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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Let me tell you something good...

  2. Let me tell you something good.

  3. Hahaha. I pretty much never play the game, but when I do, as a rule, I get all the lightest shit and then exclusively use my knife. My score often sucks, but it's ridiculously fun to chase someone across half the map before knifing them without them noticing.
  4. I understand, it just doesn't really make any sense. I mean, the Government of China also says it's a "People's Republic". Do you hate the Chinese people (as the "People's" part claims that the country is run by the people)? Do you hate Republics? They call themselves these things, despite not necessarilly being these things in practicality, just as they call themselves Communists without actually being Communist. But by no means do I have a problem with you hating Communism. :P
  5. Possibly. Honestly, you're not making a particularly "strong" claim, so it's much more believable. First of all, you're claiming to be "slightly" authoritarian, and second, authoritarian is (at least to me) a word with a negative connotation, and of course we're on the internet, so it seems unlikely you are trying to decieve us into allowing you to rule over us tyrannically.
  6. People who play CoD MW (1 or 2) are gr9. "Way to fucking camp you faggot!" "Wow, noobtube, how gay can you get?" "Oh yeah buddy, just keep knifing people, not like you could get any kills if you actually played"
  7. That's my point. People call themselves all sorts of things, but that doesn't make it the truth. That's just the thing, Communism =/= Totalitarianism. A totalitarian state, or even a state that MAKES everyone the same is not the stated agenda of the Communist. Ultimately, what Communism is is simply a state that cannot occur. In a Communist society that theoretically followed Marx's teachings to the point, every single person would have an equal amount of control of the government. If it could actually happen, it would be pretty great. The problem, of course, is that it doesn't function. No civilization on Earth has ever been truly Communist, and no human civilization will be, it's just not possible. What appears to be Communism in reality is either just a facade for a regime, or some doomed and foolish attempt to reach an unreachable goal.
  8. You will find that in politics what someone says they are, and what they really are are vastly different. A great many nations who were anything but have called themselves the "People's Democratic Republic of", or some variation on that. Surely that won't make you hate People or Democracy or Republics, will it? Well yes, inability to function in reality does kind of limit a political ideology, but I can't help but love it all the same.
  9. They're not really Communists you know. :P Even Mao was pretty bad at the whole Communism thing.
  10. 1) There was exactly one lightsaber battle in A New Hope, and also only one real Lightsaber battle in Empire Strikes Back. I suppose Return of the Jedis Lightsaber battle was REALLY long and in various locales, so it MIGHT count as two, but yeah... 2) Again, there aren't THAT many space battles in the Original Trilogy. They mostly stuck to one real one per movie. And I'm trying to remember if there ever was an actual, real space battle in Empire Strikes Back other than them running away. 3) In the Original Trilogy, they hardly use the Force, ever. The thing they do in most situations is persuade people with the Force. In a few situations they use the Force to do things like improve their aim (Death Star), or move a lightsaber (vs Wampa), and later Luke does move some other shit and do some jumping, but honestly, the Force isn't really used that often, and certainly not as flashily in the Original Trilogy. Yes there is Darth Vader choking people, but even that, in the Original Series, feels very very powerful and unique. The Emporor also has his lightning, but again, that's only at the end. And Yoda lifts that X Wing. So while I agree that Obi Wan was pretty cool, he was also pretty cool in the others. I disagree, however, with the notion that it was somehow "more Star Wars" than the other prequels, as I've pretty much shown here.
  11. What do you mean, it tried to seem like Star Wars? It didn't seem like Star Wars any more than the others. It was almost entirely angst, and really, really stupid angst at that. It was almost impossible to sympathize with Anakin, who I assume was supposed to be the protagonist, and his plight, because it was just so silly. Perhaps I just can't see how it was more like the originals, so could you explain to me why?
  12. Now, assuming I was really an honest to god Marxist, China is probably the last place I'd move to.
  13. Tories suck! Labour sucks! They all suck! Marxist Party forever, wooo!
  14. They're just trying to hide it, because they think I might detect their unorthodoxy. Little do they know that thoughtcrime does not entail death, thoughtcrime is death.
  15. Wut I mean, I know that the Phantom Menace was bad, but honestly, I would say it's the best out of all the prequels. None of them had particularly good plots, but at least the Phantom Menace had some fair redeeming qualities. Like Liam Neeson. I just don't know at all what Revenge of the Sith brings to the table.
  16. Yeah, my normal username is ZXValaRevan. It's a sort of ammalgamation of vaguelly obscure, but well enough known components of LotR and Star Wars lore. 8]
  17. Feel blessed, I never post in people's Intro topics, and I have posted in yours. And I'm the best member of this site, so yeah.
  18. Holy shit, that's the shit that article says? That's fucking retarded. Seriously, I think that's the dumbest way you could possibly defend Yaoi. Gah. Started reading. The author things there is somehow something wrong with pornography, or pornographic content, or at the very least feels that calling Yaoi porn is some sort of defamation. There's nothing inherently wrong with pornography. I also think it's absurdly silly to use a definition of the word that was obtained by looking at the word roots, in their original language, completely literally, instead of using a definition even approaching what is commonly used. I really just have to ask again, why? It also is completely fucking self defeating to say Yaoi "is not pornography by virtue that [it] is not made by men or for men and that it does not depict whores", because if you so narrowly and semi arbitrarily define pornography you essentially remove any meaning the word previosly held. To put it differently, if I say that (and this is an extreme example to demonstrate a point, because I don't feel like thinking of a more basic one), say, black people aren't human, and then go on to define human as "people who aren't black", sure I may be right in the context of my statement, but I'm sure you can see the fundamental flaw. Basically, if you change the definition of the very thing you're discussing and insist on using that definition despite it not being particularly widely used, then you don't really have an argument, you're just saying "this is what I say it is providing we use this particular and very specific definition that I just arbitrarily decided to use". Also, this is just a cheap parting shot at those bourgeois comments, but seriously, who the fuck pays for porn of any type? And I'm pretty sure working class men consume a lot of pornography. :P
  19. You know, before too long this could become the new FE4 thread...
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