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The Radiant Hero

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Posts posted by The Radiant Hero

  1. Thanks Azuren.

    I do have all the DLCs (thank god I didn't use the Iote's Shield) was really trying to figure out the purpose for it. Initially I interpreted it as a benefit for Pegasus Flyers but with your explanation I can see how it can also benefit Gerome WL.

    What about Kjelle any thoughts on her?

    BTW you can go with Breaker skills, because for example if a Wyvern Lord uses Lances and Axes, I'd say go Sword Breaker and Axe Breaker and instead of the third slot go with Armsthrift or Resistance +10 (magic units are going to be the bane of Gerome).....if only you can get your Gerome Tome breaker you would be fully geared...

  2. So, I'm currently working on optimal skills to aim for in my next playthrough given this is my very first fire emblem (and first play through of this game) I wasn't really familiar with any of the mechanics whatsoever. Currently these are the two members I'm close to finishing with my choice of skillets:

    Kjelle; Parents: Virion x Sully

    Skillset: Hit Rate + 20, Aegis, Pavise, Luna and Dual Guard+

    For Kjelle, I want to substitute out Hit Rate +20 for something (considering she is my defense powerhouse and overtook Kellam's role). As for a final class, after acquiring whatever skill is needed for the fifth slot should I leave her as a general or make her a great knight or paladin to give her better movement?

    Gerome, Parents: Gregor x Cherche

    Skillset: Strength +2, Breakers (Sword, Axe and Lance) and Sol.

    For Gerome, I believe there's a better skill for Strength +2, maybe go into acquiring Armsthrift or Vantage to increase his offensive capabilities? While his final class, I guess leaning into the more traditional Wyvern Lord is the obvious choice... any alternatives?

    Next I'm finishing up my Avatar, Chrom, Donnel, Lucina and Morgan.

    Any helpful info is appreciated. Peace.

    For Gerome you are on the right track, acquire Lote's Shield if you have the DLC, if not go with Vantage, for him it will be very useful for Sol activation in the most dire time.

  3. Inigo/Lucina

    Hero Inigo Eq: Ragnell,Hauteclere,Brave Sword,Brave Axe,Helswath = Limit Breaker - Sol/Ignis - Vantage/Aggressor - Armsthrift (100%) - Galeforce/Lifetaker

    GL Lucina Eq: Hidden Falchion,Brave Sword,Brave Lance,Beastkiller,Spear = Limit Breaker - Aether - Rightful Queen - Galeforce - Lancefair

  4. Ike having two descendants with two different paths, one took nobility(I'd go with the female here) and she became the first Exalt's wife, and the other lived the life their ancestor once lived and that makes him Priam's ancestor,

    That will explain Chrom having Aether and Priam not having Aether, let's say that Ike passed down the Aether technique to his daughter, and left his cloths and Ragnell to his son....

  5. What if Ike is the ancestor of Chrom, let's say Ike had a son and a daughter, what if Ike's daughter married someone from Marth's bloodline, that will explain Aether, and what if Ike son was the ancestor of Priam that would explain him not having Aether because it's only passed to females xD....

  6. Well, there are 2 shipping wars that is huge in the series

    Both of them Involves a Blue Haired Dude, one of them wearing swords, the other wearing Lance

    The first one is considered gay, while the other is presumed to be gay despite having a wife.

    Hector as a descendant of Ike?

    Hector as a descendant of Ike?

    okay i'm done everything in the world is wonderful now

    But Ike is based off Hector

    A country that is ruled by blue haired tough guys, is only a good reason for Ike to be involved in it somehow.

  7. Hector wasn't Paris's only sibling. oAo Paris's siblings who share the same mother include: Deiphobus, Helenus, Polydorus, Troilus, Polites, Antiphus, Pammon, and Hipponous.

    Man. There won't be a shortage of names, that's for sure. Assuming the name Paris was supposed to be linked to Troy and/or The Iliad anyway. At least, that must be what the localization was going for, there's no way choosing Priam of all names is random.

    Well Hector fought Achilles for the sake of Paris....he is worth mentioning :P, I believe they went with Priam because Paris is quite confusing, and he has a better chance competing with Priam the King than competing with the city of Paris....

  8. The fanbase.

    The "I think he was cool in FE9. He's 'meh' in FE10".

    The SECOND you mention that, the fanbase of the "Hero of the Blue Flames" just shoves crap down your throat.

