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Everything posted by Deity

  1. *Adds back* Guess I am good at math after all. ^^

  2. I wanted to get Vesperia...but I went with Disgaea 3 instead. *Late at night, Athos proceeded to head on over to Nil's room.*
  3. Deity

    Er-That is good to know. XD

  4. Um nice siggy, perhaps later you could throw something at me. XD
  5. Anyways, I wanna let bygones be bygones. I really dont have anything against FEe, it was my first Fe site actually. So yeah, I was simply wondering how many FEE were here. XD
  6. Deity

    Hi everyone

    Wait, so you are Innes from overthere huh? And thanks, Ninja. ^^
  7. Indeed. Midian is not one of them...But I wont mention those that are in my black list. lol
  8. I dont hate FEe, to be honest here, I just now hate those that were part of my demise there. Before the trouble started, I was good friends with alot of peeps there: Omegablaster, Yosh, Django, Thunk. Those were good pals...but then newbies started to join in and that is when the trouble began. Lol But no, I dont hate FEe. I just hate the peeps that should of been banned instead of me.
  9. It is good to know that, for I am not racist, never were to one of those guys at FEE. It was them who started crap with me and got me banned simply because I said heavier stuff back at them..I mean, what else was I gonna do after being called a wetback...and other stuff like that? Blitz simply didnt care because he hated me from the start...so he went on and banned me just to have the trouble sorted, instead of putting down his fist as law and ban those racist guys. A few of those are now mods there and all spammers too.
  10. Lol, I like to keep my friends/enemies confused. Jk, yeah, it's me. I just hope I dont have the same trouble here. XD
  11. Yep, it is insane overthere. I wont say much on the matter, but the truth is Blitz is just a pathetic Ad. He banned the wrong people. I could mention names, but I like I said, I wont do that. It is.
  12. Religious Man- Nacho Libre soundtrack.
  13. Indeed. Besides, I was hated simply for being hispanic. Yep, I've noticed.
  14. Deity

    Thx for the add, Tino.

  15. Yes, and all three times unfairly. The last one, which was my fourth, I left on my own.
  16. Its okay, I actually feel delighted that you offered me your help. I might pm you about it some time. XD
  17. Deity

    Hi everyone

    Lol, thanks you all. I already feel at home. ^^ I was planning about making a story here soon, about SF peeps, with you all as cast (Well, the ones that one to participate) But I dont wanna spam, I guess I will just post details in the writing section later. If you are interested though and cant wait to say yes, you can go ahead and pm me.
  18. Indeed, I know what you mean. That is why I ran lol I dont know if I should say this but I was known as the anti Blitz...lol That is more than enough if you ask any FEE actual member, if you catch my drift. My life at FEe is a long story...but perhaps sometime I might tell it all. Do you charge for designing websites? I was wondering this becuase I have wanted a website of my own for such a long time. I plan to publish a FE related story soon, and wanted a website, but I dont know jack about designing. All I do is mug and write. lol
  19. So what do you like to do, Tino? Do you mug, write, rp, etc...
  20. Oh cool, at least I aint alone in this joint. XD Nice to know that, though I have to admit that I've never heard of either of you. It could be because I was at FEE about two years back. Still, it is good to know that I am not alone.
  21. I was simply curious. Are there any FEE peeps here besides yours truly? XD
  22. Oh ok, well thanks for the word, yo. ^^
  23. I searched for a topic that would let me post newly created mugs and didn't find one. I know I could of just made like my own topic where I could post the mugs, but I was wondering if we could like have a topic for everyone that is mugger where they can show off their new stuff to the rest. If so, let me know, if not, guess I will have to post my work in a seperate topic.
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