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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. No, the one I wrote where Micaiah and Volug have sex.
  2. I'm debating doing one of these for the Silmarillion. The problem of course will be the fact that there are hundreds of characters, so yeah...
  3. I agree. Eowyn is not necessary in order to kill the Witch King, you simply need someone who is not a man. Has anyone tested whether men just do not deal damage to the Witch King, or will he just not end up being killed by one? I want to know whether non-human males fall into the category of "man". If they don't, Eowyn just got more useless. Also, a thought, I heard if you lose a whole bunch of characters the Valar will come save you and join and they have impossible stats.
  4. Boromir up. Sure, some players suck and get him killed, but he's super awesome. I mean, the BOSS that most people lose him against (which is like his worst boss) pretty much 4HKOs him, which is super awesome. The generics can't even hit him.
  7. Wait, you didn't know Nestling was into bestiality? btw he's also a furry. Man, you need to learn the sexual quirks of this forum. Like Nishi is omnisexual, and Shuuda is a lolicon. Jyo fucks fish.
  8. Haha, for some reason birds keep making nests right by my dad's shop, so he keeps getting pictures of nestlings.
  9. Shock instead of Stun Droid basically (for spellcasters at least), and more tentativeness when I first get my companions (want a lot of DS points to get my Prestige Class and Visas, etc, but I also don't want to lose fuckloads of Influence). Anyhow, I shall update you all on my progress. Part 4 - Shafted! (for no particular reason, I just had to use it) So, after having this door opened for me by a droid, I have another lovely chat with Atton where I call him a coward and shit, and then leave to head down some tunnels that are apparently very dangerous. Oh joy. So I head into the tunnels, and immediately find a barrel of stuff including mine recovering gear and some clothing, all while keeping up some oh so joyous and witty banter with Atton over my Comms thing. After this, I charge on forward through some places, disarm some mines for XP, pick up some items and eventually find a broken droid which I repair and optimize, and set on the other droids to make things easier for myself. I sidle on forward after that, waltzing through several fights with my newfound pal, until he inevitably deserts me. Oh bother. Oh well, I keep on going, fight some more droids, and get some more items, until I come to a room with a bunch of fuel pipes or something and a cool console I can combine with my MASSIVE INTELLIGENCE to disable all the droids on this level. It seriously is hilarious to run around killing these droids and watch them run around like crazy without being able to attack me. I'm loving it. Anyhow, I kill them for exp, shut down these fuel containment fields, and head forward to try to catch a lift (haha, punny). Blah blah, more killing retarded droids, more looting, more disarming, then I get to the lift and take it to the maintenance facility. In this charming place I find dead bodies and a "protocol" droid suspiciously similar in appearance, naming and mannerisms to a certain homicidal combat droid from the previous game... I chat with HK-50 about all sorts of stuff, from me being his master, to him thinking we should just stay put until a ship inevitably arrives, to me pretty much realizing that he masterminded this entire plot. Yeah. It pretty much seems that he got here on a ship along with me, then slowly manipulated the people around him, reprogrammed the droids, changed things around, and bam, killed off everyone. I get some more stuff from around here, deal with a workbench (will discuss this later), and then return to him armed with a Sonic Sensor. I cunningly deceive the false protocol droid into giving me the voice print ID I need in order to exit this area and make my way into the miner's dormitory area, and then I head off to basically do just that, killing some silly droids along the way, plunder me a Space Suit, and then step out into thin air, or rather a lack thereof. Halfway across the space walkway on the front of this facility, a huge ominous looking spaceship decides to appear and look ominous. Oh yeah, and this gives Atton a bad feeling. Aaaaaaaaaaaand there's more but I'm way to tired right now so I'll break here.
  10. Ah yes, except the whole thing about how there is far less negative press because of embedded journalists, how this time they're not just killing people indiscriminately, and this time the guerrillas are less competent. Over 50,000 American Soldiers died in Vietnam, and less than 4500 have died in Iraq. The death rate in Vietnam was one of the many factors involved in the huge discontent of the time. I mean, in a way you are right. It was due in many ways to the incompetence of the US commanders that casualties were so high (it was also due to the North Vietnamese being far better trained and more capable than extremists in Iraq or Afghanistan). It was also due to political pressure and the social situation that the troops were withdrawn. I just think it would be somewhat inaccurate to state that the reason America lost was because of political intervention, because there were many reasons, and I don't really think that was so much of a cause as a result or response.
  11. I... You... This... I mean... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? So you're saying God is like an abusive partner, right? He designed us to be incapable of following the law to the letter so we have to rely on him to save us. Kind of like making it so your spouse has no job, or everything's signed in your name, so they're incapable of supporting themselves and have to rely on you to get by?
  12. The radio said "No, Crash. You are the trolls."
  13. More like due to media coverage and guerrilla warfare. The American defeat in Vietnam was practically an inevitability. It wasn't really due to politicians interfering, unless by that you mean politicians going "oh shit this looks bad, uh guys, maybe this wasn't such a great idea should we stop?"
  14. Wait guys, revelation. So, God doesn't have to follow the rules, because he's the big boss, the head honcho. Therefore, Richard Nixon is God.
  15. You just are. IT'S DIFFICULT TO EXPLAIN.

  16. Nah, you're pretty beast, so it wasn't just because I could.

    It's kind of like rape, right. I mean, the other person can't say no, but you don't do it just because you can, right? You only rape someone that you really WANT to rape.

  17. inorite

    This forum has the bestest friend feature.

  18. So what you're saying is instead of human nature deciding what's right and wrong (which, btw, it isn't), you're going to decide what's right and wrong based on what you think God thinks is right or wrong? I mean, there is no objectively correct morality. Morality is a very subjective thing, but there are some things most people will accept under their moral code, and not accepting them often leads to bizarre hypocrisies. EDIT: Quanta used it on Life, when he was arguing that the Jews were totally justified in slaughtering the Canaanites and taking their land. He just replaced every mention of God with Hitler, Canaanites with Jews, and Jews with Nazis/neo Nazis, and a few other things.
  19. IT WAS ALL PART OF HITLER'S PLAN. Where have I read something like THAT before? I don't think me or Esau craft our morals out of any belief system at all. My morals are based on pretty basic and simple shit like, "Gee, dying sucks, I sure wish people didn't have to die all the time, maybe I should try not to kill people."
  20. Well then, okay, we can just treat Hitler like God. I mean, a lot of people probably did. Seriously, I can pretty much apply any of this to Nazi Germany, easily.
  21. I... You... But... I mean... That... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Okay, let me break this down. You: It was justified because it was all part of the plan, and good things will happen because of that. Me: *applies that logic to something else* You: HOW IS THAT RELEVANT?
  22. You're British, right? Surely you understand the concept of a half brick, right?
  23. Actually, let's go at this a bit more. Many scientific breakthroughs occurred in Nazi Germany, due almost entirely to the holocaust (human experimentation, etc). With some good old Phoenix logic, we now have "THE NAZIS WERE JUSTIFIED AND GREAT, LOOK AT WHAT THEY HAVE DONE FOR US HOW DARE YOU SAY THE HOLOCAUST WAS BAD".
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