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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Ibn prances toward Dallia, then, like a camel, stabs her in the face. Twice. She dies.
  2. OOC: Not my off hand, I double him, with off hand I guess I get a third attack. Coolio.
  3. Ibn quickly closes in on the battlefield. Watching Clarke carefully, he gestures subtly to his sister. OOC: Ibn prepares to sneak attack the fuck out of Clarke as soon as somebody else attacks him. He'll auto-hit if they do. It should deal 7 damage per hit, so 14 damage total.
  4. Ibn watches his sister run headlong into battle. "Fuck," he murmurs, "I guess that's my decision made."
  5. "Thanks for the warning, I'll keep an eye out for Tascarans for you," says Ibn, laughing as he continues along the road.
  6. "Besides," says Ibn, jabbing a thumb toward Bilbo, "Do you really think they're going to figure he's a threat?"
  7. "How do you figure that?" asks Ibn, "I mean, I think the odds of avoiding combat with my plan are a lot better than slim, but how exactly does us charging this outpost give us any sort of upper hand? They'd see us coming a mile away, and they have all the protection. If my plan does go awry, at the very least some of them will be outside the guardhouse when the fighting starts, and they probably won't be expecting it." "I guess we could always just torch the place from afar," he adds, "But that doesn't sound very subtle."
  8. "I don't know about you," says Ibn, "But if there's any way I could avoid even the chance of getting stabbed in the fucking face, I'll probably take it. Besides, if it does come down to a fight anyway, we'll be more or less in the same boat. That said, if you want to fight them, I won't stop you, but I sure as hell will be standing back."
  9. "Damn," says Ibn, looking back toward the group, "It looks like we'll have to take a chance then, there's no way we'd be able to sneak around here."
  10. "Does it look like we could sneak around it?" Ibn says as he scans the surrounding area, "If we can't go around, we'll have to deal with them. It would be less suspicious for us to go in smaller groups. My sister and I could go first with one of the donkeys. If we keep our weapons close at hand, but out of sight we could probably get the drop on them just in case they decide to give us any trouble. The rest of the group could follow us not long after, doing something similar."
  11. "I guess we're off then, huh?" says Ibn. He begins to walk toward the town, stopping at the edge of the camp and looking back expectantly.
  12. if anybody uses the word "lazy" in the same sentence as the word "immigrant" and it's not "Immigrants are not lazy", you should probably never speak to them again
  13. But again, it's just rhetoric, and it's mostly because they think people want to hear it. Also seriously, don't even mention east vs west unless you're calling it dumb, mentioning it gives it power, it's like an Elder God, you might summon it by accident.
  14. well since your candidate selection ranges from "I have to pretend I'm a batshit insane conservative so I can get re-elected" to "I'm a batshit insane conservative pretending to be an even more batshit insane conservative" to "holy shit I'm so batshit insane I literally think our currency should be based on batshit I mean gold", I'll go with Obama.
  15. On that front though, Quebec is sort of excluded from the US 2.0 for various reasons. Seperatism is dead and has been dead since the second referendum, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. I mean, they have to create news stories so they talk about it, but it's not actually an issue.
  16. I still don't know what the comment was supposed to mean, but ANYWAY, come on the guy didn't even say anything about seperatism or Quebecois nationalism, or wanting more money or anything. He just made a statement (that was broadly true) about Canada drifting toward the US. edit: but if he is talking about east vs west then yeah holy fuck he's dumb, anyone who talks about east vs west is dumb dumb dumb
  17. ignoring everything else, what the actual fuck is this supposed to mean
  18. "You'll note," says Ibn slowly, turning to face Jacob, "That I at no point said that this was "supposed" to be fun. I didn't say I found it fun. I didn't even imply it. I'm simply responding to what she said."
  19. "Now how on earth do you figure that? I mean, of the two options presented, I find it hard to believe that you would choose to seek out Lord Randel because it's more fun," says Ibn, "Think about it. If anything, our way should be the fun one. After all, at least some people enjoy looting."
  20. "You know it's rude to pass wind like that," says Ibn, looking at Jack while still grinning.
  21. "What? Did you say something?" says Ibn, revealing his teeth, "I'm afraid I wasn't listening, that was very rude of me. I won't do that again."
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