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Everything posted by Lexington

  1. But doesn't Frederick seem a little old (and high ranking) to only have started knighthood under Emmeryns rule? Here's how his backstory plays out in my head: Before the old king started the big war, Frederick's family lived in the small village, while Fred's father, as an active knight, often spend a lot of time away from home at the court to fulfill his duties. So to follow his footsteps and be closer to his father, Frederick became a knight too. He was a low ranking knight when the old king started the big war and Fred was very unhappy with the kings rule. His father probably even died in the war. But as it was his duty to protect the kingdom, he stuck with it. And when Emmeryn became the new ruler, he swore that he would try everything, so that history wouldn't repeat itself.
  2. Lost Bloodlines 3 is up for those that didn't buy the pack and got early access! Also we got the last paralogue: The Radiant Hero! Nothing for the last spotpass team Others yet.
  3. I did MuxPanne once on Hard. Morgan was a great Taguel after she went through some other classes to gain some skills. Evading basically everything and then Astra, Astra, Death. The lack of range didn't bother me, since I'm always turtling. Also, it felt good to help a dying race. Just my two cents...
  4. I like most of the game as it is. The things I'd change are: -more marriage options for Chrom, Sumia, Anna, Say'ri, Tiki, Flavia and Basilio -less generic father/child supports -same-gender S support/marriage This would lead to an adopted kid (more characters) being randomly assigned to them -Lucina having her mother's hair colour (which doesn't work for the story, i know... she might have been wearing a wig?) -being able to name children, or at least Morgan -add playable soldier class
  5. Once more those who buy the pack get to play 1 & 2 immediately. Already got me a Dread Fighter scroll for my Avatar!Laurent. Next week, release the Smash Brethren DLC plleeeeaaasssseee!
  6. Wohoo! Go Meg! Doubling tanks are awesome in my book.
  7. If you're going for supporrts story-wise, I'd suggest Olivia x Lon'qu and Cherche x Gregor. That leaves Nowi x Henry.
  8. Well, so far SMT always managed to merge Fantasy and modern setting really well. Ordinairy modern people fighting with swords, spears, magic and whatnot against demons. Add something like the class system, supports, and tactics from FE and that sounds like an awesome game to me.
  9. Some of my avatars are self inserts, some are OC characters, some are characters from other games/movies/books. With the OCs I always try to come up with some backstory, for example the female Avatar with the squinty eyes was blind in my headcanon. The game/movie/book characters got sucked from their reality into the FE:A one without any memories, but their character stays the same, which determines who they are going to marry and what class(es) they choose. Currently I'm playing as Meg from FE:RD, who will of course be a general and marry Swordmaster!Virion!Inigo.
  10. Gender: Female Name: Meg Build: 2 Face: 1 Hair: 4 Colour: 19 Voice: 1 Asset: Resistance Flaw: Strength Birthday: 3rd November Class: General (I'm playing with this one right now. She'll marry Swordmaster!Virion!Inigo)
  11. Same here. I'm guessing they are just running a little late. I'm not that worried yet.
  12. They fixed the description on the german page now. After I send them an E-Mail about it.
  13. That's what I did in my first PT. Since at endgame Yarne was a Taguel again, he was able to make good use of the skill Underdog.
  14. I agree. Laurent is the best. I can hardly wait until Dread Fighter is released here in EU, so he can be even more awesome. That masochistic tendency in his support with Noire is weird.
  15. You can marry any character and get Morgan. The paralogue will appear after Avatar's S Support.
  16. From the German site: Belohnung: Maximum+ Wenn du diesen Gegenstand verwendest, erwirbst du die Fähigkeit „Maximum+“. Dadurch werden die maximalen Lebenspunkte des Charakters um 10 angehoben. Translation: Reward: Maximum+ (Limit Breaker) If you If you use this item, you'll get the skill "Maximum+" (Limit Breaker). With it, the maximum lifepoints of your character will be raised by 10.
  17. Maybe they wanted to bring out Ike as soon as possible, rather than the unknown Leif, Alm and Seliph. And since they mixed up first and second series DLC in the first batch (CoY+Golden+Bonds), they went for that again?
  18. Adorable Tier Nah Morgan (F) Yummy Tier Gerome Inigo Laurent Yarne Adorkable Tier Owain Morgan (M) Awesome Tier Lucina Kjelle Alright Tier Cynthia Brady Noire Please see a Therapist Tier Severa
  19. It was scheduled for today, instead of tomorrow, since tomorrow is a holiday here in Germany, headquarters of Nintendo of Europe. Same thing a few weeks ago.
  20. I want the butler class for males and the slayer class for females. Butlers get support skills, slayers get skills that give them a bonus against risen. Classical battles would be nice! And also custom heads and bodies for the DLC and at least custim heads for the spotpass characters.
  21. Actually... I don't get it. How can you feel like it's over when you never played it? I've never really watched a Let's play for a game I was interrested in. Watching a game like a movie is not the same thing as actually having played it. Having your own achievements and failures is what makes a game fun to me. Yeah, you might have seen the whole game, know the story and everything else but there's much more to a game. Trying to beat the game again and again, using different combinations of characteres, trying new things. That's the one thing video games have, that books and movies don't. Books and movies always stay the same, a good video game can be played in almost infinite varities. It's the reason I've played FE games over and over again and clocked in 999:59 hours on several Pokémon games. The game is what you make of it. The fact that all the DLC is out in the US right now, means that the real game is only just beginning in my opinion.
  22. Aegis is really nice, especially for those with crap Res like... pretty much everyone that naturally has access to the cavalier class. Defender however is really stupid. It's only active when paired up (okay, which is usually the case for my units) and only gives +1 on every stat. Give them All Stats +2 instead and you get double the effect, all the time.
  23. I'm seeing some Miriel love here! I'm so happy!
  24. First File, Normal: MaMU x Cherche, because Cherche is awesome, Gerome is awesome and I wanted an awesome child. Second File, Hard: MaMU x Miriel, because I wanted to give Laurent my own haircolour, so he would look even more like me. He's my real avatar in that file. Third File, Hard: FeMU x Kellam, because I like the character and he deserves a better ending. Fourth File, Hard: MaMU x Panne, because taguel are cool and I wanted to play with Morgan as a taguel (and then I messed up her inherited skills and saved before I noticed) next planned File: FeMU x Chrom, because that's the only Chrom pairing I haven't done yet. After that it's MaMU x Sumia and after that Chrom and Sumia can be together forever while I'm collecting the other pairings.
  25. EU censors tend to be less prudish. Even (partial) nudity, as long as it's not sexual, is fine for pretty much all ages, at least here in Germany. So people in swimsuits, even if they are kind of revealing, is not really an issue. No angry parents are going to shout "OH NO! MY KID SAW A LADY IN A BIKINI!" You'd see it at the pool anyway. Loving the conversations in summer scramble so far, especially Cordelia/Tharya. Chrom should have had a little more assets in the back of the swimming trunks though.
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