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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I try not to (well I don't generally have to try, it's just the way I ended up) put any faith in anything outstanding or extraordinary without evidence. As a result, I am an athiest. Some people think that means I strongly believe that gods can't exist or whatever, but honestly what it means in practise is that given I have absolutely no reason to believe in a god or higher power of any sort, I treat it exactly the same way I treat other things that I have no reason to believe in (which is outright dismissal, at least until the evidence changes). The thing is though, I don't really "follow" athiesm. It's not a set of beliefs, it's not really something you can obey or conform to. I suppose you could say I'm a Secular Humanist because that's what online tests will call me. I generally like people and try to work for the happiness and wellbeing of as many people as I can, myself included. Call it whatever you want really.
  2. When I return on Sunday I will perhaps regale you with tales of my grand adventures.
  3. I think Wicca and Paganism are silly, and I can't really take them seriously. They're not really dangerous due to their comparative lack of influence, but I still see them as pointless and poorly though through systems.
  4. When I show women my money, they want to have sex with me, And they always have orgasms because my penis is so big.
  5. I'd take SF down with me. The ol'drama stirring bone still functions, and I think I've got enough favors around town that I could cause a pretty big shit storm. Plus I could probably cobble together a convincing enough case to cause at least some people to freak out completely at X member or group of members. If I was really good I wouldn't even get banned.
  6. My experiences with the staff are not for the weak of mind or stomach. Sadly I lost my two warns for sexism in the time warp, although I still have many of my badges of honor remaining.
  7. When a guy messes with me, I shoot him with my load. All over his chest and face, and down his throat.
  8. 30) Take a drink when somone makes a self refferential drinking game rul-OH SHIT
  9. I shall let fall one single tear...

  10. 1) But it wont't. I know plenty of people who started having sex before being even 18, and I know aproximately zero people who have had any lasting ill effects because of it. 2) Yes and no. While we do live in a culture where children are generally treated incredibly lightly and often over-nurtured or overprotected, it doesn't always lead to mental maturity coming later. I know many people who are probably slower to mature, but I also know many who reached mental maturity for before 21. Now, this perhaps might be affected by the fact that I live in a rural community where it is not uncommon to start work at 14, but still... Just to kind of explain my perspective on this, where I come from, the majority of people from 14-25 spend a great deal of time in various stages of inebriation. For most people, there is nothing else to do. It's literally "what do we do this weekend?" "party at X place, invite the whole school and everybody's brothers/sisters/cousins/friends". I have yet to see significant negative results coming out of this. Now, I know these are just anecdotes, but since I have never really seen any hard fact based arguments against these things...
  11. 25) Take a drink when I mention Lyle Fanfic, Micaiah Fanfic, Hika being banned, or Death. Take two when I even mention Nishi. 26) Take a drink every minute Inui is online. 27) Take a drink every time Jyo fucks a fish. 28) Okay, actually, just take at least one drink whenever I post.
  12. Haha, I actually watched it and the previous ones. They're pretty good.
  13. My DS Lite came with shoulder button problems, and they continuosly return, but I can generally solve them.
  14. My family are huge fans. 8] However most of them are too lame to even get through the first episode of Peep Show.

  15. Sir Digby Chicken Caesar at your service!

  16. Since Clannad: AS and AIR have already been posted, and those are two of my favorites, I'll just drop off another great one:
  17. Well, I like Oppenheimer. 8]

  18. Lead a revolution. Get dirt on everyone. Take over the school. You can do it.
  19. Oh. You have nuclear explosions in your avatar/profile so I made a nuclear bomb related reference.

  20. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.

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