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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. lol PS. This isn't spamming, this is my way of congratulation, although considering I have to say this to avoid getting warned I guess it kind of ruins it, hey?
  2. Yeah, remember when you told Jyo that his name and mine should be censored? Or maybe you only said Revan should be censored, either way, he did it to both. I think it's gone now though. EDIT: Yeah, it's gone.
  3. All you guys who don't like Seinfeld are racist. Fuck you, go die.
  4. Okay. The point isn't that it didn't happen a lot back then, the point was that God fucking ENCOURAGED them to do it. He's supposed to be a goddamn omnibenevolent being. It doesn't matter that everyone else did it (and continued to do it for years), it doesn't really make it better, and most of all, he's God, you'd think he could have a better solution. I said that he should have poofed some land in for the OTHER people. Try reading next time. Maybe he should have put in some giant glowing signs or something, shit like "Don't go here or I'll encourage my chosen people to slaughter every one of you, yours Truly God". I mean, he's omniscient, he should have seen it coming.
  5. Wait, what? So you're saying it's okay to slaughter noncombatants because its war? Really? Really? Because we have rules against that shit you know. Is this actually your argument, because I'm kind of in disbelief. Yeah... Okay. So couldn't he poofed some more land into existence and had the other people go there? Fuck, couldn't he have just prevented people from moving there? He's goddamn all powerful, this shouldn't present much of a problem to him.
  6. Moar like Fayt x WHAT IS THIS DOING HERE?
  7. I'll start. My my, hey hey, Rock and roll is here to stay. Somebody fill in the punchline!
  8. Oh yeah, I think Destiny Hero was pretty cool too.
  9. Are you? I should make a topic like "Nishi goes to PEDOPHILE REHAB" and see how long it takes until you break down and bitch about it. Or at least until it's locked and I'm warned. 8[
  10. From what I know about God, I figure that even if he does exist, he's either a dickhole or way less powerful than he pretends to be, so either way, I don't think worshiping him while on Earth (you know, the life I fucking know I have, not the life I have to not think about at all to try to pretend I might have) is going to help me much.
  11. "End of All Hope" because that would be fucking hilarious. Or like, some Bright Eyes. Oh my god, the end of the world would be amazingly bizarre with playing in the background.
  13. Wait wait wait. So your response to the fact that there is no absolute moral law, and that everyone has different things they think are right or wrong, and that none of those or more correct than others is that you don't care? Uh, okay. That would explain some things.
  14. A real man never truly dies, even when he's killed...

  15. Explain why he's being annoying then. From my position, Soul is intelligent and humorous enough, and receptive to change. By end game he'll cap everything, even if he's only level 20/10.
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