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Everything posted by MadBoar

  1. In both of these games, have you tried warp skipping the chapters that you don't like? In Thracia, I thought that some of the map design choices were so ridiculous, that it was entertaining to play though. Like that forest in chapter 16. Fortunately, the game gives you plenty of resources to cheese your way through these map designs. However, desert in chapter 5 of holy war was far too boring. I quit the game during chapter 6. Relevations in Fates was so bad with zero good parts, that playing through it is miserable.
  2. Awesome! How do you pronounce that? Is it pronounced like "day-s cah-moos?"
  3. Thracia is great in some ways, and horrible in other ways. It is fun because of how different the game plays, and for its shock value in some sections of the game. I love how Thracia gives you many powerful staves and weapons and items! I like how many of them are earned, and not just easily given to you. It feels so unique and I love it! Why don't you like binding blade? Many of the boring chapters can easily be warp skipped. With hammerene, you get 17 uses of warp.
  4. Bryce is the Camus archetype for Path of Radiance. On maniac mode, it is hilarious that Bryce's underlings are bulkier than he is.
  5. Radiant Dawn is great, but I recommend it only after finishing Path of Radiance, for story related reasons. If you liked Blazing Blade, then you would like Binding Blade. Though binding blade is less polished than blazing sword. Even if you didn't like Shadow Dragon, you may like New Mystery. New Mystery has much better map design. It encourages aggressive play styles, and it has much stronger enemies than Shadow Dragon. If you want a very different experience, try out Thracia! I do not recommend Holy War. It's not a good game.
  6. I assume that the armorslayer is to prevent you from rescue dropping your high defense knight/general. Resolve is actually very useful to him. It multiplies his skill and speed by 1.5 when at low hp. With resolve he has 30 speed.
  7. The worst offender of this is the Enigmatic Man in Binding Blade. The first time I finished fire emblem 7 as a young child, I was so intrigued by the Enigmatic Man. 16 years later when I was able to import the game from japan, the Enigmatic Man was a great disappointment.
  8. Those mages may possibly have been put there because the fire dragon may have been originally intended to move. And your army may have been originally placed at the bottom of the map. Or, those mages may have been put there with the intention of giving the player one last chance to improve their experience rank. You can warp your units to those mages, or attack them with siege tomes. Besides the overall ranking, this game ranks individual chapters. On the ranking screen after completing the game, there are stars. For an S rank on an individual chapter, you get 5 stars. Maybe those mages were put there to help you get the required 200 experience, because the fire dragon gives zero experience.
  9. The dragons are not standing on the chests. There are sorcerers standing on the chests, and those sorcerers appear in all difficulties. The sorcerers prevent you from getting the chests with the thief staff in all difficulties. You can find this map on the wod website.
  10. I just noticed something ridiculous in New Mystery. On chapter 23 in lunatic / lunatic reverse mode, there are two mage dragons in the two rooms with the chests. These two mage dragons only appear in lunatic and lunatic reverse. The only way to reach these two rooms is by using warp. Warp is unobtainable in lunatic and lunatic reverse. I assume that the map designers were unaware that the warp staff was unobtainable in lunatic / lunatic reverse mode. Or, they put those two mage dragons there as a joke. Anther possibility that I have considered is that warp is actually obtainable in Lunatic / lunatic reverse. The developer may have put those dragons there as a hint that warp is in fact obtainable in those two modes. The requirements to obtain warp may be so obscure that no one has figured it out yet. Out of curiosity, what are some other examples of foolishly or bizarrely placed enemies throughout the Fire Emblem series?
  11. If normalizing occurs, we can use Gharnef''s stats in New Mystery. He has 30 magic. His tome has 14 mt, and has an A rank in tomes. In total, he has 46 attack. Manfroy has 27 resistance and 80 hp. Gharnef would need to hit Manfroy 5 times to kill him. In holy war, Gharnef has 44 attack, which still takes 5 hits to kill Manfroy. Manfroy has has 29 magic, and his tome has 12 mt. 41 attack in total. Gharnef has 25 resistance and 60 hp. Manfroy kills Gharnef in 4 hits. Manfroy has a 32% chance of a follow up attack because of his continue skill. In New Mystery, Manfroy has 43 attack, but this doesn't make a difference. In Holy war, Gharnef kills Manfroy in 3 rounds of combat due to his ability to double. Another point for Gharnef is that he has vantage, and so always attacks first. Manfroy gets slowed down by weapon weight. But, Manfroy has a chance of follow up attack due to continue and has a slightly higher chance of getting a critical hit on Gharnef. I could calculate who has the higher probability of winning, but I'm too busy. Math majors and other science majors could calculate this. And you have to consider hit rates. In New Mystery, Manfroy indisputably wins. Gharnef does not double him in New Mystery. New Mystery has very high hit rates, so missing should rarely be an issue.
