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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Some guy named MaSu or somn like that. Know him? XD
  2. My vote is no. Jk, Of course, I was the one who started ranting about an rp forum lol. Yes, I vote yes.
  3. Deity

    Thanks for all the trouble you are going through for me, MaSu.

  4. Haha, that must of been fun. :D Ah geez. Tough luck then. I was thinking about making a forum for rping, but would I have joiners? Prolly not, but who knows. XD Yeah, rping is fun, man, if it is done in an orderly fashion. At FEE, some dudes would just join without even knowing what the story was about. They'd create their character and then start killing bandits, monsters etc left and right..which takes the fun of the rp since everyone wants to be a god character...not me though, I hate godmodding.
  5. But some friend of mine is going to request one for me, lol. ^^ Its good to have friends I say. Its not bad, I like it too. ^^
  6. *Adds back*

    And thanks for the Hi, hi to you as well.

  7. Deity

    Dragon Ball!

    I only like Goku and Vidal from the DBZ series. ^^
  8. So why dont we make an rp here, peeps? Or perhaps we could even suggest that a board be made for rps. If not, guess we could just make an rp forum from invision, that is only if you are really hardcore rpers like me.
  9. Choosing is always a hard thing to do. Have fun.
  10. I prefer Arc's explanation. I dont know, it could be that the DS is just full of bugs. Get the damn bug killing spray. ^^
  11. You guys have a chat? lol, sorry, I aint too good looking and finding stuff up.
  12. Not a bad choice. I was planning on buying a Wii later, that is the only system I dont owe.
  13. You are right about that, they give you little for the used things you take, however, I was able to make good bargains with used games there as well. What did your dad get? Did he use the money there or just took off?
  14. gamestop takes just about anything. They'll refurbish it or somn.
  15. Hm. I wonder if she takes moneyorders. lol
  16. Oh, so they are custom made? Awesome, who doesnt like original stuff. XD And what will it cost me? Money? I got loads of that.
  17. Haha, then it looks like Zero's DS is about to say bye-bye. I'd say make the upgrade to a new DS if the probs persist, dawg. ^^
  18. Well I havent really watched anime that much, I'm more into writing and mugging and playing videogames. But I dont know, I recently pmed MaSu asking him about his avatar. I've seen a few of those around the forest, and I was curious if I could get one just like them.
  19. Yeah, it could be another internal problem, like some sort of short or something, or perhaps even the cartridge itself. I dont know, never had problems with my DS and PSP.
  20. I hate the word ban. :D Trust me, I've been there more than a few times and I am absolutely sure it wasnt my fault.
  21. It could be that your battery is reached its end. Why not get a new one? Or perhaps a new Ds.
  22. Thats enough for me. ^^ I will definitely check that link out. Any of you have your own forums?
  23. I use to love to RP at FEE, but I havent seen one here. Are there any? And who of you actually did rp once?
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