, there is no translation released that I know of.

  9. Well, I call you a faggot. And a fag. And a lot of other things. But I guess you don't read my posts, so lol.
  10. Because the chat has more gay members and more gay staff and and and and and no Hikarusa.
  11. fffffffffffffffffffff.jpg

  12. Don't wait, act now, This amazing offer won't last long, It's only a chance to pave the path we're on, I know there are more exciting things to talk about, And in time we'll sort it out And in time we'll sort it out
  13. Hey, comrade, how about we have a revolution?

  14. JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME, DOESN'T MEAN I'M LAZY! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING FORWARD DOESN'T MEAN I'M GOING BACKWARDS! But yeah, I actually like Mumford and Sons. In fact, there are plenty of good recent bands, it's just nobody has heard of them, or people instantly discount them.
  15. Except as it is portrayed, a mirror really would have no effect on Light, you'd have to use a lot of rubber for Thunder, let's see you put out Bolganone with a waterskin or someshit, light only seems to have a minor effect on Dark Magic, and I'm sure carrying cover around with you all the time is perfectly viable. Narga ninja'd me. MORAL OF THE STORY. DON'T FUCK WITH DND PLAYERS WHEN IT COMES TO FANTASY REALISM.
  16. These spoilers suck because everyone knows them.
  17. Spoiler: Winston gets caught, tortured, and eventually is broken and accepts the Party and loves Big Brother. Spoiler: John Savage commits suicide. Those are some fucking spoilers.
  18. This is the truth. Look at the fucking size of that thing, and it's pretty damn accurate. Dodging it is not an option. I just would convince her that it's futile and that she just isn't in my intellectual echelon. Then I would abuse her emotional weakness for sexual gratification. That's how a Defeatist Elitist does things.
  19. Woah man, I'm not some useless dumbshit class, my class has a real name. It's like, Defeatist Elitist or some shit.
  20. We should post Mori's e-mail too, and not tell him about it.
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