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Everything posted by Deity

  1. By that I take it you mean pretty smooth, great, awesome, etc. Right? Right? *Raises eyebrow*
  2. Haha nop, this is an rpg done by roleplaying with words. XD You know, typing.
  3. But you will role play with us, huh dear princessssssssssssssss?
  4. All that trouble for just an oh ok?
  5. Why suspicious, Princesa? All it is is a forum where people can role play in a world I created. Ask Sage, or FEFL or the guy taht is voer there....XD Damned typos
  6. Oh ok, sorry, just wanted to be sure lol Dubious? How so? I am almost done with the place
  7. Lol, I just simply wanted you to post in the other thread, Sage. haha so that I could add more stuff. I just hate to double post, like I told you. ^^ But thanks, I appreciate it. Ok, Sage, listen to this: I have done the rules and info on the world. Now I just need to create the forum for it and post that there. After that, I will upload the map, bring in mugs for the npcs and then voila, we can start rping. You can start creating quests if you want, quests that characters will offer. The npcs I mean by characters. XD
  8. Dont worry, we wont hold that against him.
  9. Weird-ass art teacher you got then.
  10. This is a message from Lord Athos: "I will never surrender Nils to you, fool Nergal. Nils is mine."
  11. *This is a message from Lord Nergal* "Surrender Ninian to me or suffer the consequences" Yeah well, keep it going, doofuses. Post your own messages here.
  12. Every Fire emblem class, even laguz. And yes it can be done, my style that is. You just need to give it a try. To build it, it really wouldn't take me but a day, trust me, I've done it before. I got mugs for npc and for peeps that would wanna use them, and I can take requests as well. If people here had mugs and want to contribute, they would be welcomed. AS I said, you can join the MMORPG, and help build it, you would get credit. I have just the place for it, but if I really get a crew, I might just build it in a new forum aside from Story TIme and link both sites. XD
  13. Good to see an Ad return from the ashes. I am sorta new here, so I dont know you much either. Nice place you gothere, though, I really like it.
  14. That was Lyle snickering, I believe.
  15. Bear the pain with me one more time, fellow Foresters. I, Lord of Thunder have thought of a great idea, though nothing fairly new to the world of FE or statbasaed rpgs. I have decided that I shall be working on a massive online rpg sorta style game. It will be based in the world of Phydoria, feature all the stuff featured in a FE game and feature fun. Battle system will be simple but fun and addicting, as you will wanna level up your character and keep going.... In this rpg, you are you, meaning you will create a character or several of them, and begin your life in Phydoria in the age of 145 b.c. at the age of fifteen. You will begin by attending Alöria Academy in Vanezia, the only academy in the world where youngsters are sent to study the ways of life, battle strategies, melee combat, magic, etc. You choose what you want to become. And after five years of hard studying, not real years tbh, you will graduate. Then you will begin your adult life in Phydoria. Either you can choose any type of work, even evil work, like work for the many assassin guilds that will be scattered through out the regions. Perhaps a merc is more your style, then you can even build your own place, battle foes, monsters, make a name for yourself, acquire treasure, ancient relics, powerful weapons and more. Befriend old friends, make enemies, marry your love!!! Kill the innocent civilians, I dont care, but beware to be caught and suffer the wrath of the law. Form alliances with fellow friends, conquer realms, become king, queen, emporer, owner of your own house, land and realm. Become a seadog, turn yourself into the greatest pirate/tess that ever lived. When it is all said and done, more than a few will have left their mark in Phydoria forever. If interested in helping or joining, contact me by any means necessary. I shall begin work on this right away.
  16. Its ok, I understand, though art is art, even if it sux sometimes, not that yours does, this is good work! ^^
  17. For joining Story Time. WE wanna keep everything organized. XD
  18. What is your Xbox360 GamerTag? I'm Okorina. Feel free to add me, just let me know who the hell you are. "Here you go, dont spend it all in one place, unless its here of course"~ Oblivion
  19. *Punches Lyle in the nose* Fool XD Naw, actually, thanks for advertising. I have a link to it in my siggy as well. Lyle pretty much summed it up, but yeah, lemme explain the whole publishing thingy. Many of you peeps got scared when I mentioned that you would have to pay for getting your crap lol printed. Anyway, yes you do. Nothing is done for free, eh Princess? (Elbows Princess Kilbana) But the cost is a laughable fee, folks, and you only pay when you are sure that you want your story printed. As I said, I love writing too much and I dont do this for money, I simply want to finish a project I started months ago. My dream is to see the story printed into a book. Its a trilogy, with a neat world based on FE stuff. I am being careful not to mention any FE related stuff, for I dont wanna get my ass suited, but the story over-all has a FE feeling for it. Aside from having the trilogy printed, I was also planning on making a board for it, like a club. Many peeps here in town, mostly relatives but numbering more than fifty, are excited about my story and they wish to see it printed so that they can buy it. Well, I tend to do just that, that is why I created the place for it, so I can post about it there, though not the entire trilogy will be posted, as I dont want my material stolen. XD First book gets posted though, and its very interesting. If you really like reading a good tale about FE, I recommend you read it, if you like it and wish to follow it to the end, then you simply buy the books from the site, which would cost you I believe from 10-15 bucks, not much if you ask me. My plans after the trilogy is done, is to keep writing and printing my own stuff, for I do it for the love of writing. I just want to keep my stuff in a book collection, and selfpublishing is the way to go. Everyone is welcomed at Story Time.
  20. This would look better in your creative archive imo.
  21. *Testing, testing*

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