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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Yes, I know, I'm awesome. The name is hot enough to leave people dumbfounded. ^^
  2. Hi, Pizza. can I take a bite out of crime? XD

  3. Deity

    Yo, Masu. *Waves*

  4. Lol. ^ No, really now, I do plan on changing my name soon. Okörina doesnt sound bad.
  5. Just come and post your random quotes. Whether they are from someone else who has spoken or written them, or whether they are yours and made up, then it doesnt matter, simply post them. :D *Late at night, Athos tip-toed his way to Nil's room*
  6. Are there still peeps available for the taking? Cause all I have claimed so far are Neimi and Vaida, the latter being not a bad choice since nobody here would of had taken her. :D
  7. *Late at night, Athos headed to Nil's room* How I love saying that! I might add it to my sig soon.
  8. Anyway, didnt MA want int? and others as a well? Hope they see that the place is up.
  9. Haha, sorry about that. Lol you just made my night. :D Now, the skin sucks big time, but Ima work on getting a chatbox now...just wait, adn we can change teh ghost skin if nobody likes it.
  10. Lol, thanks. Okay peeps, sorry for the wait. The place is not much now, but give it some time, it will definitely turn into a paradise soon. XD We just need images, a banner, the chatbox, which I will add here in a minute...and perhaps more forums if you so desire it. Everyone is welcomed to join, even if you dont plan on working on printing your material. :D Here is the link, and make sure to pass it on to those who dont know about it ;) http://z10.invisionfree.com/Writers_Emblem/ Have fun.
  11. There will be post counting everywhere then, except on the spamland board, which is titled The Ancient Book. Lol Also, perhaps postcount wont count on the intros forum, since it can get spammy, though we can have tight control in teh place and still have post count there. One more minute guys and I shall post the link here. I am adding the first set of rules, which can be altered later on.
  12. Lol, tbh I was planning on having post count everywhere, its just for fun. I mean, there will be rules and all. XD But since the forum is new, I believe post count should count everywhere, not just in the story forums, etc. And the place is not much now since I still need to add a skin, a chabox, and a background picture. We will need a nice banner for it, peeps, you can start creating any you feel like. I will create one as well and we will choose the best one. We are just getting started but in my next post here I will add the link, I only need to add a few other forums. Edit--But we can have posts not count in some places, its up to you folks. ^^
  13. Okay guys/gals forum is done. I will post the link here in a bit, give me a sec to put a few more forums in it. Anything you guys wanna request there?
  14. Oh I made them alright. XD And yeah, I shall have a topic for them.
  15. Naw, I just simply thought of saying that. I mean, I didnt see anyone doing that, so I wanted to relive my old days lol.
  16. Lol, better a wimp than someone behind bars.
  17. I aint taking any chances lol. For now we go with Writers Emblem
  18. TAles of Vesperia? lol Okay guys, gonna go for now simply with: The Emblem That okay? we can change the name later, we just need a home lol
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