    Think of the way Micaiah mentions him in Part 1 of FE10.

    Being "middle of the road" is never acceptable to fans of a character these days.

    Well I'm sorry being Ike fan, for some Ike is only best character in Fire Emblem but for me Ike is the best character in everything...it's like someone crawled into my mind and created the character that I wanted to create...

  9. I don't like what this is implying. Pleasssssse don't have Priam in FE14, unless hes a cameo character. I haaaate Ike.

    "I"ke hates you too....seriously what have you done to the guy he gets angry the second he hears your name...

  10. Back when he was released in Japan I figured that Paris would be the brother/son of the main character in FE14 and he'd be the guy ultimately responsible for causing that week's apocalypse.

    But then the localizers changed his name to Priam and now I can't pretend the name is meaningful. :<

    Than the main character should be named Hector xD...

  11. Why would IS need to address that? They were the ones who sort of implied it by not giving Ike any endings with female characters in the first place.

    Not to raise one of those dumb "is this pairing canon" debates, but yeah, IS gave us plenty of reasons to think that Ike was either gay or asexual, so...

    Maybe they did it unintentionally and they wanted to fix the motion...

  12. One thing I never understood is why Ragnell is assumed to be Ike's (and therefore Priam's). Ragnell was never actually Ike's property; it was lent to him by Sanaki and therefore is Begnion's national treasure. He even returned it after PoR and only used it again for RD, after which presumably he should have returned it before he ran off. It just always bugged me that he supposedly passed it down to Priam when it was never his to pass down. :/

    Ike killed the maker of the blade herself, he certainly deserve something for his work....

  13. As far as the Spotpass characters go, only two of them are canon: Yen'fay and Priam

    Yen'fay is from an alternate future, so he's explained well enough and could be canon.

    Priam didn't even show up during the story beforehand, so he needs no explanation, and thus is canon.

    Gangrel, Walhart, and Aversa were all killed clearly, so how they explained their returns is not as plausible. Then we have Emmeryn, who fell from a really high cliff, so there's a very slim chance she actually survived. Some fans speculated that Walhart was actually a Risen, and Aversa may have escaped after being defeated, but fan speculation is just that: speculation.

    Just my two cents that no one will comment on.

    High cliffs are survivable (it bothers me that people even bringing this up while playing a game that has dragons and magic) , Walhart is clearly a risen.... Gangrel survival is only weird one.

  14. Not like they couldn't have slept around. The ship has definitely not been sunk. :awesome:

    I guess Priam is canon? A lot of the downloadable Paralogues just absolutely shit on the plot, though. Priam's in particular doesn't seem to be subject to that problem though, so why not?

    I kinda like Aversa's paralogue story....

    What if FE 14 was like FE4 where you have your game in 2 generation, First generation being Ike after radiant Dawn and the second generation is about Priam or his father being the heroes of the great war....

  15. It comes with being human XD People like different things, just so happens, Ike (Priam more so) do not hit high on my like scale at all :P

    But, in video games/anime/manga, I find I ultimately gravitate more towards females than males. Don't know why, just my preference.

    Well it's OK, I'm a Male who gravitate towards male characters, for me those characters are not appealing to me sexually they appeal to me because I want to be like them :D....

    Come to think of it one thing I want to know is what did Ike or Priam do to the Ragnell. In Priam's art it looks like it's been thoroughly beat up and is all cracked and dented and put on a different hilt, no wonder it's thrown instead of firing Shock Waves.

    I think it lost the blessing after Ashera got defeated....

  16. I'm hoping Priam isn't the main lord of 14, he's blander than oatmeal. And of course, ewwww, Ike. Priam kinda looks like what I imagine Chrom would look like as a homeless drunkard XD

    Ike and Priam all the way....Haters gonna hate!....for me Ike is the best character to come out of this fictional world of gaming and Anime....I'm the ultimate Ike fan which explains my ferociousness around his haters "RUN GIRL, I CAN'T HOLD BACK RUN!"

  17. I have mixed feelings about Priam. D: He's canon, no doubt, but that bastard sunk my Ike/Soren ship I just wonder WHY he's there. Will he be the hero of FE14? I wish he had more support options so we could find out what the heck is up with Priam.

    Well that's the point, support options will only ruin the mystery, that's why he is a secret they don't want to spoil his character.

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