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The Radiant Hero

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Posts posted by The Radiant Hero

  1. Eh, it's fairly easy to make past DLC for Awakening considering how they're just reusing assets, so it's not very surprising that we'd get something like that in one of the first DLC maps. Past DLC for older games will need completely new models at least, even if they reuse the art.

    We are likely getting more stuff for older FEs though, considering how they bothered giving Pegasus Minerva from Cipher her own Pegasus Knight (not Warrior) class. So, it seems like this time they can easily add more custom classes to the game this time.

    Good, DLC sucked in Awakening!, the fact they had Priam and Chrom where they could tweak them both to make Ike, but noooo! Ike should have a generic model!

  2. All the Amiibos are classes with no promotion like


    So they get four skills and can go past 20 without Eternal seals (I don't know whether it's 30 or 40 they cap at pre-eternal seal). Basically think like Walhart in Awakening.

    Ok now I'm relieved, those stats than are good I guess...

  3. We know galeforce only works if you attack alone. You can't be using guard or attack stance.

    I don't think counter has been nerfed though, its the same.

    Well make sure to have a ranged Unit in your team, but damn I think everyone will equip counter on their character!

  4. But we already have an adoptive family who raised us, Nohr, and the whole point of the decision was choosing between those who raised you and those you are related to. If the Hoshido's are just another adoptive family then the choice suddenly becomes far less meaningful.

    Yes for you who know the real story now is less meaningful, but at the time Kamui shouldn't know that information, which means it's a great Plot twist.

  5. All the skill icons, names and descriptions have been dumped already, so there's no need to play the game to decipher the skills, except to clarify any vague parts : o

    I've also found the bytes that determine which classes learn what skills, but I dunno at what Level. So we'd need info on that part too.


    Nah, I guess any information would be helpful all the same. Just don't go too crazy and enjoy the game too XD

    Is Aether still ingame ?

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