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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Welcome, brother Martin. Oh wait, it is Martini, not oblivion lol.

  2. How about I give you a full forum with lots of options and a cool story?
  3. I dont have a warning yet, dont plan to have one either. :D
  4. Your rp is nice and all, but if you are gonna have it based as a stat rp, I am afraid you need a full forum for it to be succesful. Not only would it be easier to find stuff that has to do with the rp, but all would be less messy. XD Aside from joining your rp soon, I am also thinking of a project much like I have already detailed it above.
  5. Woot, congrats. I have like 30, and feel proud of it. XD
  6. What's going on in this joint? XD

  7. Do pm me when you set it up so I can join it, if it is possible for this grizzled old warrior to do so. :D
  8. Deity

    The Mist

    The Mist wasn't a bad movie, but I dont think that's the way its gonna happen. It was entertaining though, til the end.
  9. Oh, alright. Thanks, I dont know much about Kirby, but I am interested in seeing what you come up with.
  10. My guess would be; make up characters, rp as them and have fun.
  11. So, does anyone? I'd just wish someone would, I feel like blasting the crap out of aliens and monsters. XD Oh, wait, does anyone like level up rps? I actually dont mind them but I prefer non-level up ones.
  12. Er yeah, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

  13. Deity

    Goddamn it.

    Indeed. You'd probably deserve it too.
  14. Deity

    Goddamn it.

    I mean I personally hate work, I prefer staying at home and playing videogames or writing, or doing fun stuff. But work? Come on, I hate having to get up early in the morning, when all I wanna do is sleep late lol.
  15. Do what you think is best, Arc. I just wanna see the results. :D
  16. Deity

    Goddamn it.

    I dont even know why work was invented in the first place. It just takes the fun out of life totally. XD
  17. Thanks for the info, I shall think of a good rp soon. Maybe something from outer space, my favorite topic lol.
  18. I actually had an idea pop into my head as I was watching the chiefs beat the broncos a while ago. ((Chief Fan Here)) Well, I see that most of us do want a place for rps, but I really dont know if that's gonna happen sometime soon, or if it will get approved too. I thought about making a quick rp forum. If you peeps really like to rp like I do, then perhaps we could do with that until something happens here. I'm not forcing anyone, though, if you want the link to the place, just pm me or let me know about it some other way. :D Good day to you all.
  19. How come you dont display your friends? lol

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