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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Besides, haven't we all figured out by now that those Dark Elves Suck?
  2. This cannot possibly be the best AMV ever, partly because it is called an AMV as opposed to the much less gay sounding "MAD", and partly because it is not the best possible AMV ever which would be Clannad/Clannad After Story x Old Man, which sadly has not been created yet.
  4. Perhaps the member being banned for racist usernames might have tipped you off, although I guess you just missed that.
  5. I guess you're not ignoring me then? But yeah man, work on that definition of trolling you've got. It's pretty ridiculously loose.
  6. Your leader! Don't you know he's INFAMOUS?
  7. I'd join this, except I'm a SOCIALIST, and this is run by Fishy Fishy Nishi Nishi.
  8. you not seen da Rage Fox man, you dont no nuffin
  9. Wut you talkin' bout fool? Clearly Drow and Tieflings and Half Orcs are all in there to promote RACISM. And WHY WOULD THEY DRAW ALL THOSE WOMEN WITH SO LITTLE CLOTHING IF THEY DIDN'T WANT THEM TO GET RAPED? etc
  10. Yes, no evidence means it can be disregarded. That is what science is BASED on. Now, we don't say "This is completely impossible and never will be possible". We simply disregard it until there IS evidence. Science is constructed on evidence. The question must always be "Is there evidence?" Let's take something smaller than a quark for example. There is a possibility it may exist. By all means we should look into it, try to find evidence. But we should never say "This is it" without having evidence. I'm not saying we shouldn't look into the possibility of the world ending at some point, or that we shouldn't look into the possibility of something smaller than a quark, or that we shouldn't look into the possibility of bending space. I'm saying we should disregard someones claim of when and how the world will end, or that they've found something smaller than a quark, or that they can bend space, unless we have evidence. Sure something may be possible, but before really considering it, we require evidence. There is a difference between looking into something, or examining it, and believing something to be true.
  11. Now now Nishi, bombers are generally used for static targets, air strikes on tanks would likely utilize Fighters at least somewhat. Your assumptions are rather unfair.
  12. I was not peeved. I was not crushed. I was wounded to the very core of my soul. The depth of my sadness is to this day unmeasurable. My loss, nay, the loss of Serenes Forest, is greater than any loss you creatures may have endured. It was the loss of more than just a man, more than just a brother, it was the loss of a legend, an icon. It was the loss of a symbol of manliness, and of fighting spirit, and it is something that may never be replaced...
  13. You don't know FE fans. It would probably be "We're Responsible for All Imbalances!" Tier. I liked the Interceptor quote Hika had in his profile for a bit about wasting time and stuff. I forgot exactly how it went, but I think smash was trying to say that they were tiering too slowly and then Interceptor did this whole thing putting it into perspective, and it was pretty funny.
  14. Play 4e. In 4e the official stance is to allow players to fully customize and choose their flavor related traits such as anal circumference.
  15. I noticed FFtF had more activity than usual. I should have known you were back.
  16. A) That's a great thing B) Death, etc Death kind of answered this, but Fox is a part troll just by existing. It's kind of difficult to explain. It's just how she is. Basically, she draws mad aggro.
  17. While that is somewhat true (I mean, you can discredit something while mocking it, or mock it while you're discrediting it), that doesn' t matter, because YOU said Sure the middle bit mentions mocking, but you stated fairly clearly (or maybe you meant something totally different, in which case fairly unclearly) that you had a problem with discrediting. If I think that farting monkeys in the deep blue sea will cause the sun to come up tomorrow, I am not right when the sun comes up, I'm still wrong. Just because part of what I said was right doesn't make me correct. In addition, a lack of evidence makes a claim false about as much as anything makes a claim false. Sure, there is a minute chance of it occuring, but as we have said over and over, and as you consistently fail to understand, there is no point in pursuing that minute chance or giving it any credence. It is, for all intents and purposes, false.
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