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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Of course you do. XD

  2. Nice, you do know about brother martin. Welcome, enjoy your stay here.

  3. Limstella then. And thanks guys for the explanation on sheeda. XD
  4. I dont know, I'll just go with Writers Emblem for now. I remembered you can always change the boards name if you dont like it. XD
  5. Vaida, and no, nobody can have her. XD
  6. The doodle is nice. And, Fox? Can we (I) post like my mugs? XD
  7. Writers Code? XD Writers Emblem sounds cool And so does the feathered pen, although how about the Golden Feather?
  8. Yeah you are right about the brotherhood. How about we become the sister hood instead? lol Jk, we do need a good solid name. How about: Writers Guild Pencil Guild Ink and feather guild lol Writers paradise And that's all I have, but we need one soon, so that I can start with the forum. XD Edit--Writers emblem sounds cool too.
  9. Wow, look at that beauty! XD Nice work, please show us more. XD
  10. Cool, as long as you keep this sorry ass grizzled old warrior happy with your art, I have no objections. :)
  11. Its not gonna cost you a cent if you dont want your story published into a book. It will cost around 10-15 bucks if you do, though. Ok, here is the sweet deal, I will start working on the forum as of now this night. I am glad I have brothers for it already. I will name positions later, right now I just wanna have the forum done. And peeps, get those stories and ideas ready. Oh another thing, what should we name the forum? Should we go with the Brotherhood of Writing? Or something along that line? If you have suggestions, say them here.
  12. More, I need more of this great art. XD
  13. *Late at night, Athos made his way to Nil's room* :D
  14. Deity

    The Mist

    Yeah, I didnt like it when they knived Darth Vader's Apprentice. XD
  15. Okay, here is how we are gonna do the brotherhood Writers ranking. Send me a pm members, and the order in which they arrive I shall rank ya, so who wants to be second? XD
  16. Welcome, I am your big brother/sister now. :D
  17. Ok wait, so this is the current brotherhood of writers: 1. Yours truly 2. Matthew 3. Lyle something lol 4. MaSu 5. FEFL
  18. YEs, its okay. My point was not to have you peeps pay at all. I mean, you have to pay whenever you want your own work selfpublished, I mean, you dont expect me to pay to have your work published right? haha You peeps can go to the forum, write on your stories and then when you are ready, you simply send it in and they will publish however many books you want. I for one thing will only order a copy of my work to have it. I dont have to pay for anything else. Selfpublishing is just so writers like us can have their stuff printed. You pay if you want a copy of your work and nothing more. And then, your story gets throwned in their site and if it sells, you get a crown for every book the site sells. Believe, dont be scared, you just have to join the forum and write write write. You people dont have to pay anything right now, not even to me, not even to no publishing site. You pay when you are ready to have your material printed. XD So anyway, who is in? Only Lyle, Matt and I?
  19. :D Haha I already knew you would join by default. Dont be afraid, fellow writer lol. The cost is not by the hundredths. You simply pay for as many books as you wanna order. I'd say 15 bucks for any book you publish. Lets say you actually got interested in reading my trilogy when its completed, the cost to you would prolly be 10-15 buckeroos. Aside from personal stories, we could team up and write one solid story, and we could all share the money, if there is money to be had. Like I said, I dont do it for money, I just wish to see my writing made into a book.
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