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The Radiant Hero

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Posts posted by The Radiant Hero

  1. I think there are tropes for masculine women in japan, or at least I've seen a lot of a character type that's sort of like utena. A tomboy who doesn't necessarily look like a boy but acts like one and speaks like one and is extremely popular with other girls as a result. This isn't exactly what I'm thinking of but it's close http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Bifauxnen.

    (Although truth be told I think the character is a guy, I'm just saying it's not out of the realm of the possibility it's a woman)

    That's true the Tomboy trope is there, but you would never hear a guy voice from a Tomboy, if there was a Female in an anime with a guy voice the Female is bound to be ugly! or a Transgender (which I doubt that being the case) it's the truth, does it reflect reality? no it doesn't but Anime is far from reality, in fact Anime tend to have the perfectionist mindset!

  2. Libra's voice was a lady's voice. Despite the character being male. So ya know...

    Well you see here, there are tropes of men with feminine voices, but there are no tropes of women with masculine voices, and don't forget this is a visual medium, where cohesiveness is required between visuals and audio, and if that was a Woman with a man voice shoe wouldn't look like that, she would look much more masculine, this guy is obviously a bishounen nothing more.

  3. I think he is a guy, I would think that this is something that is related to Hoshidans, as you can see they live in high places, so I think Pegasus are used by both men and women!

    Ugh, I hope that's not a guy. We already have an archer dude that looks female but is really male. I'm really tired of men that look like women in this series. I just don't like the idea.

    Ana, I share the same sentiment! xD, anyways where did you get that Ike picture, looks really good, Code Name steam are style but not from Code name Steam

  4. Imagine what the Japanese thought, when they saw Tyrfing for the first time, It's not the first time a sword that has nothing to do with Falchion looked similar, infact the old design of Tyrfing was unbelievably similar to the old Falchion, and this Sword barely resembles the new Falchion

  5. Dread Fighter, Heroes, Paladins and Warriors But hands down Vanguard is the way to go.

    Soldiers, Mercenaries, and Fighters (in the games where they don't suck, like in Thracia).

    Haha, True that Fighters are among the best classes in Thracia xD, Othin shows you the meaning of a demonic Fighter.

  6. And Sakurai said the stage is based on the surroundings of a certain someone's castle. :P N is the only person we know in gen 5 that has a castle. lol

    Okay, I figured out something and finished my Eliwood-colored Marth!


    His pants are still more gray than white, but it's a lot more accurate than the black lol. And probably still not the best job of a recolor overall, as I don't have much skill in that...heh. ^^; But I'll put Marth back on my list if he gets an Eliwood alternate, cause I like Eliwood!

    Eliwood looks alot like PoR Ike, dare I say PoR Ike was based on Eliwood design, while RD Ike was based on Hector's...But I can see that Ike's name was originally Paris (The name of Hector younger Brother in the story of Troy)...

  7. Maybe the game's development is too complicated to give him a sword wave slash attack. It would be nice though if he could have it.

    Actually it was considered back than in SSBB development but it was scrapped because it felt overpowered, but now he has Bandai Namco working under him so they will help him balance the game to be perfect for competitive play.

    ^I don't buy that. xP A couple of FE games for GC and Wii weren't too complicated, surely a 3DS and Wii U game can't be.

    Azuren the Hero: Haha, I had a total of four dreams about Ike's reveal before it actually happened, but the one from the week right before felt the most real. I thought it might be telling me that the real thing was finally near. And a week later, bam! :D

    Blue is my favorite color too and I also like sexy headbands like the one Ike wears! But I love him for his character and his hotness too. I like strong hunky guys as well, and that's what RD Ike is! x3

    Haha, for me I aspire to be like him :D.

  8. Oh, I agree, he is the most badass. ^^ And I want that Ragnell waveslash too! I can't believe Ike didn't already have it, in fact. He does have pretty good aerial moves too, I noticed! And he's so strong, Snake is afraid of him! lol

    Remember the conversation thingies he has? He said he doesn't want to get near Ike! Haha.

    Lol, It's such a nice thing to find another Ike fanatic like me, for me Ike was a character that was made for me specifically, seriously, I love huge 2 handed swords and my favourite color is blue, and I really like headbands and a solo shoulderpad !.

    In fact the day Ike was revealed I had a dream about SSBU, in that dream it had every character in the video game world except for Ike, I was so frustrated, once I woke up I realized it was a dream, and I opened the Super Smash site and my heart stopped for a whole second when I saw Ike's picture in his badass getup!

    Until now I still can't believe that he actually exist!

  9. Hello guys, how do you do ?

    Yeah, but Ike almost feels like a new character now lol. I wonder if he'll be a little heavier and stronger with this new model? I mean, muscle adds more weight to a person as well as strength.

    Well that's true, he does feel like a new character, but that won't stop him from being the most badass ever known to gaming, I just want him to get his Ragnell wave slash, I want his Quick draw to be cancel-able like in project M, Hopefully his Back-air remain intact because it's seriously the best attack in SSB. ever, hopefully Ike aerials remain intact.

    Anyways our boy is back to kick some ass and take some names.

  10. Oh, here's the PoR version of the theme for reference. :)

    EDIT: There we go. lol Couldn't get it to work at first for some reason.

    This...the orchestration and instruments make it sound like it belong to that era, basically all the PoR themes were like that...

  11. I'm not very far, I just found it my local used game store, and figured, oh, I've been looking for this game. Twenty dollars? Alright. The ballistas in Lyn's mode are really screwing me up. I also hate how in Shadow Dragon, they force you to sacrifice someone. I chose Frey, because Cain and Abel are awesome.

    You should play Path of Radiance, because it's GBA series + SNES meshed in one game, you get the mechanics of the SNES series and you get the Soul of the GBA series...

    @ Everyone:

    I love awakening very much but I have one single criticism on that game, don't you think Fire Emblem Awakening is Soulless, out of character?

  12. Well, for me I begun Playing Fire Emblem with Blazing Sword, I was oblivious to the series before, I loved everything about it, the problem I didn't finish Blazing Sword because it turned out the copy I had was a bootleg, so I decided to wait for Path of Radiance, and when it got released bought in the first day and finished it in 2 weeks, then I found out that Fire Emblem had alot of games before Path of Radiance, and I made my ultimate goal to play and finish every single Fire Emblem game and I did :).

  13. I can see why you guys would hate us because we're asking about stupid stuff that you guys think is obvious. It's natural, and I feel the same way whenever my cousins start to play games I'm good at. Anyway, I'm branching off into other Fire Emblem games, and I'm currently playing Blazing Sword and Shadow Dragon, as well as working on my Awakening No Dark-Magic Lunatic Run thing.

    Well not really, these stupid question are actually the good side of the fanbase, and don't "us", aslong you branched of you are now one of us :), I just don't want to see those fans who are just in it because it's the the new hip.

  14. Well I understand your points and I'm willing to support the new fans( most of the fans that I'm talking about exist in Neogaf), as a fan of Fire Emblem I would love for the franchise to grow, but I don't want what happened to Legend of Zelda after Ocarina of Time, to happen to Fire Emblem, after OoT the Zelda fanbase became one of (if not) the most horrible gaming fanbase, back then in Serenes I loved coming here and talk to people who knew Fire Emblem for what it is...but now all these new fans make Awakening as if it was the first Fire Emblem to do all this....

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