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Everything posted by ZeroUnleashed

  1. Hey so I'm an avid fan of Fire Emblem and have played through all of the games to some degree. Now I'd like to take the next step and start actually making/hacking the original games and making something for everyone to play. So I have a few questions... 1) What are the best programs to use for animations? I figure I should probably find something better than paint to use for these hacks if I want to make them good quality 2) What are the best tutorials out there on how to get started? I've already looked through the FEXP Ultimate Tutorial and the Nightmare mods and have had little success on making any changes what so ever. 3) Is there anyone out there who is currently working on some hacks or would be interested in starting to work on a hack that would be willing to give me some guidance? Any and all help would be most appreciated! Thanks!
  2. Ephram looks sweet, deffinitly my favorite DLC so far. I cannot wait for this to go stateside!
  3. I might try the Grifon Knight out and see how that goes! If not a Swordmaster or a Grandmaster
  4. Clamp doing some work for Fire Emblem would be amazing. Especially if that unit was a mage. They could make a pretty ba character art!
  5. Just saw Ike from PoR before I voted...no doubt in my mind! Gotta love Ike
  6. That would be awesome, they haven't redone an axe user yet so that would be interesting to see how he turns out! Hey a guy can dream can't he? But your probably right, if anything they'd let someone else try and redesign those characters.
  7. I'd have to say that Elincia isn't in my top picks for the new DLC art, but it's still alot better then Michiah's new look thats for sure. But who do you guys think will be redrawn next for DLC? I'm thinking a character from the Sacred Stones since it's the only game series that hasn't had much released for it besides weapons (Ephram's Greatlance) I would love it if Sachiko Wada would do something for Ephram, Joshua, or Innes. That would be so cool.
  8. Are the patches listed on the first page the most up to date patches on serenes? If not where are the newly updated ones. I've seen forums about FE1 and FE4 being updated recently and I was wondering if these are still the same ones for those updates?
  9. Sorry again for my lack of knowledge on this subject but is this patch updates for FE1?
  10. So wait is this the new patch for FE4? Or is this another patch that is applied after the one given from the site is used??
  11. Is there anyway to test if those two games scripts are similar or do you just have to get in and figure it out?
  12. Alright so if we were to say combine the two Glyphs that were used in the original code we could really combine the two patches, is that it in a nut shell? Alright and do we have any translators in our group? And I take it Firelizard was the one who was our script guy before he left and now we don't have one?
  13. Lol thanks, I don't know, I've got the basics for some of these things but not near the level it would take to make it all happen. I still think it would be worth while trying to see if other people were interested in making this a complete game.
  14. What I'd like to know is, if we can't use firelizard's scripts then why can't we get a group of people together to make a new one? Or is there already a group working on all of that right now?
  15. Hmm yeah that would make sense. So basically it's like recoding an entire game right? Also who usually did all of these patches? Or has it been multiple people working on them?
  16. I take it these patches don't work ontop of each other do they? And is there not a way to combine the patches Into one big patch?
  17. Alright so I found a new Rom and was able to make the patch work. But it doesn't seem to be complete. The text and names are in English but some of the actions and commands don't really make sense. Is that just something I need to get used to or is there a better Patch out there?
  18. Yeah I'm pretty sure, when I load it up it says Chinese version up at the top and made by Wolf Gang. Just an extra add on before the opening theme starts up.
  19. Ughhh that would make things harder wouldn't it :P Alright I'll try to find either a Chinese patch or a Jap Rom and see how it goes! Thanks for your help!
  20. Ok so I'm trying to play Thracia 776 on an emulator. I downloaded the Rom successfully and was able to play it in chinese for abit. However I downloaded the zip file for the patches on this site and I tried to patch the game but the emulator froze on me when I tried to get pass the title screen. Does this mean I used the wrong patch or am I just being a complete idiot?Any help would be much appreciated :)
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