  12. If I have time, I may do an SSS rank run of Thracia. Before I do this run, I have a question about their recruitment. It is from my understanding that if either one gets captured, then the other would appear in chapter 8. Could I get Tanya captured in chapter 3, get Dagdar in chapter 8, and then re recruit Tanya in chapter 21x? I am hoping to skip 8x to save turns. Could I skip Olwen in 11x so I could recruit that other mage knight in chapter 16? I would still have to go to 11x so I could recruit Fred. This would save turns. I'd like to confirm this information because I don't want my run to be messed up late into the game.
  13. Manfroy would win. Starlight is currently the only known method of defeating Gharnef, but Manfroy is intelligent enough to develop another spell that could defeat Gharnef.
  14. Three Hopes is my favorite title because sounds there are three different belief systems fighting each other, which is the case in that game.
  15. For the most extreme runs, far beyond anyone in the FE community has ever done, higher level math will be required. What I mean is runs that are theoretically perfect, however perfect may be defined. You will need some very, very advanced mathematics. You could get a Fields medal for perfectly solving a Fire Emblem game. For the easier games, such as Scared Stones, you can get through without any previous knowledge of multiplication and division. You could learn those during your play through! Sacred Stones was my first FE game ever. I only struggled with Chapter 14 of Ephraim's route and Chapter 15.
  16. It is highly likely that the developers left some subtle hints about what Epimenides actually is . I can't play the game right now as I'm really busy with life, but maybe someone else will eventually figure this out. That's interesting. You may be able to find other hints elsewhere in the game giving more information. Good luck!
  17. I'm sorry, but Statistics and Calculus do not satisfy the pre requisites to play Fire Emblem more efficiently. To become just a somewhat competent Fire Emblemist, you will need a rigorous understanding of differential geometry, group theory, field theory, and partial differential equations. For example, on chapter 3 of Sacred Stones, you will need to solve the Klein-Gordon equation in curved spacetime to reach the chapter's boss. But seriously, rigorous probability and statistics and calculus are used only to complete the most difficult challenge runs in Fire Emblem. But for normal play throughs, being able to do a quick calculation of the probability that your unit will survive the turn will be very helpful. I'd say the most important skill set in fire Emblem is the visual-spatial ability to plan several moves ahead. Because Fire Emblem is RNG based, planning several moves ahead for several different possible outcomes will be helpful. You don't need to worry about this if you're just beginning to play Fire Emblem. Don't worry about all this math. Have fun! In fact, I actually learned basic math during my play throughs of Fire Emblem, where I learned multiplication, division, and basic probabilities just by playing the game, relaxing, and having fun. Also, the displayed hit rate isn't actually the true hit rate. On this website, you can find a table converting the displayed hit rate to the actual hit rate. This is an important detail to be aware of. Here is the link. https://serenesforest.net/general/true-hit/
  18. Sothis and Epimenides are the opposing gods from different religious, with their followers being the Church and the Agarthans. The Church and the Agarthans fought a very long time ago, so there is a lot of animosity between the two. They both want revenge against each other.
  19. When Patricia was in the Kingdom, she was kept hidden away. We don't know much about her activities during her time in the Kingdom. She may have actually been traveling between the Kingdom and other places during that time. Dimitri has very little memory of Patricia, so it is reasonable that she was not very involved, or at all, in raising him. It is possible that Cornelia intentionally killed Dimitri's bio mother through the plague, and then became the step mother as Patricia. Cornelia comes across as someone so sick in the head that she would enjoy playing the role as a nurturing mother while also being cruel and abusive. Despite being Agarthan, s/he doesn't show any interest into the Agarthan's grand ambitions. She is the Sonia archetype.
  20. Patricia is Shez' adoptive mother, not the biological mother.
  21. According to Dimitri and Hapi's support conversation in three houses, Patricia spent time with Hapi when Cornelia was conducting experiments on her. Hapi seemed to be very fond of Shez's mother during their support conversation. Furthermore, in both cases with Shez and Hapi, Patricia was in a remote location, hidden away. I am certain about this. Put the pieces together, and you end up with Patricia. To figure this out, you have to pay attention closely. Also, I think there is a possibility that Patricia and Cornelia/Cleobulus are the same person, though I'm not 100% sure about this.
  22. Spoiler tag for the reveal of Shez's mother. Shez's mother is
  23. With that information, the SS boss would most likely win. Its been a very long time since I fought her, so I forgot the details of her abilities. The AM final boss's regeneration during each turn is due to the terrain, so it should not be considered. She can recover some hp during battle due to her crest.
  24. Gameplay wise, I believe the Azure Moon final boss could defeat the Silver Snow final boss 1 v 1. They both have a luna type attack, but the AM boss can use it twice in one turn. And according to the story, the AM boss was created for the purpose of defeating the SS boss.
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