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Everything posted by ThePrimeOne

  1. 9/10 for sure. If there was any opportunity to have a playable Rhea, now's the time, cos she deserved better than what she got in Three Houses. Recreating a rematch with Nemesis in VW would've been so cool.
  2. Indech and Macuil being playable in their beast forms like the big characters in Pirate Warriors 4 would be so sick, but I'm sticking with a 5/10 for both. Aelfric is meh all around, so he's a 2/10.
  3. 8/10. Gatekeeper could unironically be a great pick, DLC or otherwise.
  4. Catching up with Thales - 8/10 As for Jeralt, 9/10. In the trailer where he gets back up, it's already started raining, which only occurs after Jeralt dies. Imo, he's meant to come back from the dead somehow, so I think he'll be playable after that point in the story.
  5. 7/10 for Anna. Also, seems like Mercedes is confirmed, new design and all.
  6. 0 across the board except for Rodrigue, who I'm also gonna give a 7/10.
  7. Cyril is a solid 7. I think his connection to the Church and Rhea alone makes him a solid pick to be playable, but his low popularity may affect his chances.
  8. For Baron von Ochs, I kinda want to see him return because it's clear his daughter (Monica) is going to be more involved with the story somehow, so I'd like for him to be at least around. Him returning with a new design would also be nice but I somehow doubt that will happen, so it's a 4/10 for me. Randolph, Ladislava, and Judith, in my mind, have a slightly more decent chance, but no more than a 5/10. Metodey is a clean 1.
  9. Much like Solon, chances are she'll be in the game as an enemy unit, but unlike Solon or even Thales, I can feasibly see her being playable. Due to her connection to Dimitri, there's more wiggle room to make her relevant again, plus she's a hot lady so her chances might be inherently higher. Giving her a 7/10.
  10. Playing catch up again: Fleche - 2/10 Holst - 3/10 Manuela - 8/10 As for Solon, I think his chances are slightly likelier than most would give him credit for when factoring DLC potential. Sure FEW didn't have the villains become playable, but I think Solon's a significant enough villain pre-ts that his chances are at least non-zero. That said, I think Thales would be the better choice overall to have a playable Agarthan alongside Kronya, so he gets a 2/10.
  11. 8/10 for Sylvain, just like with Ingrid. Good chances in general due to both of their ties to Dimitri.
  12. She's in the trailer and specifically is obviously going to get major focus in-game, 9/10.
  13. Jeritza gets a clean 9/10 from me. I don't think KT will pass up on making him playable from the start, unlike FE3H.
  14. Mercedes has a lot of competition unfortunately, but it does help she's more plot-relevant than a good chunk of the BL, even up there with Dedue and Felix imo just for the Jeritza connection alone. I give her a solid 70% for being in, but personally, she's a 100% want.
  15. I really want Nader in, if only so we can see more of his relationship with Claude and his dynamic with Judith. How are you just gonna tell me Judith is making heart eyes at him in Balthus dialogue of all things, and not show it more on-screen? 😞 That said, the fact we know Judith and Randolph are enemies you can fight, I can only assume the same would apply to the likes of Nader (+ Ladislava and Rodrigue), if only due to his ties with Claude. And since KT love making NPCs in Warriors games DLC characters, Nader's chances for at least being DLC at least are decent. 4/10 for being playable in the base game, 9/10 for playable DLC.
  16. Fixing the story doesn't mean you need to make drastic changes in character from the base game either. If you want a three-way battle, Edelgard and Hubert instigating the battle through means such as disguising a contingent of Empire soldiers as the Kingdom and attacking the Alliance, rather than changing the great dynamic between Dimitri and Claude, can achieve that. Hell, you could have a Cornelia-like triple agent stir up trouble in the Alliance, who supposedly works under the Kingdom as a spy, but is actually a part of the Empire/Agarthans all the while. Making Dimitri prejudiced against the Alliance, I'd argue, is not a compelling change, unless you want to undo the entirety of Duscur, which entirely shaped his worldview regarding race and 'outsiders'.
  17. Gonna play catch up real fast. Dorothea - 9/10. One of the most popular characters in the fandom, and is still the most deployed unit in the game, iirc. Ignatz - 5/10. Not very popular, and unfortunately is surrounded by infinitely more popular characters. Catherine - 8/10, only one rank higher than Shamir because she's given more screen time than her partner, especially in CF. Otherwise, I feel like the likelier Church characters are ones we haven't ranked yet.
  18. No. Not if racism was the basis for the three-way fight. Dimitri's attitude toward Dedue, Duscur, and how its people are treated should be obvious why this isn't a good idea if there's to be character consistency. No? Why would there be? The Crescent Moon War ended almost 290 years ago by the time the post-timeskip happens. That status quo has been set for so long that hardly anyone should give af by now, especially Dimitri. Even at his most unstable, Dimitri was hardly interested in Claude and the alliance army in FE3H, so I don't see why that needs to be changed. If anything, the Claude making the Alliance army hang back to let the Empire and Kingdom destroy themselves, then swooping in to take Edelgard's head when they're at their weakest would make far more sense with the way his character is framed.
  19. Fine. 8/10. He's no Lord or retainer so he's not a 10/10, but the fact he was given a chapter that was centred around him in the OG game and is still consistently popular even now (if CYL is anything to go by) is a lot more than what I can say about certain other characters in Three Houses.
  20. Gonna let my personal bias take over for this and give a 10/10 for my boy Ashe. I always end up utilizing/recruiting him one way or another, so I hope it'll remain that way for Three Hopes.
  21. 9/10 for Constance, just like with Hapi. I hope she's in the base game.
  22. Gilbert lol. Real talk, I wouldn't mind Gilbert being in if it meant we get to see Dedue cook him again, 4/10. Edit: substance
  23. The Leonie hate is so overblown tbh. She's got great supports synergy with the GD deer, great interactions in the few out of house supports she has, and the Jeralt connection alone puts her at a 7/10 at minimum for me. Maybe that's too generous, but I think she has a good enough chance of getting in that I wouldn't consider to her to have Raphael or Ignatz's chances.
  24. Y'all are doing too much. I recently saw on reddit the chart for the top 8 most deployed units in FE3H actually changing after a long while (with Sylvain in 8th and not Linhardt), and it still surprises me to this day that Dorothea is still first. That alone is a testament to her popularity, and hurts Ferdie's chances by a decent amount. A shame too, cos Ferdinand is a pretty versatile character in terms of gameplay.
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