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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. WOW. OMG. You are like, so totally racist, it isn't even funny!
  2. Jarly was incredible simply for his unintentional hilarity. Either that, or he was a god troll. If neither of those are to be considered good things, then he has to drop very, very low, definitely below Luminothe.
  3. I'd probably agree with something similar to that. I tend not to go into saying something is sacred or whatever, so it should be protected, but I do agree that there should be some way to get a semi private funeral, but one in which the public can attend, but I don't know if that should be completely standard. I actually keep thinking of it like a contract or something. One that can be easily signed, and only carries one rider, but that rider is "don't be a dick". I don't mean it literally, but I think it sort of conveys the spirit. I don't know if it should be the deceased's permission though...
  4. Man, you being on the internet is really terrible for me, because it removes my motivation to actually do anything because you do it better. Bawwwwwwww.
  5. Except it WAS a contribution. Part of what it did was force Jyo to realize that a line had to be drawn somewhere. As he said himself, he would constantly push his limits, until encountering firm and reasonable resistance, which he never encountered for quite a while.
  6. Those things are not equitable. Threats are different from offensive speech, which is different from harmful speech. Threats are a type of harmful speech, they are a form of intimidation. Threats of violence cannot be legal in a working system, because if they are, they essentially make it so that people are unable to go about their daily lives freely, without fear. Being offended doesn't actually harm you. Being offended doesn't prevent you from freely practicing your religion. Being offended doesn't do a lot of things threats do. It's not like this is even hate speech. This is not "harmful" free speech.
  7. Awwww, come on. Fox even banned Phoenix from Srs Discussion. 8] Black Knight never said he joined to troll, he said he continuously pushed his limits and did whatever he could get away with. And he could get away with a lot. There is a difference.
  8. The point is to prove that threats of violence will not work to defeat free speech. The point is to show we are not willing to shut up just because we might be in danger because of it. It doesn't harm ANY Muslims. Being offended is not being harmed. I am using common sense. I don't care if people are offended, people are offended every day. I am offended by things every day, but I don't go out and say they shouldn't be allowed to occur or threaten to kill people who do them. In this way, I am similar to moderate Muslims. The whole point of this day is not to offend people, but to demonstrate that you can't threaten freedom of speech out of existence. If we offend people in the process, fine, that's part of what makes free speech great. If no one ever offended anyone, we'd live in a pretty goddamn shitty society. Except it would not be. No one is suffering. Muslims are still free to profess, and by argument maintain their opinions in matters of religion, and those opinions will not affect their civil capacities.
  9. And I'm saying it doesn't matter. A non radical muslim, whether offended or not by visual depictions of Mohammed, being non radical WON'T DO ANYTHING RADICAL ABOUT IT. People are allowed to be offended. I don't mind. The ideal outcome of it is that radical Islam is proven to be And I am not limiting or suggesting we limit freedom of religion. Where did I even suggest that? Freedom of Religion doesn't mean we have to follow the rules of a religion. It doesn't mean we aren't allowed to offend people. It means we can believe what we choose to believe and not be discriminated against for it. Freedom of Religion in no way states that people shouldn't be allowed to draw Mohammed. When I said "Freedom of Religion doesn't give you any ability to limit Freedom of Speech", I literally meant that following Freedom of Religion will not prevent you from practicing Freedom of Speech. Sure, interpretation, etc. Yeah. I don't see where you're going. Let me ask, do you think Freedom of Religion means we should all be subject to the rules of any religion that invokes it? Do you believe that is what Freedom of Religion means? Hell, do you believe that Freedom of Speech should be limited by people getting offended? Should I not be allowed to say or do something that does not harm someone in any way, simply because it will offend them? Do you think this is a viable and successful way to run a nation?
  10. Usually when it was the annoying type, it had some reasoning behind it.
  11. Hikarusa to just below Wist in Top Tier, Red Fox of Fire above Fireman, but still in High Tier. From memory, those were the two of the SF members most receptive to change, and probably two of the most integral parts of the advancement of SF from dumb bawfest to respectable forum. Also, Hikarusa is (intentionally) funnier than 90% of the members of this site, and his humor is generally good natured, and when it isn't entirely, it's usually pretty filled with wisdom. Red Fox of Fire is just very good at learning and adapting and progressing. Tino needs to be way higher than he is, he was also an integral part of improving SF, and he's even an Admin now. Death up too, for similar reasons, even if his methods were a lot more shadowy, and he's not an admin. Dunno about exact positions. Fox, Der Komissar and Black Knight should be pretty high up, both for generally being rather enjoyable posters, but for also having the nature and balls to do shit that needed to be done. Shuuda on, and in High Tier probably, basically for similar reasons. There are a lot of people who contributed to the development of SF as a forum, and I think they really should get pretty high spots. And now for my Wist defense argument. Wist should most certainly not fall, in fact, I may suggest he rise to the very top. Well, maybe. Here is the explanation: Wist's posts are almost universally good natured, and while somewhat rare, excellently humorous. In the very rare occasion he makes a non humorous post, it's heavy as fuck, and tends to contribute significantly to the conversation it was part of. Plus, he does have a cult. And he's a pretty handsome motherfucker. And he invented "8]". And he plays Eroge and Starcraft. Wist is truly the pinnacle of this forum. TheEnd down for having a rage button the size of a fucking metropolitan city. More arguments may come later.
