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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Invisible Castle Dice Roller (it's trackable, so no one can lie about their rolls), and The Tangled Web Character Profiler. d20System Reference Document, all you need. Probably.
  2. I don't know, sadly. I mainly use The Tangled Web for character sheets and Invisible Castle for dice. Also, prepare to encounter a killer gnome, once I finish building this stuff.
  3. I'm back now. I'll be posting my character soon, it shall be a Wizard. 8] Good luck on your first try at DMing though too, if you have any questions, just ask me (I mainly DM, I don't get many chances to play).
  4. CATS for top of the Passive Aggressive Tier List!
  5. As your party member I feel I must inform you that I will be working to prevent such an occurrence from happening again. 8]
  6. Yeah, you don't NEED supplements if they're allowed. Allowing supplements just means that anyone who WANTS to use them can. Anyhow, I'll start making a character soon. Are we allowed to take Flaws, or no? And I vote default 3.5, if only because I have more experience with it.
  7. Fighter must have an Int of 3, as lower Int characters are unsuitable for use as PCs. I also believe speech requires an Int of 3, and I think Classes require Int of 3, so yeah...
  8. I'm going to have to say I think it both raises the bar and lowers it.
  9. I'll refrain from Gurren Lagann quotes explaining how I have to take the place of my bro and just call you a faggot.
  10. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
  11. I keep making fun of my friend for watching Ladies versus Butlers because of that.
  12. What are you trying to imply? Are you perhaps attempting to come out of the closet?
  13. As a correction, my character certainly will not be called Arcturus Mengsk, despite what my other half might have stated. Also also, lol Of Mice and Men.
  14. What in the world are you talking about?
  15. Name: Arcturus Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Arcturus is unassuming in his height, and thin, but not wiry. He is muscular, but not to a great degree. He is however quite swift, and has great dexterity. He has relatively short, brown hair, with a somewhat feminine face. He has laughing blue eyes, and he tends to wear a slight grin at all times. He wears a plain gray shirt, and a plain gray coat, with plain gray trousers. He wears no armor, but does carry around several knives. Personality: Going with the reveal method. Element: Fire Class: Thief Crimson weapon?: No Stats: HP 2, Str 4, Mag 0, Skl 4, Spd 4, Def 2, Res 2, Lck 2 Simplified stats: HP 6, Damage +3 (including knife penalty), to hit +4, Evade +8 (including knife bonus), Def 3, Res 3, Weapons: Several varieties of knife/dagger stowed away on various parts of his body Items/gold: Vulnerary (5 GP), 15 GP Skills: Steal Backstory: I plan on revealing backstory as necessary through plot, but I'll give the basic gist to help flow. Arcturus has spent most of his life running jobs for various people in larger metropolitan areas, although he has spent time in the countryside as well. Currently he is traveling across the land seeking his fortunes as he can. He is no stranger to fighting, but neither is it something that he has spent much time looking for. The jobs that were offered to young men in cities often would run him afoul of some person or another, and certainly once he had been payed he became a much more interesting target.
  16. Seriously, I don't fucking understand why people make alts. It's like the fastest way to get banned around here.
  17. Doom, doom, doom... Hika's not here, and I really don't want to have to take over his responsibilities...
  18. A silent clone in a long line of clones goes in the place of a mentally unstable boy who's father she has been having sex with, in a giant bio-robotic suit to throw a biblical relic at an alien life form called an angel hanging in orbit and dropping globs of acid on the earth with deadly precision in this show. That's fucking awesome.
  19. Yeah. Nuclear non proliferation will probably not make them more likely to war. The only real difference it will make is that Israel will go from only being defeated by a suicidal nation, to just not being defeated period (well, not really, but the basic idea is that it will probably make Israel mildly safer due to the elimination of the possibility of a basket case nation).
  20. I was going to make an RP joke, then I remembered he'd probably report me and warns are bawwwwwww.
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