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Mercenary Lord

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Everything posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. I'm not sure about that critical. I mean, it's cool, but it sort of looks like after she finishes spinning it that it like slides in her hand really slowly. Not even slid: it looks like it's on a ball bearing or something, or greased by oil, and just slides a few frames. I dunno
  2. Do we just submit the thing when we're done with it? Or do we submit it on the actual deadline?
  3. D-does the sword get cut off when it's spun? B-but physics
  4. Fair warning, I have a horrible schedule. I might have hours to work one day, and not even one the next.
  5. I would, but I can't face sprite to save my life my point i im interested in battle sprites
  6. I suppose, but some of the classes already in place aren't even edited at all to look less character unique. It just seems like a bunch of switching around the class names. I guess.
  7. This was somewhat of a let down. I am disappoint. I thought I was going to come in here and like, see this huge list of custom classes and everything, but...nothing... :c
  8. You know, now that I look at it, that arm casting the spell is really short. :/ and if you consider it perspective, that makes it look awkward as hell.
  9. Eeenope. I made it cause I had nothing else to do. And I don't really feel like going back to it. Cause I'm lazy. :/ Oh, and the samples I used are the samples I've got. So can't really do much there.
  10. So this isn't really art, but I composed a piece yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qltxHWIgZtU First time venturing into this kind of genre.
  11. The frames I made for the lightning fit best there, but I'll see about the cape fluttering I'm glad you like it more. It's supposed to be the critical attack Eliwood never got, so it's fine with me if it's a little flashy.
  12. Hahaa, you should scroll up a bit and look at the old one. It was like, half a minute of glowing. The timing bit is different from the sheet itself. I'm not the best at sequencing frames, so it does kind of detract from the overall sprite. Thanks for the crit, though. I'll see what happens.
  13. The Robot doesn't move because I'm lazy and the guy who requested it is fine with it. The Eliwood one is supposed to take that long. I've cut it down, but if he just went and suddenly attacked with a big sword, there'd be no point to it. :/ Thanks for pointing it out, though. I'll avoid it for some of my more 'Fire-Emblem' sprites, and not these wacky ones.
  14. Hngh I don't know somebody told me to finish this but i didnt want to so it really isnt as good as it could have been
  15. I was gonna do something like this. but then I got lazy.
  16. It's on my to do list. Probably will just split it into two different attacks.
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