  12. Except it has NOTHING to do with their Freedom of Religion. If shit like this did, then Freedom of Religion would not exist, because a lot of religions technically demand some pretty damn headfucked things. Freedom of Religion is simply the ability to practice your religion without being discriminated against for it, it doesn't mean people aren't allowed to offend you, or that other people aren't allowed to break the rules of your religion. If that was the case fucking alcohol would be illegal, among many other things. No one necessarily needs to depict Mohammed, but it's a matter of having freedoms. For example, I don't really care about having sex with other men, but I do care about people being ALLOWED to have sex with other men if they so please. I don't really care about smoking marijuana, but I care about people being allowed to smoke marijuana if they believe. As for the last part, you misinterpreted me terribly. That was my whole point. I DON'T retaliate violently, or say people shouldn't be allowed to do those things. If I do retaliate, I do it in a reasonable and logical manner, and I have no qualms with others responding in such a manner. My whole POINT is that I think people SHOULD be allowed to do things that I personally disagree with or that rub me the wrong way, because it is their RIGHT to do those things. It doesn't matter if they offend me, they should still be allowed to do those things.
  13. The point isn't to solve the problem of radicalism. The point is to take away its fangs. The point is that radicals cannot really hurt us. By drawing Mohammed, we can make their death threats laughable, because there is no way they will kill anyone. Gee, so if I start a religion and make a bunch of neat rules am I allowed to infringe on free speech too? It doesn't matter what you believe, Freedom of Religion doesn't give you ANY ability to limit Free Speech. Rubbing someone the wrong way should not be frowned upon or illegal. There are many times when it is necessary. You can't say that people shouldn't be allowed freedom of speech because other people might get their feelings hurt. I don't care if your feelings get hurt, because fuck, people do shit that rubs me the wrong way all the time. Every damn day. The difference is, I don't even try to argue they shouldn't be able to say it, let alone threaten to kill them.
  14. While Fred Phelps is a useless dumbshit, I still believe that each person has the right to say what they want. Hate speech is a difficult and blurred line on this subject, but I don't know if he should be denied his freedom of speech because of it.
  15. Defense lawyer, there are enough people that get sent to jail for goddamn stupid reasons that I couldn't care less if they are guilty or not. Plus, if there isn't enough proof to definitively put someone in jail, that person should not be in jail. Or punished however.
  16. If you want to tell me I cannot say or do something that doesn't harm you in any way, especially such a fundamentally simple freedom of speech issue, then you can go fuck yourself. (Not directed at anyone here necessarily, just at this shit in general.) I will gladly draw Mohammed. Threatening to kill or injure someone for doing anything, even if it is to willfully spite you, when it doesn't really harm you or your reputation is absolutely ridiculous and I find it reprehensible. Even arguing that someone shouldn't be allowed to do it is absurd. People lie about, manipulate, or mock things important to me, things I like, or hell, scientific facts that improve everyone's lives, and I don't argue they shouldn't be allowed to do so. Basically, I don't care what the fuck your ridiculous religious texts demand you do, if that's going to interfere with my freedom of speech, and the freedom of speech that in many ways enabled our civilization to reach the point it has, then you can go back to where you came from, the Dark Ages. This applies to any religion trying to oppress freedom of speech, and even non-religious organizations attempting to do so.
  17. Bedouin Soundclash are a pretty good band, and they have nice ska elements.
  18. Seriously, all of you watch Durarara! I cannot say that enough times.
  19. Alrighty then. I'll send the sheets. Hopefully we can get started soon.
  20. Fire Pig looks pretty awesome, will choose anyway because I always choose the fire starter. I hope beyond hopes that maybe, MAYBE, this time, they though "Gee, maybe the Fire starter's top three stats shouldn't be Speed, Attack and Special Attack arranged in some order..." I also hope we don't get a third Fire/Fighting. Grass started also looks like a bastard, which makes him awesome. Trainers look pretty cool too.
  21. Real men cause 100% efficient nuclear reactions in a planet's core.
  22. Best is hard for me, I'll just go with Return of the Jedi, because it's my favorite so lolbias. Worst is Attack of the Clones. It was somewhat wooden, the romance was kind of weak, the effects seemed somewhat out of place, and it's story just wasn't very strong. I can't say Phantom Menace, because I love Liam Neeson too much for that, and I don't say Revenge of the Sith because, while it was massively full of laughable angst, it at least had some interesting bits (mainly the parts with Obi Wan). Anyhow, I felt that prequel Anakin's fall from grace was pretty awkward and didn't make much sense. His reasons for doing so and methods of thinking were terribly flawed, his character wasn't particularly endearing, and his delivery just made it worse. Hayden IS a pretty bad actor, his emotions all seem portrayed in the exact same brooding fashion. He reminds me of one of those abusive boyfriends from the Planning videos we used to watch in class to teach us about domestic violence, except portrayed as a tragic hero. Basically, his tragedy was just never able to strike a chord with me because it just made no sense. It was dumb.
  23. That's a dumb tier. Name it "Richard Dawkins Sodomizing Jesus Tier". Maybe throw in a part about Muhammed licking his anus or something. I dunno.
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