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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. It may for some, and it may not for others. See Jyo, I actually like you. I like most of the members of the staff. I respect most of them. I'm not doing this because I think you, or any of the other people on the staff, are bad guys. EDIT: Funny you should link to those guidelines Narga, as they seem to indicate Hika shouldn't be banned at all.
  2. Don't worry, I have similar ire for everyone else involved, although you do have the power to reverse their decisions, and your track record has not propped you up.
  3. How is it immature? How are the things he does immature? Explain what makes them so immature. Because there are quite a few members who would disagree with you. Except as I said before, if you did allow him, he'd just revert to Hikarusa pretty soon. Either way, younger members can still appreciate a joke. It's not going to hurt them. And if you really want to dissuade it, a better way to deal with it is just a suspension. It deals with the problem well enough, and he usually won't try anything funny for a little while after that. Except I've always admitted it, you didn't need me there. Now, most of the times I have gotten warned intentionally, it was in order to show a rule discrepancy or something silly, and it often actually worked. The times where I didn't intend to get warned were often completely ridiculous, like me getting warned for making a light hearted farewell in Red Fox of Fire's Resignation topic, but which you refused to even listen to me about. And see Jyo, I'm not wrong. I know you'll let me prattle on, but please, for once, actually listen without being practically forced into it. How many times have you steadfastly refused to admit you were wrong? Many. And in several of those times, you eventually admitted you were wrong, but it took unbelievable amounts of pressure to make you do so, and they tended to be utterly humiliating. Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, you could reconsider before it got to that point? Honestly, I don't have the patience, the willingness, or probably even the proper skills to make you surrender like Blacken used to, but hey, at least I tried, right?
  4. Except the forum is not more peaceful, because Hika was never disrupting the peace. The things he did were never very big, or very impacting, and if they were, a week long suspension usually fixed them. You banning him is going to disrupt the peace a lot more, because it is a terrible idea. Almost everybody toes the line in something, and yeah, we generally accept it. It's not immature, and it is not generally disruptive. Tell me honestly how disruptive it is to have Hikarusa's name as White People Suck and have the topic he made open (in FFtF)? You don't have to babysit (not that you do anyway, hardly ever being on), because it's really not that big of an issue, and if it is, it's hilariously easy to defuse. It's not elementary school behavior, most of it is funny, clever, or in some way charming. I don't "learn from my mistakes" (well I do, but not in this context). Most of the times I am warned, I know I am going to be warned, or I don't think I should be warned, but give up arguing against it, because you (in particular) never listen to anything I say, no matter how legitimate. This is why I miss Blacken. At least with him around you would occasionally admit you had done something wrong. Honestly, your descriptions of me and Hikarusa would probably be better of being switched. He's the only one responding, and he has the ultimate power. I would argue with anyone who made the decision and wants to argue though.
  5. Austria will live as long as Germany isn't a dumbshit, pretty much. I mean, they can die early from some terrible occurences, but if they've got Germany (which they should) on their side, it's pretty easy to survive. Russia isn't much of a problem, as they usually have bigger fish to fry (and you can get Germany to threaten them in Sweden or something), and Germany can quite possibly help you deal with Italy if Italy invades. Turkey is the only person you pretty much have to fight, and you can hold your own against them.
  6. Authority. I can't stand the man putting me down man.
  7. Jyo. What the fuck? I know you're just going to ignore what I post or warn me for some stupid reason (not like it would be the first time), but seriously, what are you smoking? I know you're not a stupid person, so why do you have to keep making these terrible administrative choices? How was Hikarusa asking to be banned? Seeing how far you can toe the line without getting warned isn't asking to be banned, it's a fairly acceptable and normal thing for someone to do. He wasn't disrupting the forum, he was only even POTENTIALLY disrupting those looking to be disrupted. There is nothing wrong with being warned a lot, especially given the fact that he has had more time to gain those warns than pretty much everyone else on the forum. Fuck, I've had 10 Warns in way less time than he's been here, I guess you should ban me too, eh? I bet if you check other people's warns and their time here you'll find a lot of members should be banned. Seriously, how in the world do you even think this is a good idea? What do you gain?
  8. He actually only hit 40% Warn, which makes me wonder why his history matters so much...
  9. Just because I shouldn't be surprised when stuff like this happens (though I am a bit surprised), doesn't mean it's not stupid when stuff like this happens.
  10. Nah, he got warned, then got suspended when he made a mocking topic about how he couldn't change it due to no name changes.
  11. While I don't think it necessarily merited any action (as I said, there are a bunch of ways it could have been dealt with), I also think it was an overreaction. That's what I'm saying here.
  12. This was just the last in a long line of "controversial" name changes Hika made. Even if it was done specifically to piss the mods off, it shouldn't matter. The proper response would have been either to call his bluff and just suspend him for a week for it, force change his name, or just let him have his name changes. It seriously wouldn't do any harm to just let him have the name change, and the black people suck, or whatever. Inevitably he would get bored and change it back to Hikarusa or something, probably pretty quickly. As far as I know, he was just playing around, as he has done for a long time. I don't know about you, but I actually DO find his constant attempts to be able to use an offensive name funny. There's nothing wrong with being controversial just to be controversial, but even then, it should hardly have been controversial. And the attitude itself is certainly a fine one. As I said, it was relatively harmless, and there were a multitude of ways it could have been dealt with other than this. EDIT: Seriously, that "you cannot stop me now mods" topic, was hilarious. In fact, it was so funny, I linked it to several people who never even go to SF and probably have no idea what it is, and THEY found it humorous, especially when I gave them backstory to it.
  13. But that's the point, that's not a good outlook for a forum. A forum may not be a democracy, but it still depends on the consent of its members, and it's quality will be affected by its rules and attitudes. And I'm saying, that this set of attitudes is bad. If somebody has ultimate power, that's even more reason to mock them. I can understand being afraid of mocking them, I guess (if they had that power in real life at least), but it shouldn't dissuade you from mocking them in any way. I'm not certain I follow your line of thinking on this one.
  14. Problem with immortal, is that you would inevitably go insane or begin to hate your life (actually both). Why? You're immortal. You live infinitely. That means that it is inevitable that those things will happen at some point. It's also why immortality is theoretically impossible.
  15. Taunting admins doesn't, and should never warrant a ban. Not only is it not in the rules, but if it was, it would be a fucking stupid rule. That would be like a country where you couldn't make fun of politicians without being extradited and barred from re-entering the country. The only rules I can see it possibly breaking are either the do not question us publicly on policy rule (also kinda dumb), or the prejudicial comment rule, which is kind of stretching it, especially given that we have a rule about not taking things seriously (this should actually remove most of Hika's warns and whatnot, but hey). Either way, there would have been much better ways to deal with this than pseudo-banning him. I'm going to do it anyway, because it's dumb. He didn't told me not to bitch. He never tells me not to bitch though...
  16. Pshaw. We have people like Neil Young man, who cares about anything else. Seriously, we have fucking Neil Young, a goddamn musical legend. No-one can touch us man, no-one can touch us.
  17. Hold on while I make the topic I am about to make, and then BET YOUR LIFE ON IT. Here we go.
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