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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. A difficult decision indeed. I have a tendency to like anime for (apparently) completely different reasons than the majority of fans, and in some cases I almost feel like I have thought too much about it and discovered depth that was not supposed to be there. So, I guess it's a bit of a struggle between Hairoohee, Code Geass, and Clannad. But I'll probably think of some other show after writing this that I also really liked...
  2. lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol Oh god I'll get warned for spam for this if I don't say something else. Uhhhhh. I like both the Nostalgia Critic AND AVGN.
  3. Oh god, reminds me of how I should check this forum more often. I'm basically just on sporadically really, but if I play online it will probably be with the screenname ZXValaRevan.
  4. Yoyoyo. Just saw your DnD topic, and posted in it. 8]

  5. Holy shit, did not see this. I love DnD. I tend to play 4e, and it's my preferred edition, but if someone ELSE is DMing, sure I'll play a hideously broken character 3.x Wizard, which are like, some of my favorite characters of all time. EDIT: Oh, and I've got plenty of experience playing online, so if you need help with maps, dice rolling, etc, I can tell you how it's done.
  6. I honestly watch whatever's good. The medium itself is not particularly important. That being said, there tends to be more variety in anime, therefore I watch more anime, because there is more good anime.
  7. I downloaded the Imperial (Multiplayer) Era, and have played quite a bit of it. A very good era, imo, with a mix of units from the original, and added units, some quite interesting and fun to use.
  8. No offense to MechWarrior, but the mechs in it are so... Inelegant...
  9. On the flip side, almost every cavalry soldier in an organized army in history has at least had some sort of sword or something to use in case it was needed. I'd say this would work better with the "Social Knights" or Cavaliers, as they wielded the popular Sword/Lance combo. But when I honestly think about it, I think it could work out alright actually. I mean, take a Macedonian Hoplite (I always feel weird calling the soldier a phalangite, and calling them a phalanx just doesn't jive with me, so even though it's somewhat inaccurate, I hope you can excuse my naming), and a Hetairoi. The Sarissa was a much longer spear generally than the Xyston, yet the Hoplite managed to use it fairly effectively in combat. Sure the style of use was somewhat different, but in the end, they both fought in a fairly similar fashion (ie. move at the enemy until they are skewered). So yeah, I think it probably could work.
  10. Wait wait wait. WAS SOMEBODY BAD MOUTHING COMPLEXITY? Well, if you need me, I'll be playing Armored Core. Don't worry, it's only for Answer, needn't worry about having your head explode.
  11. Go get a graphing calculator. Plug in: tanX^3+5X^2-sinX+12 Tell me that isn't beautiful!
  12. Dude. Essays are goddamn awesome. If you can get a good writing style, and figure out how to do things, you should pretty much get close to 100% every time. The Teacher's "judgement" doesn't really come into it, at least in a sane system. Perhaps the Canadian marking system is different, but in English a large part of the mark is based on things that can be somewhat objectively graded. Sure, there is some subjectivity, but it's not difficult to circumvent it. But Math is awesome too, because you can pretty easily do very well in it.
  13. AVG Free Edition, Spybot Search and Destroy, Avast, etc.
  14. Definitely, that +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense does wonders for you. Also, congratulations Bizz!
  15. It is an uber for a reason. And that reason is Encore, which it doesn't get until 3rd Gen.
  16. I subscribe to the school of "never pay anyone to fix your computer ever ever ever ever ever". My computer has died and been revived like 6 times. My dad's old computer's motherboard melted.
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