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Everything posted by Deity

  1. And this is spamland so...^^ *PUlls up chair, grabs popcorn bowl, sits and watches*
  2. There is no fight, folks. Move along, move along.
  3. Hope you do, and hopes that all SF peeps do. XD
  4. Yep I did say that. It is, that kid looks cute.

  5. *Throws arms to air in a give-up way.* what is the use, call me T.L. :)
  6. Get lost, creep lol A man cant compare to a Lord. ^^
  7. Alright, seeing that we have trouble agreeing, simply call me Rabí
  8. Cookies? Here ya go: *Shoves spoiled cookie into mouth*
  9. Why Sama? And Fefl, Anthony is Win....
  10. Good to see so many of you afraid of one of my powers. ;)
  11. Nope, you may not, because you people dont know if I am a girl or a guy. Therefore you will call me master!
  12. Yep, you guys want the link? Im posting it only if I see ten peeps or more say yes, otherwise, then no. ^^
  13. I'm Jarlaxle. ^^ Really, thats my name now.
  14. Good, cause I believe that Sage and I cna have the place ready to rp and receive rpers this same night. XD Am I fast or what?
  15. So will you join us when the project is done?
  16. Prince Dark Sage is hiring mercs for protection. The ball at Broah palace is approaching and he needs more than his royal guards to protect and lead the way for him. Quest level: 1 Gold: 100 pieces if the prince arrives Broah unscathed. Exp: 50 Exp. Treasure? ((Insert red FE style coffer here)) ((Insert red FE style coffer here)) Yes, I loled
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